After All

He bursts out laughing, even as I feel him grow hotter and larger in my hand. “I’m just thinking, with your luck with animals, perhaps we could use you as bait.”

I bite my lip and grin at him, his beautiful wet face dimly lit by the cabin lights behind us, the dark lake stretching out as far as the eye can see. “Oh. I’m Ogopogo bait now, am I?”

“Stop saying Ogopogo. The word is ceasing to lose all meaning.”

“You started it.”

He grins and twirls around so we’re moving faster and faster in a circle, the water splashing around us.

Above us, the sky and the stars dance.

The water gets deeper.

I’m about to tell him I’m getting dizzy when something brushes against my ass.

“Ahhhh!’ I scream.

“What is it?”

“Something touched me!”

We both exchange a look.

I yell out, “Ogopogo!” while he starts laughing and together we start swimming until we’re closer to shore.

“I think the solution is to never let you go,” he says, burying his head in my neck. “Never let you out of my sight. Stay with me forever.”

As simple as his words sound, they mean the world.

“I would be okay with that.”

He pulls back and looks at me with all intensity. “Yeah?”

And then I realize he still hasn’t heard what he needs to hear. What I need him to hear.

I put my hand at his cheek, feeling his wet skin, his rough stubble, and gaze deeply into his eyes until all he sees is me. All he sees is the real me. All he sees is my heart.

“Emmett,” I whisper to him. “I love you.”

It takes a moment for my words to reach him, like they get lost in time, or are swallowed by the lake. But then, slowly, the biggest, most breathtaking smile stretches across his face.

“I love you,” I tell him again, his smile making me whole.

And I tell him again and again.

Chapter 18


“You, my friend, are impossible to get a hold of,” Autumn says as she steps into my trailer.

I look up from the tattered copy of Watership Down I’m reading–found it when I last visited Jimmy–and give her a wane smile.

I am hard to get a hold of. On purpose. The last three weeks or so, ever since we got back from Penticton, I’ve been spending as much time with Alyssa as possible. It has nothing to do with the contract anymore. The fact is, I can’t stand days without her. If she’s not in my bed, I’m in hers. It feels fucking good to kiss her in the morning when either of us go off to work, like we’re actually in this real, breathing relationship and one that fucking works.

I’ve been going to work less and less, as it is.

In fact, in the last three weeks, my life has changed fairly drastically, even though it’s all for the better.

My role on Boomerang has come to an end. Today was actually my last day on set and I’ve just finished up my scenes but am hanging around in my trailer, waiting to see if I’m needed for a reshoot before we’re done for the day.

I’m not sad about it at all. In fact, had they not told me when I got back from Penticton that Doctor Death was meeting his death, I probably would have brought it up at some point. Things have been slowly shifting into place and I’m looking at my life with a new perspective, even if I’m unsure how to make things happen. What I do know is that I’m like Alyssa in some ways, ready for something new even if I don’t know what it is.

The leap of faith.

Ratings on Boomerang have been slipping, so they think that by bringing in a new villain, they’ll win back their audience. The one thing I did ask the producers though is if my leaving the show had anything to do with my supposed reputation.

Boy, you should have seen their faces.

“Emmett, your personal life is your personal life,” Gary Edwards, one of the producers, had said to me. “I don’t care if you’re kicking puppies or helping little old ladies cross the street. As long as you show up on time and do the work, that’s all we care about. That’s all any producer cares about.”

So, it turns out that my bad boy reputation as a bruiser didn’t have much bearing at all.

It’s one reason why when Autumn managed to get me on the phone today, I agreed for her to stop by. It’s petty but I want to rub it in how no one gives a shit about my reputation except for her.

But as it is my last day on set, I shouldn’t be surprised that she has a fancy bottle of rye in her hands, a Crown Royal reserve with a bow wrapped around it. I find myself looking at it more than I am at her.

“I got it just for you,” she says smugly, walking toward me. “Shall we toast?”

I put the book down and sit up. She’s always wearing something sexy and today is no different. High heels, miniscule black shorts, a silk tank, no bra. Not exactly professional nor practical since September is almost over, but I suppose it is Friday night and she has somewhere to be after.

Autumn and I have always had a complicated relationship. She literally only signed on with me by the recommendation of Julian when I started on Boomerang. I know Alyssa has grilled me about her a few times, assuming we’ve been physical with each other, wanting to know the truth about her.

Truth is, I did sleep with her. The first day we had a meeting, last year. We hit it off and then it just sort of…happened. I’m not proud of it, but somehow we were able to make it work afterward. It didn’t mean anything to me, it was just physical. And it didn’t mean anything to Autumn. We were able to start working with each other after that, like it never happened, and we never did it again. I guess we just got it out of our systems.

But even though I’ve told Alyssa this and assured her that there’s nothing going on between us–I can appreciate Autumn’s beauty but it honestly does nothing for me now–I know she’s a bit cagey about us being together. I’m sure if Alyssa had a choice, she’d prefer I don’t work with Autumn at all.

I’m half-inclined to agree with her. It’s not that I don’t like Autumn or think she’s a shitty publicist, but if it makes Alyssa uneasy, then she’s got to go. The only problem is this contract. Autumn is overseeing it so I’m pretty much stuck with her until it’s all done.

It’s also one reason why I’ve been avoiding Autumn’s calls. The only reason I even answered today was because she said she had big news for me. Now that she’s here, I’m wondering what it is.

“Emmett?” Autumn asks, shaking a glass at me. “Come on, you have to celebrate your last day. You can’t be all mopey and depressed about it.”

“Mopey?” I frown. “I’m the opposite of mopey.”

“I don’t know. You’re in your trailer, alone, reading a book. I know how hard it is to say good bye to an era.”

“I was on the show for less than a year. It was a short era.”

“Even so. Toast with me.”

I glance at the clock on the wall. “They might need me for a reshoot.”

“Nope,” she says with a big smile. “They said you’re all done.”

“Really?” Hell, they could have told me that. I would have tried to meet up with Alyssa.