All That Jazz (Butler Cove #1)

To lie or not to lie. It seemed I was pretty indiscriminate with what I lied to Joey about these days.

I took too long to answer. Courtney was back in our faces. I thought I could use another beer. “I’ll be right back,” I said to the group.

“Don’t be too long, babe,” Joey sang. “I’ll miss you.”

I fake smiled, discreetly bugging my eyes at Keri Ann, then hurried over to Cooper. “I need another PBR,” I told him. “And a coozie to hide it.”

“Everything okay?”

“Just peachy,” I muttered. “Thanks for the beer, Coop. I owe you. I’ll see you this week about the car, yeah?”

I squeezed his arm and wandered back over to the tables, sipping at the can.

Keri Ann saw me and raised her eyebrows. “You want some more shrimp, maybe the potatoes? Something to eat?” she asked pointedly, looking at my beer.

“I’m stuffed from Nana’s dinner,” I said. But I really loved shrimp. I should have passed on dinner, but Nana’s chicken fried steak was impossible to resist. Joey caught my eye and winked.


I honestly couldn’t figure out the deal here. I know I was pretending to be Joey’s girlfriend, but why would he whisper that shit in my ear about kissing me? No one heard that, so it definitely wasn’t part of the deal. I almost felt like really flirting with him so he’d get a fright and back off.

This edgy feeling I’d had since my weird crush had materialized was getting on my last nerve. It made me irritable. Not even beer number two was helping. Keri Ann dragged Colt away to help her track down marshmallows to roast.

“So, Jazz,” Courtney said.

I pasted on a smile and turned her way. “Yes?”

“I don’t think I really believe you guys are seeing each other. And I’m kinda ticked off that you thought you could do this to me,” she said, accusingly. “It’s mean and hurtful.”

“Is she for real?” I looked at Joey who was starting to look nervous. “Like, you are standing right here, and I’m the one she’s mad with? Really?” I looked back at her. “Really, Courtney?”

She nodded, scowling at me.

“Gosh,” I said. “Now what on earth would make you think I’m not crazy about Joseph?”

She folded her arms. “Well, for one thing you always called Joey an arrogant asshat,” she said. “I can’t believe that’s changed.”

“How do you know I called him that? Ok, now you’re being creepy, Courtney.”

“Jazz,” Joey said with a warning tone.

“What? She is.” I looked at her. “You are. What’s the deal, anyway? You can’t just beg someone to want you, you know.”

Courtney looked pissed that I’d called her out. Joey looked like he wanted to murder me. Keri Ann rejoined us and watched the events unfold with wide eyes.

“Look,” I said to Courtney. I was trying to be sympathetic, I really was. “Do your parents know they are paying tuition for you to stalk someone at college? I mean, do you even go to class?” Okay, maybe I wasn’t that sympathetic.

Joey touched my arm. “Stop talking, Jazz.”

“I won’t.” I shrugged him off. “Here’s the thing. You’re a stunning girl, you know? And by the way, your eyes looked way better with your natural hair color. You sort of had this cool Jennifer Lawrence vibe going on. Anyway, whatevs. The deal is, I’m sure there are a gazillion guys who’d give their left nut to date you, and I bet you haven’t even noticed coz you’ve been goo goo eyes over this loser.”

Joey made a strangled sound. “Gee, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” I said to him, then directed my attention back to Courtney. “Anyway, you can do better, trust me.”

“Again,” Joey muttered. “Thank you.”

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. “You’re welcome.”

Keri Ann snorted.

“And he’s got a tiny dick,” I said.

“Jesus,” hissed Joey. “That’s enough.”

“Sore point?” I asked him.

Joey took my arm again. “Please excuse us,” he muttered at Keri Ann and Courtney, then led me away from the bonfire, away from all the people, and into the darkness.

Out of the light of the torches and the fire, the stars roared into brilliance above us. I lifted my head back. “Wow!” I gasped.

“That’s probably what you’ll say if you ever see it,” Joey said, irritated.

“I—” A giggle erupted, then morphed into a full-blown lose-my-fucking-mind cackle.

“What the hell? You’re drunk, aren’t you?” He took the can from my hand that was pretty much finished and sniffed it. “How many of these have you had?”

“You’re so bossy,” I said. “Why are you so bossy?”

“How many?”

“Just two.”

“Two PBR’s, and this is how you act? They’re practically water. You’re a lightweight.”

“My mom calls it being a cheap date.” I wasn’t remotely drunk. I wished I was drunk.

He let out a long sigh.

I stared back up at the black sky studded with tiny pinpricks of light. Losing a point of reference, I swayed a bit and realized Joey’s hot hand was still on my arm. “You’re hot,” I said.

He chuckled.

“Not you’re hot. I mean, your hand is hot. Your skin … ugh. Whatever. Your arrogance is showing again. Just because I say hot doesn’t mean you’re sexy.”