Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

He threw his head back and laughed. The sound rippled through my body like my very own energy shot. “Tell me about it.”

His eyes moved across my body and the butterflies went crazy in my stomach at his intense stare.


“How does your leg feel?” I asked.

He looked down at it and said, “A bit sore, but nothing too bad.”

“Did you take a pain pill?”

Malcolm shook his head. “Nah, I only take one when I really need it.”

I licked my dry lips and couldn’t help but notice the reaction from Malcolm as his eyes flickered down to my lips. “Well, I should go shower. I went for a run.”

He simply nodded as I lifted my hand and said, “See ya,”

Before I got to the front door, he called out for me. “Paislie, do you think you could drive me into town? I need to get the hell out of here and I don’t want to bother Clarisse.”

The idea of spending time with him filled me with excitement and scared the hell out of me. “Sure, give me thirty minutes?”

Something moved across his face, but it was gone as fast as it came. “Perfect. I’ll meet you right here in half an hour.”

My body tingled with the promise he made and I quickly headed into the house before I did something I would regret. Like press my lips to his.

When the door shut, I leaned against it as I placed my hand over my racing heart. Looking up, I pressed my lips together and whispered a prayer.

“Father, please give me the strength and ability to resist my temptations.”

I chanted the prayer all the way to my room, in the shower and while I was getting dressed.

THE ENTIRE MORNING I HAD been fighting off a hard-on; first during my session with Paislie and then seeing her again with Sophie. For some reason, every time I saw them together I got that same damn feeling I had at Emmit and Adaline’s house, but it was ten times stronger.

I didn’t really need or want to go into town. I did however really want an excuse to be alone with Paislie. Her declaration of finding another physical therapist had pissed me off last night. I didn’t want anyone else. I wanted her . . . in more than one way. She hadn’t mentioned anything about it this morning, so I was hoping she had changed her mind.

I felt her walk into the kitchen before she even spoke. “Hey, you ready?”

Her voice filled the air and surrounded me in a warm fucking fuzzy feeling I wasn’t used to.

Turning, I took her in while attempting to hold back my moan. She looked so damn adorable in jeans, pink Chucks, and a Houston Texans T-shirt.

“Oh, am I dressed okay? I can go change if you want.”

My eyes snapped forward as I shook my head. “No. You look great. So great.”

With a tilt of her head, she smiled and I saw something I hadn’t seen since she got here. Happiness. “I look great? I’m just dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.”

I wanted to tell her she’d look even better naked and bent over the table with my cock buried deep inside her. But I refrained.

Shit. I’ll be hard all day if I keep thinking like this.

“Yeah, but you look great.”

She drew in a breath and clapped her hands. “I got ready faster than I thought I would. Ready to go?”


It took a little effort for me to get down the stairs and to my truck. Paislie helped me get into the truck before taking the crutches and putting them in the back seat of the truck.

As she drove into Waco, I couldn’t help but keep glancing her way. I was sure she felt my eyes on her. Each time I looked at her, she gripped the steering wheel a bit stronger. “Have you ever been to Waco?”

Paislie shook her head. “Nope.”

With a jerk of my head, I looked at her. “Really?”

She shrugged. “Never had a reason to come here. Well, I take it back. I did visit Baylor, but decided it wasn’t the school for me.”

Now I was curious and wanted to know every single thing about her.

“Where did you go to school?”

“Texas Women’s University in Denton.”

I wasn’t surprised she stayed in the Dallas area especially with how close she was with Sister Elizabeth.

“So did you ever go to college? I mean, I guess you probably didn’t have time with as much as you travel.”

“I actually started taking online classes in high school. I’d like to go back and get a degree. Just never enough time.”

She nodded her head and stopped at a stoplight and turned to me. Her eyes moved over my shoulder and she threw on the blinker. “Are you in a hurry or need to be somewhere?”

“Nope, just wanted out of the house.”

Paislie pulled into the parking lot of Woodway Park and parked. She turned off the truck, got and met me on the passenger side as I opened the door. I thought she was getting the crutches, but she got out a cane instead. “Let’s get in some walking on your leg, shall we?”

My mouth dropped open as I looked at her. “What? I thought therapy was this morning.”

With a raised eyebrow, she slowly shook her head. “If I’m going to be living with you twenty-four seven, and I see an opportunity to do something, we’re doing it.”

God, those last three words made my cock stir.

Kelly Elliott's books