“I guess you won’t be needing her ass now.”

When their leader hit the ground, the other two pounced, slamming Dash with hard hits that would have made a lesser man fall. Dash amazingly proved capable of defending himself and stood his ground against the vicious blows, a skill that could only be acquired through fighting.

I watched him kick jock one in the ass and send him flying to the ground and left with a mouth full of grass. “You’ve proved your point. Leave them alone.”

“But I was just beginning to sweat.”

I huffed, feeling tingly in places that had yet to be awakened. Afraid I would be caught lusting after someone unobtainable to me, I did what any person with a brain would do.

“I’m leaving.”

I didn’t wait around for an answer and stomped away feeling like a child throwing a temper tantrum. I only wish I knew why I was irritated. I had been having an okay day, though a little boring, when he came along and screwed it up with his half smiles and addictively sweet dimples.

“Will you stop walking away from me?” I had heard the growl before I felt an arm wrap around my waist to haul me backward.

“I don’t recall giving you permission to touch me.”

“Don’t you feel safe?” he whispered against my neck. The feel of his breath smoothing over my skin was too good. It was embarrassing how my legs actually trembled.

“I feel violated.”

Rather than let me go, he brought me closer. Oh, God… my ass was actually resting against his… his…

“Is that why you’re blushing?”



When I woke up hours later in a sweat after succumbing to boredom, I didn’t remember falling asleep. I attributed my soaking skin to the rich leather of the enormous couch and the hours I spent sleeping rather than the dream I had of the first time I felt Dash’s body against mine. My damp blouse stuck to my skin and my hair, if possible, curled even more.

“One day in his presence and I’m already a simpering idiot,” I muttered bitterly. After a long and lazy stretch, I stood to my feet and let my gaze travel the front room, searching for a clue to my freedom. The entire day had passed, and I knew Dash would be true to his word and be back soon. His eyes had promised. I ignored the sudden racing of my heart and thought about taking a cold shower until I remembered I had no clothing other than my clothes from yesterday. They remained in my backpack—which was never returned to me.

Irritated, I stomped over to the door and swung it open. The platinum guard jumped to attention and watched me warily. “My backpack. Where is it?” I was rude, but I didn’t have the patience for false pleasantries.

“I don’t know about a backpack, girl. Go back inside.”

“Do you know when he will be back?”


“You must be so important to the team.” My sarcasm wasn’t lost on him judging by the scowl.

“I follow orders.”

“I’m sure you do.” I closed the door and sunk against it, wondering once again how I ended up here. Of all the things Dash was capable of, I never thought he would hold me against my will.

Maybe he has the code written down somewhere…

With renewed strength, I rushed through the apartment, turning every doorknob until I came across a door that was, unfortunately, locked. Another door revealed a room that appeared to be a guest bedroom with the addition of toys scattered about and various teddy bears. Against better judgment, I ventured further inside and picked up a stuffed turtle with a bandana tied around its face like a mask.


It was still hard to believe Sheldon had a kid… with Keenan of all people. He had been the biggest * hound of Bainbridge High, who I had pegged as someone with commitment issues. When he ran away four years ago, my assumptions proved to be a fact. I knew one day, I would meet them all face to face again. I never thought it would be on a wedding day.

B.B. Reid's books