All That Jazz (Butler Cove #1)

“Hey, Jazz?”

He stood a few treads down the stairwell out in the hall where he could see directly into the room. Good thing I wasn’t sniffing his sheets. Which, duh, I was totally not going to do. But I was intrigued, and curious, and my lady parts were telling me he smelled as yummy as he looked. “Yes, Chase?”

And he smiled at my use of his name. “What do you do here on a Saturday night?”

My stomach swirled giddily. What was I doing? Or what did one do? Totally different questions.

“Tonight I’m going to a party on the beach with some friends.” I purposely left out that it was an unofficial High School seniors’ graduation party. No need for him to know my age. But for some inexplicable reason I added: “At Marker 11” giving him the exact closest beach access point to where we would be. No fraternizing with vacationers. “You should come.” NO FRATERNIZING WITH VACATIONERS! I bit down on my tongue

“Maybe I will.” He nodded and turned, heading down the stairs.

I dropped my face to the sheets, just as much out of sheer mortification over my hastily thrown out invite that wasn’t fully accepted as for my previous reasons. My nose was rewarded with the scent of sunscreen and stale male sweat. What else had I expected? Still, he was cute. And he might be a good candidate for mission V-card. Who was I kidding? He was the perfect candidate.

Tourist? Check

Cute? Check, check, check

Older-ish? Check

Possibly attracted to me too? Check.

This was going to be more simple than I’d thought.

So why did I get the distinct impression my life was about to get really complicated?

I quickly stripped date bed and grabbed all the towels out of the bathroom, dumping them with the other stuff out in the hall. The large window by the stairwell looked out over the pool deck and the dunes and ocean beyond. What I wouldn’t give to be out on the beach today.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. It was Keri Ann.

KA: What time do u want to go to the beach 2nite?

Me: Maybe 8?

KA: Cool. I think Joey’s going to come. That okay?

I thought about his job interview this afternoon. I so hoped he got it. Below me, Chase appeared and stood at the end of the pool. He executed a perfect racing dive and proceeded to cross the pool with powerful strokes.

Me: Sure. Guess what? Met hottie tourist today, he may show up at beach tonight.

But even as I typed, I felt weird about Joey meeting Chase. If Chase even showed up. I hoped Joey didn’t get all judgmental and big-brothery or scare him off.

He wouldn’t, would he?

KERI ANN AND I rode our bicycles along the warped decking of the beach walk access. The evening ocean breeze was cool on our warm skin. We were supposed to walk our bicycles down to the sand, not ride them, but off season, we locals pretty much did what we wanted. The season on Butler Cove Island geared up in fits and starts as the round robin of week-long spring breaks staggered into town around March and April. Then we had blessed relief until Memorial Day weekend. Enjoying our last few weeks before then was a necessity. “So tell me about this hottie you met,” Keri Ann asked.

“He probably won’t come, but man he was soooo cute. Don’t know a thing about him though.”

Keri Ann laughed. “So what did you talk about then? I mean how did you get to the point of inviting him to the beach?”

“I don’t really know. I mean we talked about a book he was reading. Then he asked what people do here on a Saturday night, and I just kind of invited him.”

“Well, I’m sure Joey will protect you if this guy’s not on the up and up.”

“Oh joy. Just what I need. When’s he coming anyway? Did he say if his meeting went well with Dr. Barrett?”

“He didn’t say. Thanks for doing that by the way.”

“Of course. Oh shit, I meant to give it to you at the house … no wonder my bag is weighing me down. I finally finished the Erath book. Holy schmexy. It was amazing. I can’t believe we have to wait a year for the last one! But at least we have the movie to look forward to.”

Nearing the end of the decking, we were forced to hop off to push our wheels through the soft dry sand until we reached the hard packed stuff left behind by the earlier tide. Then we jumped back on and rode.

“Was it weird to read it now that they’ve cast the actor who’ll be playing Max?” Keri Ann asked. “Personally I prefer leaving those things to my imagination.”

“It was better. Jack Eversea is sex on a stick. Please hurry up and read book two though, seriously, I need to rehash it with you.”