Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

“You have no idea how badly I want to fuck you right now.”

Her head dropped against my chest as she whimpered. The fact that her body reacted to mine the way it had was the biggest fucking adrenaline rush I’d ever experienced. I wanted to see what else I could do to make her so turned on she would be begging me for relief.

“My lips want to taste you so badly, Paislie.”

“Oh God,” she whispered. “Malcolm. Please, I can’t do this. Not here.” She spoke into my chest as she continued to hold onto me for dear life.

“Do you have panties on?”

Her head jerked up. “Yes! Sophie was in the room with me when I got dressed. She was mesmerized by my garter belt and thong.”

Fuck. Me.

Now my knees went weak. At least the good one did; the other one was numb with pain.

I glanced down to her lips and imagined my cock moving in and out of her mouth.

“The way you’re looking at me, Malcolm.”

Her eyes commanded mine. “How am I looking at you, baby?”

She clamped down on her lip before saying, “Like you’re hungry for me.”

My heart rate picked up as I slowly focused on where we were. “When can I have you, Paislie?”

“Jesus, if you keep this up I’ll let you take me here.”

With that, I took her hand and headed into the house. I hated that I needed the cane, but at this point, I would have sprinted on my bad leg to get her away from everyone.

“W-where are we going?” she asked as she glanced over her shoulder.

Opening the laundry room door, I pulled her in and pushed her against the wall.

“I need to feel you, Paislie . . . taste you.”

Each breath was forced as the rush grew bigger. I’d been waiting for so long for this moment.

My hand slid up her dress and moved softly along her thigh where I brushed my knuckles across the thin lace material. Son-of-a-bitch. My cock was throbbing I wanted her so badly.

My fingers pushed the material to the side as Paislie lifted her leg, allowing me better access.

I slipped two fingers in and moaned as my dick hardened painfully more. “Fucking hell. You’re soaking wet.”

Her head dropped back as she whispered, “Please. Malcolm, I’ve waited so long for you.”

My lips moved along her neck, placing soft kisses as I slowly moved my fingers in and out of her. Sliding another one in, I moved faster. “Yes,” she hissed as she pumped her hips. I didn’t want her coming yet. The first time she came, it was either going to be on my cock or my tongue.

Pulling my fingers from her, Paislie let out a whimper. I lifted her up and set her on the counter. It was going to kill my leg, but I needed to taste her.

“Lay back, Paislie. I want to taste you . . . now.”

Her eyes widened with delight as she smiled and laid back. I lifted her beautiful gown and moaned when I saw the garter and panties.

“Jesus, you’re perfect,” I moaned as I pushed her panties out of the way and licked up her *. Paislie gasped and grabbed onto my hair.

“Oh . . . dear . . . God,” she panted.

I’ve given plenty of women oral sex, but this was different. So very different. Paislie tasted sweet, addictive, like a drug. I instantly craved more as I licked and sucked her more. Her body quivered and I knew she was close. All I would need to do is concentrate on her clit and push my fingers in.

The knock on the door had us both freezing. Paislie lifted her head as we looked at one another. She shook her head and mouthed, Are you fucking kidding me?

“Uncle Malcolm? What are you and Paislie doing laundry for?”

My eyes widened in horror as Paislie pushed me away from her. She fixed her panties as I helped her smooth her dress down. I wanted her to taste her own desire for me before we opened the door. The idea that she might let me kiss her about had me coming in my pants. I pulled her to me and slowly made my way to her lips. When she ran her tongue across them, I took that as a yes and devoured her mouth with mine.

Her low rumbled moan zipped through my body as she tasted herself.

When I pulled back, I whispered, “That was fucking hot.”

“Uncle Malcolm?” Sophie was now yelling. Paislie reached for the door and yanked it open.

“Hey, peanut!” she said, trying to sound normal, but her voice was jagged. Sophie took Paislie’s hand in hers and pulled her through the house and back outside as I adjusted my dick.

Once we were back outside, my precious niece occupied all of Paislie’s time while I sat there trying to understand what in the hell was going on with my emotions. Even watching Paislie with Sophie had my mind spinning with thoughts I never dreamed I would be having.

“She’s certainly beautiful,” my mother said as she sat down next to me.

Even though my attention was on Paislie, I nodded my head and said, “She has good genes.”

My mother laughed and bumped my shoulder. “Malcolm Wallace, I was talking about Paislie.”

With a smug smile, I turned to her. “Paislie is beautiful, there is no doubt about that.”

“How long have you known each other?”

Kelly Elliott's books