Beautiful Distraction

“No, I wasn’t.”

Thinking he’d elaborate I waited a few seconds, but he remained silent. His reticence didn’t come as a surprise. There were only two types of guys: the ones who talked about their childhood to get sympathy and cheat their way into a woman’s panties, and the ones who bottled up because talking about the past, be it good or bad, required them to open up more than they wanted. While Jett didn’t look uncomfortable, he definitely belonged in the second category.

I thought back to everything I knew about Mayfield Realties. The company had been a major player in the real estate market for over fifty years, with a profit margin of several hundred million. Jett’s family had been rich long before he was even born, so his statement made no sense to me. But I knew enough about men not to press the issue. For one, it wasn’t really my place as Jett’s employee. And then there was also the fact that most men find questions prying. We hadn’t yet reached that particular level of intimacy that sanctions curiosity.

“Did you take a look at the contract?” Jett asked.

Oh, boy.

Heat immediately rushed to my cheeks. I put my fork down and drained my wine glass. He hurried to refill it. “As a matter of fact, I did.”

“And what do you think?” His voice was nonchalant and his expression non-descript. If he felt the least bit embarrassed talking about a sex contract, he showed no signs of it.

Damn him and his overinflated confidence. I bet he got at least a dozen women to sign contracts like this. The thought sent a bolt of jealousy straight to my heart, which should have made me reconsider my decision. Yet it didn’t. I wanted this just as badly as he did, maybe even more.

“It looks well-drafted. You put much thought into it.” I gritted my teeth at my own words. Yep, he put much thought into it the first time around with the first woman he wanted. Now it had probably become nothing but standard procedure.

“Actually, my lawyers did all the work.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair with a devilish grin. “Will you sign?”

I laughed. No pressure there. “I don’t usually sleep with my boss.”

“I know. James is gay.”

“That’s not what—”

“Brooke,” he cut me off. “I’ll have to be honest. When I first saw you, I felt an instant attraction. I told you I wanted you and still do, more than ever.... but I can’t make mistakes. Not in my position.”

He was rich and successful, and that’s what rich and successful people do to protect themselves. “No need to explain.” I moistened my lips nervously, unable to peel my gaze off him as he continued.

“You can’t deny the attraction. And,” he paused briefly, as though to prepare his words, “I think we’re fooling ourselves in thinking we’ll be able to get over it. There’s no way this constant sexual tension won’t make working together hard, if not impossible.”

His eyes searched mine as his fingers slid over the table to caress my cheek. “I want to get to know you. You can stop any time; get out any time you want. I just don’t want things to be awkward between us just because we have those needs.”

He was right. Once more, I was reminded of the fact that desire would probably render us unable to work together. I was a grown woman with needs, living in a sexually liberated world. Guys do it all the time, so why not women too? Where’s the equality in that? Sylvie liked to mention the same argument whenever she engaged in sexual activity outside of a relationship.

I was all for equality. I just had values. Was that so wrong? Maybe it was time to push my old-fashioned values aside.

Jett stood and pulled me up, wrapping his arms around my waist. We were so close his hot breath lingered an inch away from my mouth, singing my skin. “What are you afraid of?” he whispered.

You. This.

The fact that I had never felt this much lust for anyone in my entire life. Sure I got horny like everyone else, but the want currently consuming me wasn’t natural. It was sinful, naughty, scary.

“Let me show you what real sex is like,” Jett whispered, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Let me make you come like you’ve never come before.”

Oh, god.

I opened my mouth to speak and in my head there was this long list of points that needed negotiation. My imaginary speech was elaborate and articulate, yet the only word that made it out was a simple and choked, “Yes.”