An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I sucked in the anger and slowly approached. I heard the rumble of the other motorcycles. Soon there would be a little bit of a crowd. I just needed fucking Trev to collect all the cash he could and get up here.

“I have to call Rocco,” Daxton said. “Tell him what I did.”

“No,” I said. “How did you find her? What happened?”

“Your father,” Daxton said with a grin. “He was looking for a way out of his Irish debts. He was afraid someone was going to kill him.”

I had my chance to kill him. I didn’t. I fucking did this. I put Harlee in this position. All those promises…

“Shit,” I said. “My old man did this?”

“He owed me a little bit too,” Daxton said. “For some stuff. He called me and said you were bringing Harlee. So we cut a deal. He thinks I’m giving him some cash to pay off the Irish. In return, he gave up Harlee. See, Trent, I win. I fucking finally win at this game. You and your MC are dead. Rocco and me are going to come through town with those guns and wipe you out.”

The motorcycles pulled up and I pointed to everyone to hold steady. The van showed up a few seconds later and Austin climbed out. I kept everyone at a distance.

“Where’s the money?” Daxton asked.

“I told you,” I said. “Trev went to get it. We have it at the clubhouse.”

“I’ll call Rocco. We’ll do this right now.”

Daxton fumbled for his phone. If he made that call and shit hit the fan, Harlee would be killed. I had no choice but to turn off all my emotions and focus on the situation at hand. I had to be the enforcer. I had to be the monster.

And that meant when Daxton looked down at his phone, I had no choice but to jump at him.

My shoulder smashed against his face. His gun went off but I couldn’t worry if anyone was shot. I drove him back to the tree, slamming him hard enough that he dropped his phone. He quickly tried to point the gun at me so I had to stop his arm. I hit his arm against the tree and felt his other hand come across and crack me against the jaw. I lost my footing for a split second and Daxton pointed the gun at Harlee.

As he pulled the trigger, I jumped at him again, this time taking him to the ground. We hit with a hard thud and he let the gun go. I popped up and swung a right at him, getting him in the eye. Daxton reached for his gun and swung with his other hand. I blocked the punch but took my eye off his hand as he grabbed the gun again. Instead of shooting, he came across my face with it.

Goddamn, did that fucking hurt.

He swung again and again, opening up closed wounds thanks to that fight with Denis. He then put the gun to my jaw and was suddenly in complete control and power. I was on my ass and he forced me to climb back until I was against the tree.

“Harlee, get over here,” he ordered.

“Don’t do it!” I yelled. “Don’t listen to him, darling.”

“I’ll fucking shoot him,” Daxton said. “Anyone makes a move and Trent is gone. Harlee… walk to me.”

Daxton was on his knees, his left hand out, waiting for Harlee.

She slowly moved toward him.

“Don’t do it!” I yelled.

Daxton pulled the gun away and slammed it against my face. The back of my head cracked against the tree.

It was pain, blood, and more fury building inside me.

I still couldn’t believe my father did this to me. To the MC. To Harlee.

Harlee gave her hand to Daxton and he pulled her close. Then he climbed to his feet and was right back to where he was before. An arm around Harlee, a gun pointed at me.

“Someone get me my fucking money by the time I count to five,” Daxton said. “Or I just start shooting.”

“It’s on its way, man,” I said. I started to climb up the tree to get to my feet but Daxton wasn’t having it. I dropped back down to my ass. I stared at Harlee and hated how helpless the situation was.

The guys couldn’t do anything either. There was no clear shot on Daxton without the risk of me or Harlee getting killed.

“One,” Daxton said.

“I love you, darling,” I said to Harlee. “I’m sorry this happened.”

“I don’t blame you,” she said. “I swear, Trent. I love you, too.”

“Two,” Daxton said.

I put my left hand out and Harlee reached with her right hand.


Our fingertips touched for a second and then Daxton backed up, taking her away from me.


That was all I could take. I forced myself to stand and walked right up to the gun. The move halted Daxton’s counting. His eyes went wide and he knew it was time to shit or get off the pot.

“You’re sure about this?” he asked me.

“Fuck. You.”


Did I have a plan?


The truth was that I was going to grab his arm and pry him away from Harlee. I’d take another bullet, even if it killed me. I told myself in that split second that the MC would step up and keep Harlee as family. She’d forever be my memory.

But before anything like that could happen and before Daxton could finish his breath and say five, there was a thmph sound, followed by a quick spray of blood from the side of Daxton’s head. He stood frozen, shaking, and then he collapsed, taking Harlee with him.

I feared something happened to Harlee but then she started to scream.

Filled with fear, yes, but she was alive.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books