Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“What did you think?” he asks.

I reach out and grab her hand, pulling her to my side; thankfully, she doesn’t protest. Not fond of punching one of my best friends, a guy I claim as my brother, but that kiss. . . . Yeah, I could punch his ass right now.

“You guys rocked,” she happily praises him.

“They did, didn’t they?” Logan says as she and Kacen join us.

“It’s a fucking rush,” Gavin chimes in.

I fight the urge to tell them all to fuck off so I can disappear with her. She pulls out of my hold, which pisses me off because she’s now hugging Gavin, then Kacen. I get it; she’s congratulating them, but dammit, she just had her tight little body wrapped around mine.

I miss her heat.

How fucked up is that? I’m losing my fucking mind over this girl.

“Now what?” she asks.

“Now, we shower,” Gavin says, throwing his arm over her shoulder. I watch as he rubs his wet hair against her cheek.

I take a step toward them when Tristan’s arm lands on my stomach, holding me back.

“Tonight, we’re done. Some nights, we have meet-and-greets after the show, even radio or television interviews. Tonight, however, we’re done,” Kacen explains.

Stacy makes eye contact with me. Once she has my attention, she makes a show of lifting Gavin’s arm from her shoulder and stepping next to Logan. I relax, as does Tristan.

“Are you all hungry? I can call and have food delivered to the bus. They do that type of thing, right?” she asks.

“Yes, just tell them who it’s for and they’ll deliver. I’m thinking hoagies,” Logan says.

“Great. Why don’t we head back to the bus and order the food while these sweaty beasts get showered?” Stacy catches my eye again. “Any special requests?”

You. “We’ll eat anything, sweets. Just make sure there’s a lot of it,” I answer.

Kacen motions for the bodyguard to come join us. “Make sure the girls get back to the bus. Can you stay outside until we get there?”

“Yes, sir,” he immediately responds. He talks into his wrist and two more guys appear.

I watch them walk away, not willing to take my eyes off her.

“What the fuck was that?” Tristan asks.

I meet his stare head-on, but say nothing.

“Explain,” Tristan growls. “You were ready to throw down with Gav. It was harmless, man.”

I rub my hands over my face. “I don’t fucking know, all right?”

“You don’t know? You don’t fucking know? Really, Cole? You were ready to punch his ass!” he yells.

“He was touching her!” I yell back.

The three of them stop, mouths hanging open.

Fuck me.

“She got to you.” Kacen is suddenly grinning.

“No. Yes. Hell, I don’t know. This is new territory for me. I’m not the jealous type, but I wanted to punch all three of you for touching her.” I punch Tristan in the arm. “You fucking kissed her.”

He rubs his arm. “Damn, it was just a peck, fucker.”

“Keep your lips away from her, and your dick.” I turn to face Gavin. “That goes for you too.”

“Kace told you not to fuck her,” Tristan chimes in.

Shit. They are never going to let me live this down. I now regret giving Kacen a hard time about Logan.

“I didn’t fuck her,” I mumble.

“I’m sorry, what? I couldn’t hear you. It sounded like you said you didn’t fuck her.” Gavin smirks.

“You heard me. I didn’t fuck her.”

“Holy shit,” Tristan whispers.

Kacen throws his arm over my shoulders. “Welcome to the bright side, my man.”

I turn to look at him. “The bright side?”

He nods. “Yeah, trust me. There’s a lot to be said for being with only one woman.”

“Who said I was only going to be with one woman?”

All three of them throw their heads back in laughter. “Come on, the girls are waiting on us,” Kacen says, dropping his arm and walking off.

We follow behind him, my mind reeling. The jealousy, the way I think of nothing but her, the fact that I can just hang out with her, no sex, and be perfectly content.

What the hell does it all mean?

I made it through my fist week. The shows are selling out, and the guys are constantly hyped on adrenaline. Cole assures me that by the end of the tour, their enthusiasm wanes in comparison to what it is now.


He and I have been spending a lot of time together. We hang out with the others, but when they go their separate ways, we usually end up hanging out. I tell him he can go out, but he never does. In fact, it’s been a week and I’m starting to feel like I’m getting cheated from having the full tour experience.

Kaylee Ryan's books