An Immortal's Song (Dante's Circle #6)

At least, he looked like one.

He’d always been ripped, but with the water surrounding him, he looked even more so. His long, blue-green tail swished as he kept the three of them steady. It shined within the depths of the water and looked strong as hell. It was longer than his legs so he had to be at least seven feet now. His skin had taken on a gold hue, and when he moved, Tristan was sure he saw blue-green glitter or scales.

How extraordinary.

They couldn’t speak underwater, but Seth met their gazes, took their hands, and nodded. Before Tristan could think about what they were doing, Seth began to swim.

And holy hell could the man move.

He pulled Tristan and Amara toward a bright light, and Tristan could only marvel at Seth’s powers. He knew Seth was young and still growing in magic, and one day, the man would rival any leader. Tristan couldn’t wait for that.

Before he could truly enjoy the ride, though, they came upon an ancient underground castle. Seth pushed through a barrier and Tristan found himself wet and coughing on his ass while Amara leaned against Seth, catching her breath.

Tristan raised a brow at Seth, who shrugged.

“Sorry for the rough landing,” his lover said with a shy smile. “I’m not used to hauling two people through the border like that. I’ll get it down eventually.” He held out his hand and helped Tristan to his feet. The other man now stood on two legs, rather than a tail, and he even had his jeans on. How merfolk could do that, he didn’t know, but it was a handy gift.

“That was…” Amara said softly then shook her head. “That was awesome.” She smiled wide as she ran her hands over her wet clothes. “We’re going to have to do that again. And I’m going to need a towel.”

Seth kissed her temple while he squeezed Tristan’s hand. “We can get you a towel at my sister’s.”

“Will she be at home, then?” Tristan asked. Calling ahead between realms didn’t always work. In fact, it rarely worked at all. Most places were even on a different linear plane, meaning that time moved differently. They had to be careful how long they stayed in one place if they were planning to meet anyone. In reality, it was only a few moments off between realms for most places. However, the difference between the hell realm and the rest of them was the most significant. Hence, why it was called hell. Well, that and the demons, fire, and lava.

“I’m here, actually,” Calypso said as she made her way toward them. She looked like Seth, her long, chestnut hair hanging in waves down her back and over her shoulders. She was only a few inches shorter, as well; which meant she was pretty damn tall. “We don’t have time to waste,” she said quickly. “Let’s go to my place.” She looked over her shoulder at the people milling about in human form and the others in mer form in the water surrounding the castle. “Now.”

There was a reason Calypso was a Conclave member, and the immense power radiating from her was only part of it. She had to be at least a century or two older than Seth, as well; but looked the same age as immortals never looked too far past their prime.

Seth brushed a kiss to her forehead then pulled Amara close to him. “Let’s go, then. Introductions later.”

Amara nodded, and Tristan did as well as they followed Calypso to her home. He assumed she had more than one as he figured not everyone wanted to live in the hustle and bustle of the underwater city at all times, but this was the one they were meeting at. Since Seth had brought them here, this one must be the one she lived at most often.

Tristan was overthinking and worried about his mates. Since the bond hadn’t snapped into place and Amara and Seth weren’t his in truth as of yet, he couldn’t quite think clearly. His heart hurt, and he needed to push that away if he wanted to figure out the next step. As long as he was cool and logical, he would figure it out.

Amara leaned into him and he knew then that there would be no clear and logical when it came to his feelings for her…or Seth.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts of what could happen and focus on what was more important at that moment. They made their way into Calypso’s place and he glanced around at the elegant home but couldn’t focus. There was something going on that he couldn’t quite figure out, and hopefully, Seth’s sister would be able to help.

“So, I take it the bond didn’t come?” Calypso asked bluntly. He’d always admired the way his fellow Conclave member spoke, but right then, he wanted her to use a little more finesse.

Tristan looked over at Amara, but his mate—yes, mate, despite the lack of bond—merely raised her chin.

Carrie Ann Ryan's books