“Calm down, Miss.”

“Are you out of your mind? Let me out.” My breathing quickened when I caught sight of the exit as we drove toward it. We finally came to a stop near a service road, but by now, the man had my hands cuffed. All I could do was kick and scream. My shoes had long flown off and rested on the car floor. I expected the man to lash out or hit me, but he remained stoic and silent, occasionally checking his watch as if waiting for something. In the meantime, I called him every name in the book and cursed his mother, too.

I was still cursing his mother by the time the door opened and another person entered. “Now there is no need for that. Just because your mother is a manipulative bitch doesn’t give you the right to insult his,” the familiar deep voice scolded. “Thank you, John.” The man nodded and silently exited the car.

“You son of a bitch.” I screamed and lunged at Dash, forgetting momentarily that my hands were cuffed until I fell onto my knees after tripping over my shoes. My upper body rested in his lap while his hands remained at his sides.

“Exactly what were you planning to do?”

“I hate you.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“It’s the only one you’re getting.”

“Well, then. Let’s try another question.”

“I won’t answer.”

“We’ll see.” His hands lifted me by my arms and into the seat while continuing to watch me with equal parts amusement and anger. “Let’s start with an easy one. Where were you going?”

“You mean you don’t know?”

“Would I be asking if I did?”

“Then how did you find me?”

“I had you followed.” He shrugged as if stalking wasn’t a big deal. “It wasn’t hard to figure out your next move.”

“Well, since you’re so good at it, predict the next one because I’m not telling.”

“Fine.” He reached for me, and I sunk back into the seat, unable to do little else. However, instead of grabbing me as I expected, he grabbed my purse.

“You’re not going to find the answer in there. Give me my purse.”

He ignored me and dumped the contents of my purse on the floor. I watched my wallet, keys, gum, and other miscellaneous shit scatter across the floorboard. When a tampon emerged, I nearly died. He flicked it toward my feet with an amused smirk, increasing my embarrassment.

“Bastard,” I couldn’t help but mutter.

“You have no idea how true that is, but you’re about to find out.”

“Let me out Dash and go away. Go back to your perfect little world.”

“You don’t know shit about my world. Once upon a time, I thought you would be my world, but you proved you were less than interested.”

“Then why are you?”

“Because I no longer care what you want… and I don’t trust you.”

“I don’t remember needing you to.”

“Yeah, well, you still have some explaining to do after being thrown out of a moving van in my parent’s driveway.”

“I’ve already apologized for that, but if you need to hear it again…”

“I don’t want your apologies. I want an explanation.” He threw my purse on the floor of the luxury car and sat back.

“Well, you’re not going to get one. It’s none of your business.”

“I’m making it my business.” His tone was soft, but the threat behind his statement was unmistakable.

“It’s been four years, Dash. We aren’t friends anymore.”

“We don’t have to be friends for me to care.”

The look in his eyes made me breathless. “You’re confusing me.”

“I’m confusing myself.” The frown that followed was proof. I’d always thought he looked the most adorable when he was frustrated. His boyish looks made me want to pet him and rub my lavish body against his much harder, narrow frame and feel his strength. I felt my thighs quake and gripped them to gain control. I was not going to allow my body to respond to his magnetism.

Dash oozed sex and it was mostly because he was so… uninhibited when it came to sex.

B.B. Reid's books