Beautiful Distraction

Sniper follows me outside.

The ride to the barn only takes me a few minutes. Brenna might be the quietest horse, but she’s a real cannon. Thanks to all the riding lessons I’ve had with Kellan (not all have involved a horse), I’m not afraid of riding her. The only thing I still refuse to learn to ride is a bull, even though it’s a tradition among the Boyd brothers. It took me a whole week to convince Kellan to give it up for the time being out of fear that he might break his neck.

As I’m nearing the barn, I can make out the horses in the meadows, but there is no sign of Kellan.

I dismount Brenna and bind her to a post.

“Kellan?” I call out and cock my head to listen.

There’s no reply, which can only mean Kellan is either busy with a horse inside the barn and can’t hear me, or he’s writing a new song and has his headphones on.

I heave a little sigh and stroll through the open doors of the barn, freezing in place.

The entire ceiling is covered in red, heart-shaped balloons. The walls have been painted off-white. LED light curtains bathe the entire place in a beautiful glow.

Pink confetti and rose petals litter the spread-out rug.

On the right side, tables and chairs have been set up, as though we’re having a party. On the far end, people have gathered, among which I spy Mandy, my parents, Josh, and Kellan’s brother Ryder. Even Cash is here, which must be a sure sign that someone has died because the guy’s either glued to one of his clubs’ décor or the back of a bull.

I stare, unsure what’s going on, when my gaze catches Kellan’s. He’s dressed in a tailored suit that manages to emphasize his broad shoulders and narrow hips. And is that a haircut? Compared to his usual jeans and shirt and tousled hair, he looks so different I’m not sure this is the same person I’m dating.

People begin to follow his line of vision, and within seconds, everyone’s staring at me.

What the heck?

Someone takes my hand. It’s the neighbor’s kid—a chubby five-year-old girl in a beautiful dress.

“What’s going on?” I mumble.

The kid tugs at my hand, leading me through the crowd to Kellan.

He’s standing on a makeshift platform, cradling a microphone in his hand. Behind him, Ryder and Cash arrange their guitar and bass.

Cash nods at me encouragingly, and Mandy smiles. I think I’m pretty good at reading faces, so I know something’s going on, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out what this is all about.

Why’s everyone here?

Was I so involved in my work that I forgot about a birthday party?

I shoot Kellan a questioning look. He nods at his brothers, and they start playing.

His beautiful green eyes pierce me a moment before he starts to sing, his voice raw and gritty and breathtaking.

She chipped my car No words she said

Left me behind with a scar

As she drove miles away

In a Ford as old as my pop

So I called Ryder, who’s a cop

Who are you,

My check torn in two

My heart in a strange place

Don’t know your name

Wish I could see you one more time

To tell you that I’ll make you mine

To teach you how to make love on the floor

Make you plead and scream for more

City girl,

I’m only a cowboy

I know this will drive you insane

But when I say I want you to stay

I mean it for real and for life

Oh baby,

When you hear this song

Better listen

It’s the song you don’t wanna miss

Beautiful, sexy, hot and kind

Just a few words that come to mind

When I look at you

All I wanna do

Happy, joyful, excited, and mad in love

Pound, pulse, shudder, throbbing

Just a few words that come to mind

When I look at you

All I wanna do

Oh baby,

When you hear this song

Better listen

It’s the song you don’t wanna miss

When I look at you

All I wanna do

He kneels before me, grinning, and the music stops—in the middle of the refrain. The silence is heavy and thick, as though everyone’s forgotten to breathe. I stare at Kellan, whose right hand is reaching for mine, while his left hand is still holding up the mic.

His magnetic eyes are on me, and I can tell he is shaking.

I feel faint.

The sudden silence is too much. Earthshattering.

My heart is slamming hard against my chest, and I realize tears have gathered in my eyes. I’m shaking too.

I know what he is about to do, but I can’t grasp the meaning of it.

My dream is so close, I can almost taste it, and yet it feels so far out of reach, it might as well be just that—