“Where are you off to in a hurry?”

“Away from here.” My hand was on the doorknob, turning, when I heard, “The least you could do before you run away again is apologize to my sister for ruining her wedding. I’m not sure if you noticed, but she didn’t get married today.”

“No, Dash. It’s okay. Really.”

“The hell it is. She won’t even offer an explanation of how she got here in the first place.”

“I told you—”

“A real explanation.”

“We said our goodbyes a long time ago, Dash. I don’t owe you anything.” I faced Sheldon and ignored the suspicious stare from Lake. “I really am sorry, Sheldon. I never wanted this.”

I didn’t wait around for acceptance because I didn’t deserve it.


I ran as far and fast as I could. No matter how far I got, it never felt safe enough. I still felt Dash’s gaze watching, accusing and assessing. Before I knew it, I was halfway home. There were at least five or six miles between Dash’s parents and mine. My lungs screamed from overuse and my legs burned with ache, but I couldn’t recognize it. I only wanted to feel safe again.

There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.

I walked the remaining two or three miles until I finally made it home. My mother’s beat up car with the faded brown paint sat in the driveway

“Where have you been? I went to the bus stop, but you weren’t there. What happened to your clothes?”

My mom had followed me from the front door, up the stairs, to my old bedroom with her usual rant of questions, never letting me get a word in. Charles had offered a curt greeting but didn’t bother to move from his perch in front of the television, as usual.

“I fell, Mom.”

“But where were you?”

“Where were you?” I snapped. My tone was harsh and unforgiving. Over and over since running from the Chambers Mansion, I thought if she had for once put us first, I never would have laid eyes on Dash or the rest of them again.

“Well, if you were going to stay out this late in the day, you shouldn’t have come at all. What if Charles had been asleep while you come in here with all your ruckus? You know he has trouble sleeping once he’s awake.”

“Come again?”

“You should have just stayed wherever you were instead of bothering us with your nonsense.”

I gritted my teeth and blew out my anger through my nose while praying for patience. “You are the one who insisted I come, remember?”

“Well, what kind of daughter would not visit her parents during the holidays? I don’t know what kind of life you’re leading—only God knows what you’re into these days—but I will not be disrespected.”

“Yes, Mother.” I falsely admitted defeat. I learned early on not to go round for round with my mother.

“Sis?” The deep and now manly voice of my little brother, who was no longer a pimple faced squirt, drifted down from the top of the stairs. I hadn’t seen him in six months, and if possible, he had grown even bigger. His dirty blond locks gave him a boyish appeal, but the rest of him had grown into an adult.

“Buddy, hi!” I ignored my mom and moved up the stairs to give my brother a hug. He enveloped me with his large arms and spun me around.

“You’ve been here for sixty seconds and you’re already at war with Mom.”

“Yeah, I’m looking to break records. What are you still doing here? I thought you would have high tailed it back to school by now.” Buddy’s visits were usually as short as mine were. Our mother was unbearable on a good day, and neither one of us had ever been close to Charles.

“Mom said you were coming, and I couldn’t say no to seeing my little big sister.” He ruffled my hair playfully, and I fought to get away.

“That’s sweet. So the girls aren’t back on campus yet, huh?’

“Not any who are attractive. I’m out of here tomorrow, but speaking of unattractive girls, what happened to you?”

I punched his arm and grumbled, “I fell.”

B.B. Reid's books