An Immortal's Song (Dante's Circle #6)

“We keep saying that,” she said softly.

“And it’s been a day,” Seth added. “I take it we’re heading to my realm soon, then? Since people are already talking about Amara becoming a siren, I have a feeling we should figure out what’s triggering your memory ASAP.”

Tristan nodded. “Something tells me we need to move quickly.” He brought both of them into his arms, the feeling as if it had been forever and yet not long enough all at once. “I have clothes for Amara,” he said once they pulled away. “My staff picked up a few items in your size since we never brought your own things.”

“We didn’t really plan out what we were going to do,” Amara said dryly. “I sort of just took a big leap.”

“And I, for one, am glad you leapt,” he said softly then took her lips. He did the same to Seth before pulling away and pushing them to get what they needed so they could leave quickly.

As it was Seth’s realm they were going to, the other man would be the one to open the portal. Tristan could do it easily, but since he wasn’t sure exactly where Calypso lived, it would be better for Seth to work it out.

“Now we’re going to go through the portal and end up on the outside of the inner wards,” Seth explained. “I can get us into the outer wards easily, but Amara, since you’ve never been there before, I’ll have to swim you to where you can easily walk around.”

Her eyes widened and Tristan grinned. “Do I need to hold my breath? I feel like your realm is much different than the others.”

“It is, but I’ll help you. Before we go, I’ll give each of you the Kiss of Life. That will allow you to breathe under water for the short time it takes for me to swim you to where there are air pockets that you can walk around in. We have giant domes on our ocean floor, as well as scattered throughout the sea where many of our buildings are. I can live just as easily with my fin as I can with my feet, but we do have non-merpeople who live with us, either mated in or otherwise. That and other various reasons led to the building of the domes.”

Amara leaned into Tristan, her eyes wide. “Okay…so you’re going to kiss me, then push me through a portal where we’ll end up in the ocean. Then you’ll have your fin and swim Tristan and me to where we can breathe normally without magic and walk around?”

Seth smiled before kissing her forehead. “Yep. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s how we work. Faith and Levi have both been through it.” He winced. “Though we didn’t know they were in the water until almost too late. You, however, will be able to breathe easily in normal air and in water as soon as I kiss you.”

“And what if it runs out.”

Seth’s mouth set. “It won’t. I’ll be with you at all times. And as my mates—bond or no—the others won’t touch you. I’m a warrior and protect what is mine.”

Tristan couldn’t help but fill with pride at the way Seth spoke of them. Each of the three came from such different worlds, and yet together, they had the experiences to make their lives whole. He’d never thought too deeply as to whom he would mate—he’d always been scared he’d be disappointed. Never once would he have thought that he’d be with a merman and a siren. Such perfection in their dichotomy, yet two halves of his whole.

And once he found a way to create the bond in truth, he’d have his fate.

“Ready?” Seth asked, not a lick of worry in his tone. He would protect them, of that Tristan was sure.

“I trust you,” Amara answered, and Tristan knew those words were tough for her. He might not know everything about her past—and one day he would—but that much he knew.

Tristan nodded and licked his lips before Seth kissed him. This was no ordinary kiss. While their tongues collided and he wanted to rub up against the other man, the magic between them flared. Warmth spread over him, and he knew that whatever Seth was doing was working.

Seth moved back, patted Tristan’s cheek, then moved to kiss Amara. She didn’t look as sure as she had a moment ago but fell into Tristan’s arms anyway. Once again, magic pulsated within the room as Amara was given the Kiss of Life.

When Seth pulled back again, he grinned and took their hands. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” Amara said. She might sound nervous, but she was brave as hell for doing all she’d done.

In a blink, Tristan found himself in the middle of the ocean, fighting for breath. Only he didn’t have to fight. He could breathe easily, and he’d only freaked out because it was so new. He turned to Amara, who was in Seth’s arms. Her eyes were wide and her mouth worked, but with Seth’s help, she looked as if she was doing okay. Apparently, the Kiss of Life also made it easier for him to see in the depths of the ocean in this realm. Good thing, since he desperately wanted to see Seth’s other form.

The man was a god.

Carrie Ann Ryan's books