Baby Doll

“What happened, Abby? You’ve been making such good progress.”

Dr. Amari had to know what had happened at the high school. She was a woman who never saw her patients without having all the answers. But if Abby wanted to see Lily, she had no choice but to play along.

“It was Mr. Hanson who took Lily! Our English teacher kidnapped her. All these years… all these fucking years. When I saw him today, when I realized what happened, I… I lost it. But I’m okay now. I’ll be okay.”

“You understand that I have an obligation to keep you and your baby safe?”

“I’m not going to hurt it.”


Abby closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Damn it. She hated shrinks, hated how they analyzed every goddamn word.

“I’m not going to hurt the baby. I’m not going to hurt anyone.”

Dr. Amari slowly stood up.

“That’s good to hear. I’ve spoken with Lily and I’m willing to transfer you to her room so you can spend the night together. But you have to take care of yourself and your baby.”

“Yes. Please. I’ll do whatever you want if I can just see Lily. Please…”

“I’ll put in the orders now. But Abby, listen to me, I know how happy you are. You and Lily deserve time to reconnect. But I’m going to encourage you both to begin counseling immediately. It will be a difficult adjustment period for everyone.”

“Absolutely. As soon as Lily’s settled, we’ll make an appointment.”

Apparently satisfied with Abby’s response, Dr. Amari headed off to make the arrangements.

Relieved, Abby leaned back and closed her eyes. No way that was ever going to happen. Hell would freeze over before Abby would see another shrink. The only reason she’d needed one in the first place was because Lily was gone. Now that her sister was home, Abby was going to get her life back on track.

She was still thinking about all the things she was going to do with Lily, all of the things she wanted to tell her, when she heard a voice at the door.


She saw Wes lingering in the doorway. Abby sat up, touching her stomach involuntarily, feeling her entire body clench.

“What are you doing here?”

She thought she’d made herself clear in the squad car today. Crystal fucking clear. Wes ignored Abby’s raised voice.

“I had to make sure that everything… that you and Lily were both all right. That the baby was all right.”

He’d moved over and sat beside her, grabbing her hands in his. She’d always been comforted by his touch. The first night after Lily was gone, he’d wrapped his arms around her, his six-foot-four frame towering over her. She’d relied on him for so much. But that was before Lily came back. Now she couldn’t worry about him or what he wanted. Abby had never kept anything from her sister. But this… Lily had loved Wes. She’d loved him more than anything. Every single second of Lily’s life before she vanished had been about Wes and their relationship. It had driven Abby crazy.

“Wes and I are going to the movies.”

“We have to go see Wes’s grandmother.”

“Wes and I aren’t sure what we’re doing for spring break.”

Abby used to tease Lily. “We-we-we all the way home.” It wouldn’t make sense to Lily that she and Wes had gotten together. Lily would never understand. How could she?

“Listen to what I’m saying, Wes. Give me… give us some space.”

He pulled his hand away but his gaze never left hers.

“I know you think everything is about you, Abby. But it’s not. I loved Lily… She was my first love.”

Abby stared at him, unblinking. He’d never once talked about his feelings for Lily since they’d gotten together, and now he was saying this, making it about him. She tried not to let it bother her, listening as he continued.

“I was concerned about you and Lily and our baby. Now that I know everyone is safe, I’ll leave. But Lily needs to know about us. I’m not saying that you have to tell her today, but she’s going to find out. It will be better if it comes from you.”

He stood up and leaned down to kiss her good-bye. She let him. Give him what he wants and he’ll obey. As he headed out, Abby knew she was being unfair but there was nothing she could do. She had to get rid of him. Maybe a restraining order? Abby was still contemplating her options when Carol, a fellow nurse, arrived to transport her to Lily’s room. Abby wanted to walk but Carol wasn’t having it.

“I’m not going to break the rules, even for you. Hop in. Your chariot awaits.” Abby obliged. Carol wheeled Abby down the halls, chatting excitedly about the blessing they’d all been given. Abby ignored her prattling, still thinking about what to do with Wes.

At the entrance to Lily’s room, Abby stood, watching her sister sleep, breathing in and out, a slow, steady rhythm. As if she sensed Abby’s arrival, Lily’s eyes fluttered open. Beside her, Sky slept on, exhausted after their ordeal.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Abby said.

“You didn’t. I was only resting my eyes.”

Hollie Overton's books