Beautiful Distraction

I toss the phone onto the bed and jump up. Maybe Kellan will let me use his landline to call her, which means I’ll have to join him downstairs.

Clutching at my toothbrush and my makeup bag, I head for the bathroom down the hall. On my way there, I peer inside Mandy’s room. Her bag’s still here; the contents of her suitcase are neatly stashed inside the wardrobe. I can’t believe she’s taken the time to unpack, as though she’s not planning on leaving today, as per our agreement.

It still doesn’t make sense why she’d just leave without asking me to tag along.


I freeze as the sudden realization hits me.

She left so I’d get to spend time alone with Kellan…and get rid of the cobwebs between my legs.

I know that because that’s exactly what someone like Mandy would do.

Obviously, I’ll have to tell my idiot best friend her attempt was in vain.

I won’t sleep with him. Full stop. I’m a woman who has morals, or at least someone who attempts to have morals.

As soon as I step in front of the mirror, I cringe.

My hair is a mess, and my eyes are swollen, framed by dark circles.

I look like a ragdoll.

Kellan didn’t seem to mind much though.

He seems to want me, just as much as I want him. I just don’t have the faintest idea why.

Why am I even asking myself this question?

Whatever the answer is, I have to run from him without letting him know that I’m doing so. While I wouldn’t mind a bit of fun, my heart beats a bit too fast around him, which is never a good sign.

I throw on yesterday’s jeans and top, run a hand through my hair, then apply some mascara and a sheer shade of red lipstick. Finally, I head out the door, confident that I can do this.


I can’t do this.

Breathing in and out, I let my gaze brush over the kitchen, which is a manly thing decorated in lots of dark wood and expensive stainless steel.

The kitchen is huge and probably the only modern part of the house, with its east side entirely made of glass. Outside, the woods stretch out for miles. In the distance, a lake shimmers in the bright light. Without a doubt, the place is quite the sight.

But compared to Kellan, it’s nothing.

He busies himself with pouring two mugs of steaming coffee and shoveling several layers of what I assume is toast onto a plate next to boiled eggs, cheese, bacon, and waffles. Next, he resumes making us an omelet as well. He takes his sweet time, which gives me plenty of opportunity to stare at the dark tips of his hair brushing the collar of his shirt. From his broad shoulders to his low-hanging jeans and cowboy boots—everything screams rural life.

And holy hotness!

If I didn’t know any better, I’d doubt he’s the same person from NYC who was dressed in a tailored suit and exiting the most expensive car I’ve ever seen.

So, what’s he doing here?

Buried deep in my thoughts, I don’t realize that he’s turned around and is now regarding me.

“If you like the view, I’ll be happy to provide a more in-depth one,” Kellan says. The frown lodged between his stunning eyes contradicts the humor in his voice. “In fact, I’m not averse to touching either. I give and take in equal measures.”

I can’t believe he caught me staring.

And what’s with this guy and the sexual innuendoes?

Heat spreads to my face. I turn around hastily, but I know he glimpsed the telltale onset of a major blush.

“There’s nothing to like,” I mumble.

“Sure. So you keep saying, but I bet your panties would tell a different story.”

My breath hitches but only for a moment, until I remember Kellan’s only flirting. He cannot have any idea how much his statement is true.

I cross my legs and watch him as he places two plates and coffee mugs on the table, then plops down in the chair to my right. As he does so, his leg brushes mine. I become so aware of the sudden physical contact that my breath dies in my throat and I almost jump up, my skin seared.

“You told your friend about me,” he says.

His statement is so sudden I look up in surprise. “What makes you say that?”

“It’s a fact.”

“Yes.” I take a sip of my coffee and burn my tongue in the process. “Obviously I did in case you were a creep or stalker or whatever.”

Damn Mandy!

Why can’t she ever keep her big mouth shut?

Kellan gestures at my plate. It’s still in front of me, untouched. “Do you like your omelet?”

Trying to play nice, I grab the fork and taste it. “I do.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

I incline my head. “You should. You’re a good cook.”

“And you’re a good guest.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I mumble. “You said you got your car repaired?”

Thankfully, he pulls back, and I find myself able to breathe again.

“You can’t repair a Lamborghini, Ava.” He’s looking at me like I’m completely mad for even suggesting such an outrageous thing. “I tried and then I traded it in for a new one.”