Beautiful Distraction

“Too much of what? Sexiness?”

“No, dude.” I shake my head in disbelief. “You’re too much to handle. Too much obnoxiousness.”

“I never thought I’d hear a woman say something like that to me. It’s usually the other way around, you know?” His smile breaks into a grin. “Are you sure you’re even a woman?”

I scowl. “Trust me, I’m as much of a woman as you’re a man.”

“Prove it.”

He’s playing me.

I cock my head, annoyed that he’d think I’m so easy to trick. “If you think I’m going to flash you my breasts while you get to show me your private parts, you’re wrong.”

Yeah, no need to show them to me when I’ve already seen them.

And they’re huge.

There’s a strange look in his eyes. I still don’t know if he saw me watching him last night, but I sure as hell won’t be asking.

“I’m messing with you. But you’ve got to admit it would have been nice.”

I smirk. “Yeah, if we were five-year-olds.”

“If I were a five-year-old, I would have said, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. But like I said, I never have to ask. It’s always the other way around.” He leans forward. His stubble grazes my skin, and for a moment, I think he’s about to kiss me. His hot breath brushes my lips as he says, “I’m perfectly well-endowed and will be happy to show you if you ask…nicely.”

He leans back, his green eyes challenging me with so much fire it takes my breath away.

I’m stunned. Lost for words. I don’t know what to say. But I know how I feel. I’m turned on by the memory in my head.

His hand wrapped around his hard cock is all I can think about. It drives me crazy. It takes all my willpower not to look down at his crotch.

“Not going to happen,” I mumble, more to myself than to him.

“Now it’s my turn,” Kellan says coolly. “You told me your opinion of me, so it’s only fair that I tell you what I think your problem is.”

My breath catches in my throat.

I so don’t like where this is going.

“I’m not interested in what you think my problem is because I don’t have one.”

“You see, Ava,” Kellan says slowly, “you’re a good girl, which is why I irritate you. I’m the kind of guy you’ve avoided all your life. The kind of guy you’re too scared to fuck because you’re too scared to let go of your inhibitions.”

“That’s not true.” I open my mouth to protest some more. He presses the tip of his index finger against my lips, instantly silencing me.

“Don’t misunderstand me. You enjoy sex, and you look like you’re not half bad at it. But I’ll take you beyond the boring, predictable kind you’re used to. In fact, I can teach you a few things you’ll really enjoy. Things that will make your last orgasm seem like a waste of time. Then you’ll see why bad boys who are ‘too much for you’ always get the girls.”

Coming out of this jerk’s mouth, it all sounds like an insult.

He’s so right about me, I feel a strong need to vehemently deny it. But I can’t because he’d know. Sure, I have experience, but none of my previous partners had a body like his.

They all had been nice guys.

None of them had been arrogant and rich.

Or so fucking self-assured that I might just want to find out if his words carry any truth to them.

I’m about to tell him to fuck off in not so nice words when Kellan releases me, leaving me both breathless and strangely elated at the thought that he wants me.

He hasn’t answered a single one of my questions.

However, he doesn’t need to. It’s not like I’m interested in his life story or in his job. He’s looking for fun. That part’s pretty obvious. And as much as I’m trying to deny it, the truth is I’m into a bit of fun, too.

We might just have something in common.

Except I’m single and he is not. That’s never a good basis for anything.

To get involved with someone like him, someone to whom I feel an intense attraction, even if on a purely physical level, could mean that I might get attached along the way.

While people fuck, they also fall in love.

My world never splits its color into white and black. I always get trapped somewhere in between.

I can easily imagine myself falling in love with him.

And then what?

I’m not sure I want to take the risk of having to face that question.

In the silence of the room, Kellan busies himself around the kitchen. His sexy back is turned on me as he grabs the coffee pot and a tray with waffles, and then returns to the table, placing them in the middle together with a bottle of syrup.

When he sits down again, I can’t bear it any longer.

I need to know.

“How can you flirt with me so openly?” I ask. “You’re in a relationship.”

“I am?” He looks up, surprised. “Wow. I had no idea.”