Bait & Switch (Alphas Undone #1)

Daniella laughed abruptly, a humorless burst of shocked surprise, as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What did he say?”

“He’s still thinking it over. I’m not sure what he wants.” My voice grew quiet, my own doubts obvious in my tone. “I’m not sure if my ultimatum will drive a wedge between us, or if it will mean the end for you and him.”

Daniella’s eyes widened just slightly, but enough for me to know that the idea scared her. “So you couldn’t handle it after all . . . us fucking the same man.”

I twisted my hands in my lap. “Actually, Nolan and I . . . we haven’t had sex.”

Daniella’s posture stiffened as the color drained from her face. “Well, that changes everything.”

“How so?”

“Because that’s not how Nolan operates. Never has. I thought you were a random booty call, someone to give him the vanilla he liked on the side. But if you haven’t even slept with him, it’s obvious he has real feelings for you.”

Simultaneous hope and dread bloomed inside my chest. The beginning of a real relationship with Nolan meant everything to me, but it would also mean coming clean about my past. Whether I was ready or not.

“Listen,” Daniella said, “if this is what you want, and if it’s what he wants, I’m not going to stand in the way. Ultimately, it’s up to Nolan.”

I nodded.

Now, we would just have to wait and see.

Chapter Seventeen

Stuffing the essentials into a black duffel bag, I go over my plan again. Rope. Check. Zip ties. Check. Directions to get the fuck out of town if this goes south. Check.

The desire for revenge boils under my skin. I’m hot, edgy, and unsatisfied. Vengeance is now so close I can taste it in the air.

If circumstances had been different, if you’d followed what you were supposed to do . . . maybe I could have made this easier on you. But there’s no going back now. I’ll see to it that you suffer.

You ruined what I once held dear. Ruined everything I built for myself. And now you’re going to pay. I’m almost giddy with excitement, picturing your face as you realize what’s happening.

Zipping up the duffel bag, I check my phone again. Now it’s time. Time for you to pay.

Chapter Eighteen


I had to end my old life before I could begin my new one. Of course, knowing that didn’t make the task any easier. I waited for two days to break the bad news to Daniella, with the excuse that she had back-to-back nursing shifts and I wanted her full, well-rested attention. I used the time to rehearse my words over and over. But there was no painless way to tell someone you weren’t compatible.

The moment came when I got home from work that evening. Sutton was snoring on his favorite armchair, sprawled out like a pudgy beanbag, and Daniella was reading on the couch. She had almost finished the sci-fi novel she’d started a few short weeks ago.

Back then, I had thought that nothing could disrupt our safe, sterile peace. Everything had changed so fast, fallen so completely out of balance. Even if I could bring myself to abandon Lacey now, life with Daniella would never be quite the same.

There was no longer any doubt in my mind about what I wanted. As much as I dreaded this conversation, as much as it would hurt Daniella, I knew that staying in denial would hurt all three of us even more.

Daniella tensed at the sound of my footsteps. As if my nearness hurt her, as if she knew what was coming. But there was no other way. All I could do was make the cut as quick and clean as possible.

“Hey,” I called out, as if she didn’t already know I was home. “How are you?”

She dropped her book on her chest to look at me. “My day was okay. Sutton was acting crazy earlier, running around and barking at nothing.”

“Sutton, running? Are we talking about the same lazy asshole here?” My laugh fell painfully flat.

Daniella shrugged. “I saw him do it. Maybe he thought something was happening outside.”

I crossed the room and sat down on the chair’s arm. “So, there’s, um . . .” Why couldn’t I make my mouth work? I tried again. “I have to tell you something.”

She blinked slowly. “It’s about Lacey, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” I wondered if she knew what was coming, but I pushed on anyway. “I never intended for this to happen.” Damn it, Nolan, just get it out. “Things have . . . changed.”

She nodded sadly in acknowledgment, waiting for me to continue. But the words stuck in my throat, leaving us in awkward silence for several seconds. Our perfect little bubble had popped, despite our best efforts.

“Do you love me?” she finally asked, her voice whisper soft.

I hesitated, just long enough for the seeds of doubt to grow. “Of course I do.”

A single tear rolled down her cheek. “It’s okay. I want the truth.”

My throat tightened, and I couldn’t answer. Couldn’t look her in the eye and say the words I knew would crush her. God, this was excruciating. I took a deep breath.