All That Jazz (Butler Cove #1)

“Your momma fed you.”

“No. A lot of the time she didn’t. Let’s be real. If it wasn’t you, it was Nana Butler.” I think about the day of my eighteenth birthday, when he gave me the worst news I could imagine. I’m glad he was there. Not to mention he’d saved my life when the boat went down. “You’re a good man, Woody. The very, very, best.”

“I wish you’d hurry up and make some money so you can buy this bar from me and I can retire.”

I snort. “You’ll never retire. I can’t imagine anything worse than you hanging over my shoulder while I’m trying to measure shots.”

“I miss mini bottles,” he laments. “The perfect amount. That’s why I can’t leave the bar, all the bartenders bleed me dry.”

“Plus, I thought you were leaving it to me in your will,” I deadpan. “Why would I buy it?”

“Hey!” Dirty Harry slaps a hand down on the bar. “He’s leaving it to me.”

Woody chuckles, and grabbing the remote, flicks through several sports channels until he finds the Braves. “In your dreams, Harry. I guess my loser son will be back to claim it when I finally kick the bucket.”

“Playing for the Braves hardly makes him a loser.” Though I know he’s joking. He’s the proudest father I know. “You heard from him recently?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No, he’s far too busy for his old man.”

“And your ex-wife, how’s she?”

“Ha! Virginia’s getting married. Can you believe it?” He sets the remote down. “Finally found some poor old dude up in Pelzer to grow old with. It’s a load off my shoulders, I can promise you that.”

“What?” Harry laughs. “You thought she was gonna take you back?”

“Well, no, but we ain’t gettin’ any younger. And who wants to be alone in their old age? She coulda decided to come back.”

“You’re not alone. You’ve got me,” Harry reminds him.


I don’t offer much more to the conversation as the two old friends talk shit as they always do. When I’m done eating, I thank Woody and say good night.

My phone buzzes and I hesitantly get it out my pocket. Expecting Joey, my stomach sinks as I see it’s Brandon.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Hey,” Brandon echoes. And for the first time, he doesn’t sound like his happy-go-lucky self.

I grit my teeth. “You back from Florida?”

“Yeah,” he says. “Look, Jazz, I’m sorry, yeah? I know I acted like a clown down there.”

“It’s fine, Brandon, really. I’m not mad.”

“You’re not?” He sounds hopeful.

“No, I’m not. But—”

“No, babe, don’t say ‘but.’ You’re gonna break up with me, aren’t you?”

I sigh.

“Aw. Come on, please don’t.”

“It’s really not about you. I really wanted to tell you in person, and I’m sorry. But yeah, we’re breaking up.”

I wince. I’m a shit for doing it over the phone. But I can’t drag this out. And it’s not like we had some kind of epic love.

There’s no reply for a while.

“Brandon?” I ask. “You okay?”

He sniffs and clears his throat. “Yeah, I’m cool. I really liked you.”

“I liked you too.”

“Is it coz of your posting? I saw the board. I know you probably don’t want to do some long distance thing.”

I imagine him blinking his chocolate brown eyes, the long lashes lazily opening and closing as he did so well. It’s hypnotic. Eyelashes like that on men should be banned. They make girls do reckless things.

“You’re right. I don’t want a long distance thing. But also, we’re not right for each other. But you’re a good guy, Brandon.”

“Just not for you.”

“No hard feelings?”

He sniffs again and sighs. “Yeah. No hard feelings. But I gotta hang up now coz I’m getting choked up.” The phone goes dead.

I look at the phone in my hand.

Jesus. What a day.

I slip into my room and face-plant onto my bed.

It feels like I only slept for five minutes, but my phone is going nuts. I grab at it, keeping one eye closed against the bright screen. Dawn is creeping into my bedroom.

Jay Bird: Call me. It’s urgent.

Jay Bird: You’re not answering. I need your help.

Jay Bird: Did I mention it’s urgent? I know u r mad at me, but could u just call me?

I’m not mad. I simply feel defeated when it comes to Joey and me. After what happened in his hallway last night, it all seems so pointless.


I sit upright, swinging my legs off the bed. I shake my head and tie up my hair. I fell asleep with it wet so I probably look like medusa.

Jazzy Bear: Keep your pants on. I was asleep. Give me a sec.