Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

“Your kiss is like a drug. I crave it constantly, Paislie.”

She swallowed hard as her mouth parted, inviting me to take a hit of that drug. And take a hit I did. Pressing my lips to hers, our tongues explored each other like never before. The wind blew pieces of her hair slightly as I deepened the kiss, feeling the rush of energy between our bodies. I had never been so affected by a kiss before. I needed her to stay. We needed to see where these feelings would take us.

When we both needed air, I pulled back slightly and looked deep into her eyes. “Please don’t leave. We’ll figure it all out. All I know is I want you to stay, and not only to help with my leg. Please give us another try.”

She nodded and pressed her lips together before smiling. I couldn’t help but grin back as I asked her, “Why are you smiling?”

Her face blushed as she looked away and then back at me. “I just thought of a few new things we could try in your next therapy session.”

A low rumble came from the back of my throat while her eyes burned with desire.

“Uncle Malcolm, do you know that Paislie has never had a pillow fight? Or a sleepover!”

It was Sophie’s sixth birthday and she and I were out in the stables visiting Black Jack and Honey Dew. I smiled while Paislie’s name seemed to float on the air.

After yesterday, with everything that happened and her trying to leave, Paislie and I spent the rest of the day doing nothing but sitting on the couch and talking. We finished the night out in each other’s arms watching Safe Haven. It didn’t take her long before she fell asleep. My arm was killing me by three in the morning and my leg throbbed, but I didn’t care. It was the first time I’d ever slept with a girl in my arms. I never had the desire until Paislie. Her in my arms all night was amazing and something I could see wanting each night.

“You don’t say?”

“I know!” Sophie gasped.

An idea hit me as I stopped brushing Black Jack and she followed my lead while Deuce snored away at my feet. “Sophie, what if we surprised Paislie with a slumber party on your birthday?”

Her precious blue eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Can we have a pillow fight?”

“Yes! We have to be sneaky about this though. Do you think you could be my little secret agent and find out what other things you love to do that Paislie hasn’t done?”

She nodded her head enthusiastically. “I can do that! I’m six and a big girl.”

My heart melted. I loved this little girl more than anything. In a way, I was glad her bastard father told Autumn to leave. I knew it was selfish of me to think that way. Deuce was lying at my feet as he looked up and barked. “I know you are, princess, and it appears Deuce does too.”

Sophie ran and put the brush in the tack room and took off toward the house. “Hey, where are you going?”

“Oh, Uncle Malcolm! I have to get back to the house.”

I pinched my eyebrows together and asked, “Why?”

“I have to make sure Paislie has an amazing slumber party! On my birthday! Paislie will need help picking out a dress to wear tonight now that she is part of the party.”

“A dress for tonight, huh?”

Sophie gave me the sweetest look as she laughed. “Oh Uncle Malcolm, you’re so funny. Did you forget about the ball?”

I chuckled. I had most certainly not forgotten about the ball. It’s not every year a princess turns six. Autumn had been riding my ass for the last week because I promised Sophie a princess ball. How was I to know it would have taken so much effort? It’s not every year a princess turns six.

“I have not forgotten the ball. I even have my outfit picked out.”

Sophie beamed. “Mommy said you and granddaddy were wearing lexeo’s.”



“Lexeo’s. I heard Mommy tell Clarisse that Paislie was going to shit her pants when she saw you in your lexeo.” Sophie crinkled her nose and shook her head. “I hope not! She seems too old to go potty in her pants.”

I pressed my lips together firmly to keep from laughing. I was going to have to let Autumn know her daughter was now in the stage where she repeated everything she heard.

“Oh! A tuxedo. It’s called a tuxedo, Sophie.”

Sophie looked at me like I had just said the stupidest thing in the world. “That’s what I said!”

I rolled my eyes and silently moaned.

Women. They’re all the same no matter what age.

“A BALL?” I ASKED AUTUMN as I stood there stunned. “Like a real ball?”

She laughed and shook her head. “Scaled down for a bunch of five and six year olds.”

“Um . . . I didn’t bring any formal dresses.”

Autumn’s eyes lit up. “That’s okay! I have plenty and we’re the same size.”

Sophie came running into the kitchen full throttle. It must be in this families genes to want to do everything fast. “Uncle Malcolm is coming too! He’s super slow now that he hurt his leg. But I couldn’t wait ‘cause I’m so excited!”

Autumn and I both laughed. How could you not? Sophie’s excitement rubbed off on you almost instantly.

Kelly Elliott's books