And Then You

Like I would have anything these people would want to steal.

I can already tell these people are very affluent. Lots of ball gowns, elaborate costumes, expensive renaissance gowns, suits, tuxes… I look down at my packaged costume. I feel underdressed. In my own house! I walk over to the guesthouse and unlock it quickly, dropping my purse on my bed and checking my reflection one last time. Violet was right. The red lipstick really brings out my eyes.

I crack my knuckles nervously, shaking my hands as I pace back and forth. Why am I so nervous? I’m just stopping in, saying hello to Nick, and then I’m leaving. We haven’t spoken alone since the walk at my parents’ house last weekend. So many things were left up in the air… and yet we acted totally normal around each other this week. In the few interactions I’d had with him, he treated me normally, like the nanny. Nothing else hung in the air.

But tonight feels different. Tonight feels electric.

I turn off all of the lights and lock up, putting my keys in one of the spacious pockets in my skirt. I walk through the backyard, keeping my eye out for Nick. I don’t even know what his costume is, so I just keep my eyes out for a tall, brunette man. I don’t see him, or I can’t see him—everyone is wearing a mask. As I approach the back door, a man stops me and hands me a mask. It’s ornate—black and white, and it has a band. I pull it on, adjusting my hat, and head inside.

The house is swarming with people. It doesn’t look like the house I see everyday—the couches and tables have been pushed to the perimeters of each room to make way for all the people, and pumpkins and luminarias dot the floor. It’s actually kind of spooky, because the lights are off, and only candles light the way. There’s no way I’m going to find Nick here. I should’ve brought my phone, called him…

Suddenly, I see him. He’s right in front of me, in the living room. He’s dressed in a suit and I have to stifle a laugh, because I think he’s attempting to be Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. He knows it’s my favorite book. We’ve talked about it before. He’s talking to another man, and I don’t think he recognizes me. I barely recognize him. He’s wearing a mask, too, and he’s wearing a top hat. He at least gets an “A” for effort. I can’t believe he’s here as Mr. Darcy…

Suddenly, I’m overcome with courage. I’m not even drunk, but watching him laughing, talking with his friends, dressed like that… I’m not sure I can hold back any longer. Violet’s words roll around in my head. Take advantage.

The man Nick is talking to walks away, and I duck away. I don’t want him to know it’s me. I walk stealthily to the edge of the room, and there are so many people, it’s not hard to disappear. He makes his way towards the stairs, and I decide it’s now or never. Go upstairs, I urge. I don’t want anyone to see us. That might be weird. This whole thing is weird. But I’m a woman on a mission now.

He walks upstairs. My stomach constricts. Now or never.

I walk upstairs and pull my mask lower. I see him go into his bedroom.

How poetic. Where we met.

He shuts the door slightly. It’s dark in there, and I push the door open, my eyes searching for him. He’s standing at his window, looking out. He’s drinking a beer.

Mr. Darcy drinking a beer, I muse.

Right now, I’m Mary Poppins, and he’s Mr. Darcy. That’s all. We’re no longer Nick and Evianna. We’re anonymous.

He doesn’t hear me come in, and I slowly wrap my arms around his waist. He tenses, but he must know it’s me because he doesn’t move. He turns around, and I let go as he faces me. Damn.

Does he know it’s me?

I don’t say anything. I just stand there. The bolt of courage courses through me, and I can feel my lips urging to be on his. Now or never.

Amanda Richardson's books