After We Fall (Take the Fall, #3)

By the time we get to the animal shelter, I’ve already considered at least half a dozen different ways to keep Jake from going with his forever family, but I know I have to do the right thing. It’s not just about what I want but what he deserves.

Jake’s tail starts to wag as soon as we get out. He actually loves the place and the people who work there. When we walk inside, Saylor and a family of three are waiting for us. The sullen-faced teen looks like he wants to be anywhere but here.

“Jake,” Saylor shouts. “How are you? Ready to meet your forever family?”

The mother shifts her weight. “You make it sound like it’s till death do us part.”

“Oh, it totally is,” Saylor says, smiling as she bends down to pet Jake. “Pets are just like family. You wouldn’t get rid of Grandma just because she got old, would you?”

“Yeah, they already have,” the teen says.

The father turns a dull red. “She’s in assisted living.”

“She’s leaving everything to them in her will.”

Both parents sigh.

I hold up my hands. “It’s okay. I get it. Not everyone is happy.”

“Oh, no, we are very happy to get Jake,” the mother insists, but she won’t look me directly in the eye. Sure, cops don’t do that, but the average joe can’t help himself.

Saylor doesn’t seem to notice, though. She claps her hands and gets all giddy. “If you’ll give me just a moment, I’ll go in the back to get dog food and a new leash. Then you can almost be on your way.”

Mercifully, she returns less than a minute later…with Evangeline behind her. She’s hefting the bag of dog food, her eyes widening and then turning sympathetic when she sees me.

“I’ll take that,” the teen says, surprising me. Usually, people act exactly how I expect them to, with no regard for others. He grabs the bag from Evangeline, flashing a smile as he hefts it on his shoulder.

Then again, he could want to show off for two pretty women.

Evangeline smiles, then walks away, the kid’s gaze following her the entire time. His eyes round when she stops beside me.

That’s right kid, she belongs with me.

To my everlasting shock, she slips her hand in mine before stooping to rub Jake’s head.

She holds my hand the entire time Saylor goes over everything with the forever family. I’m so stunned that I can’t speak. Plus, I don’t want to break whatever spell she is under. The woman can’t be willingly holding my hand, especially not in public.

As soon as Saylor takes Jake away from me and starts to walk outside with the trio, Evangeline gives me a little squeeze. I glance at her questioningly.

“I’m sorry. I know you love Jake,” she says.

“Yeah…I love him.” Since she doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to let go of my hand, I don’t release my grip.

We stand there for a few minutes in uncomfortable silence, but it has nothing to do with her. “I don’t deal very well with loss,” I finally admit, and she leans against me. I want to ask what’s gotten into her but refrain. If she wants to give me affection, then who am I to question her motives?

Except I always question people’s motives.

She’s not a perp, I remind myself.

Evangeline leads me away from the front entrance and into a small office. “Your eye looks better today.”

“No it doesn’t.”

She shakes her head, a smile on her full lips. “It really doesn’t.”

“I’ll be fine. Looks way worse than it feels.” Honestly, it is tender, but the punch to my eye was off-center, putting more damage on my outer cheekbone than anything else. “As long as I don’t touch it, I should be okay.”

“And stop having work-related accidents.”

Guilt pricks at me, but I shove it away. I don’t have time for it and eventually I will tell her. But right now, there’s no need. I’m not actively hiding it from her; I’m merely choosing not to share it.

“There is that.”

“Hopefully, I kept my hands and mouth away from your eye last night,” she says, even as a bright pink blush stains her cheeks.

“Pretty sure you could have given me another black eye and I wouldn’t have minded.” I lean down. “Especially when you were on top. You look fucking hot riding me.”

Her breath hitches. “Hunter.”

“You brought it up,” I remind her, enjoying this playfulness between us. “I’m thinking a new position for tonight.”

“Now I’m really regretting saying yes to Saylor.”

I give her a stern look. “You made plans without me?”

Just like that, something changes in Evangeline and she lets go of my hand, stepping far enough away that I can’t grab her. “I didn’t…you’re not in charge of me or what I do.”

The harshness of her tone takes me aback. But the panicked look in her eyes tells me everything I need to know. “I was only teasing you, angel. You don’t have to check in with me for anything.”

Her gaze slides away, focusing on something behind me. “I…I’m sorry. For a minute, you reminded me of Pe—not so happy times in my life.”

“No need to apologize.” I take a cautious step forward. “I should have been more thoughtful.”

Marquita Valentine's books