After We Fall (Take the Fall, #3)

That makes my head jerk up. “You did?”

“What can I say?” He gives me a lopsided yet confident smile. “I’m an optimist.”

“Do you want me to stay the night?” he asks, pushing my hair away from my face after round number three of sex. I’m sore in places that haven’t been used in a long time. He’s already disposed of the condom and even used a warm cloth to clean me up as well. I don’t think I’ve ever been taken care of like this before.

It is The. Best. Feeling. Ever.

When Hunter leaves my bed, it won’t be to find something that I’ve done wrong in his eyes. I won’t live in this blissful peace until he literally tears it away from me.

It’s lovely…and disconcerting.

Mistaking my silence for a no, he says, “It’s okay if you’re not comfortable.”

I simultaneously love and hate how considerate he is being. I’d rather he make the decision and tell me. Foolish, yes, especially when I have been craving freedom. Except, what if he’s not being considerate at all? What if he’s merely being nice? What if he’s ready to bolt now that we’ve finally slept together and—

“Shit. I can’t, Evangeline. I can’t lie about how I am not okay at all with leaving you tonight.” Tenderly, he kisses me and I have to wonder at the emotion behind the kiss. “I want to stay. Tell me to stay.”

I smile up at him, my heart pounding, because this can be the absolute worst decision I make since leaving Penn. “Stay.”

So he does.

Gathering me in his arms, he rolls to one side and pulls me flush against him. The heat of his body overwhelms me and I become drowsy. It feels so right to be held by him like this. It feels like…home.

Chapter 13


The next morning I have to leave Evangeline in order to let Jake outside. Of course, I get in another round, taking her hard and fast until we both come hard.

Sex with Evangeline is going to kill me. Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to die.

I grin.

Except, I’m not sure how things will be now. When I left her apartment thirty minutes ago, she was half asleep. Her goodbye kisses sweet after I told her of my plans. I’m pretty damn sure she was still riding high on the orgasm I’d given her and that can make people forget all about their prior reservations for getting involved.

Unease tries to worm its way inside me. Based on how Evangeline responded last night, I’m sure she was just as into me as I was into her. Only, I’m worry that I rushed things with us. Made things go light-years ahead when all we really needed was a couple of steps forward.

Thing is, I’m in for the long haul. I know that now because there is no way I would have slept with Evangeline otherwise. How long, though, remains to be seen. A gentleman would leave it up to her, let the ball be totally in her court, but I’m no gentleman.

But I’m also not sure what I’m doing.

While Jake runs around the backyard and marks his territory, I check my email to get my mind off Evangeline. Unfortunately, the first one is from Saylor at Forrestville Animal Shelter and she doesn’t email me personally unless it’s an update about Jake’s adoption process.

“Damn it.” I click on the link. My heart sinks as I read it. It’s confirming that Jake’s forever family will be picking him up today.

I fucking hate having to give him up, but it is what I agreed to when I took him on. Besides, this family might not work out, either, and he can come back. Jake will always have a home with me, even if I don’t feel right about it.

Swiping my hand across my face, I head to the bathroom for a quick shower and get dressed. Nothing remains of my good morning or even unease. All I can think about is my dog. If I weren’t a cop, I wouldn’t bring Jake back at all. Then again, if I weren’t a cop, I would have adopted Jake myself by now.

My fucking schedule blows.

At least Evangeline doesn’t seem to mind. Then again, her shitty ex was in the military, so I can only imagine the insane hours she had to endure. Maybe she won’t mind dating a cop with sucky pay and crappy hours.

Opening the door, I whistle for Jake and watch as he runs for the stairs, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in pure joy. Pretty sure that was the look on my face after the last time Evangeline and I had sex.

I grab his leash and attach it to his collar before snagging my phone, wallet, and keys. Since Jake loves to ride shotgun in my truck, it’s no problem at all to get him in the passenger side.

My heart pinches.

Poor guy doesn’t know that I’m lying to him. That this will be the last time we’re together. Yeah, it might not be manly for a guy to get upset over his dog, but I don’t give a good damn.

Marquita Valentine's books