Beautiful Distraction

I don’t know how I made it through the ‘talk’ without fainting from sheer mortification and growing arousal, as Jett started negotiating the things he wanted to do to me and some of which he expected in return. The expectations were pretty sketchy because, to put it in his own words, he left them to my imagination which, to be honest, was already running wild. I had never met someone who could talk about sex so openly and in such a controlled yet sexy manner. Maybe it was his deep, rumbling voice, or the details he seemed so happy to discuss, but by the time we finished the ‘talk’ I was so turned on, I couldn’t wait to get started.

In the end I picked up the contract on my way back from the restroom, and we talked some more until we decided to give it a two-month trial run, see how it went, and take it from there. By the time we had eaten our dessert, a delicious tiramisu Jett said was bought at a pannetteria, we had also finished the wine bottle and had drunk our way through half of the second. The kitchen was spinning, the cabinets had become a big white blur, and my glass seemed to be constantly empty while his never seemed to empty at all.

“I think I’m drunk.” I giggled as I tried to stand and miserably failed, falling back into my chair. How much time had passed? It seemed as though we had been talking for hours.

Jett smiled, though I couldn’t really tell with all the spinning. It might have just as well been a smirk. “You’re not much of a drinker, huh?”

I tried to shake my head, signaling that I wasn’t indeed, but the motion didn’t bode well with my stomach.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” I said, shame burning through me. I didn’t mean to drink the whole bottle. It must have been my nerves.

Seriously, Steward, how can you get that drunk in front of your boss…twice?

Maybe it was that seafood. It was a bit salty and made me thirsty, but that I wouldn’t tell him. He was the first man who cooked for me. He deserved my respect and praise.

“Let’s get you some fresh air,” Jett said. His arms traveled around my waist to steady me as he guided me through the hall and out onto the balcony.

The night sky was pitch black with a million stars sparkling like tiny diamonds. He sat onto a recliner and pulled me onto his lap. My ass settled against his crotch and I instantly froze. The drunken bubble around me lifted, maybe from the cold air that rustled the leaves and stirred the water shimmering in the moonlight. Or maybe it was his hot and heavy breath on my neck that made me realize this was it. We had signed the contract and now he wanted to seal it.

Jett’s hand moved up my abdomen but instead of the fondling I expected, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back against his chest until his heat seeped into my clothes, warming me up.

“Feeling better?” he whispered.

I nodded.

“Then relax.”

His words were a sharp command, which I didn’t dare ignore. Taking a mouthful of fresh air, I ordered my muscles to relax and my mind to clear.

“When I fuck you I want you to remember each and every kiss, every moan, every scream, every sensation about the way I feel inside of you,” Jett whispered. His arms tightened around me as he moved his crotch against my jeans. The coarse material rubbed through my wet panties against my swollen folds, making me ache with desire. My heartbeat accelerated and the tender buds of my breasts tightened.

Leaning into him, I trailed my fingertips up his shirt and brushed my lips against his. His mouth tasted of wine and him. The cloud in my head lifted as my pulse spiked with desire.

“Obviously you’re intoxicated, Brooke, and I’m not going to risk you not remembering half of what we’d be doing,” Jett continued. “I’m not going to take you tonight. You’re safe…for now.”

His deep, dark voice sent a pulsating sensation between my legs, and in that instant I regretted drinking so much.


“The Lucazzone files,” Jett said, tossing a thick blue file on top of my desk. The sound travelled all the way from my ears into my brain, causing a few neuron fibers to fire up pain in the process.

And dammit, did he have to shout like that? Or look so damn yummy when all I wanted was to roll into a ball to die?

I shot him a desperate glance. “I’ll have a look at it.”

As soon as I can keep my eyes open without flinching from the glaring light flooding in through the high bay window.

“I need you to familiarize yourself with it, but don’t take too long.” Jett’s brows furrowed into the sexiest frown I had ever seen. “The owner’s health is deteriorating. We want his estate before—” He trailed off, leaving the rest to my imagination.

I knew what he was about to say.

Before the old man kicks the bucket.