I didn’t see or hear from Dash again the rest of the night. He left me alone in his bedroom after violating me with his lips. When I awoke the next morning, I was still reeling from the force of his kiss as if he were still there covering me with his hard body and kissing me brainless. I groaned when my mind decided to replay just how much of a fool I briefly became for him all over again.

It always starts with a kiss. So innocent and simple without promises or commitment.

I shook off the bitter reminder of what almost had been and managed to catch the sound of his brusque voice delivering orders to no doubt one of his lackeys.

I was not to leave.

He shouted the order making it clear it was meant for me to hear. I wondered how he could know I was awake. I quickly sat up and looked around for my purse but didn’t see it in sight. I needed a phone, and I needed money because, despite his orders, I was leaving.

I left the comfort of his large bed and raced to the front room where he stood alone. It gave me pause as I wondered whom he had been speaking to, after all. When he turned to face me, I found a new reason to lose my thoughts. He looked completely devilish in a dark gray, two-piece suit complete with a crisp white shirt and blood red tie.

“What is it, Willow?” He shot me an impatient look and glanced at the large watch on his wrist that I was sure cost more than my mother’s house.

The use of my name, and not the pet name he gave to me, snapped me out of the vegetative state of lust. “Do you plan to let me go anytime soon?” There, I said it. No good morning greetings or familiarities. “I have a flight to reschedule and a life to return to.”

“I’ll be back tonight,” he stated emotionless as he slipped on his suit jacket. “The kitchen is stocked if you’re hungry.”

I tried to mask my frustration. I really did, but I failed. Plain and simple.

“You aren’t deaf or stupid. You know food isn’t what I want. I—” I was silenced by the long fingers pinching my lips together in an infuriating warning for silence. I never even saw him move.

“What you want isn’t my concern. You came back and now you won’t be leaving.”

I attempted to speak, but he only gripped my lips tighter. I could only use the power of my glare to convey my contempt and hope that none of the misplaced desire I felt shone through—but my body burned with it, but I’d be damned if he’d see.

“I have nothing I wish to hear from you, Angel. Therefore, you have nothing to say. As I said, I’ll be back tonight. The kitchen has food.”

The cold, crisp tone of his voice gave me chills and simultaneously, made me want to obey. To add insult, he assaulted me with an especially invasive kiss while he groped my ass before leaving me trapped in an empty apartment—his empty apartment, which was now my cage. I stood dumbfounded and without a single thought other than his kiss and the promise it held before I came to and snapped into action.

I ran for the door thinking there was surely a stairway in case of a fire. The door was without locks and with one tug, it opened. My victory was short lived by the presence of a man with platinum blond hair and more muscles than humanly necessary waiting in the private corridor.

Think, Willow. Think.

“Um… Hi.” I tried for a cheery tone to mask my deception.

“Ms. Waters,” he greeted brusquely. He watched me warily from his position waiting for what I might do. “Is there something you need?”

“I have a small request.”

“Go on.”

“If you could unlock the elevator, I’ll be on my way.”

“You are aware I cannot do that.”

I feigned inconvenience and confusion, hoping to win my way over the burly guard who looked as if he would rather be any place but here. “You’re his employee, are you not?”

“You can say that.”

“Is kidnapping part of the job description?”

“When the occasion calls for it.”

B.B. Reid's books