Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

“Um, I wasn’t meaning anything when I said that. I’m not used to someone being in his life seriously or at all really, and oh my God. I’m making this so much worse.”

I plastered on a fake smile. “No worries at all. Like I said, we’re just friends.” I reached down for my purse and placed it over my shoulder. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to take off.”

Autumn reached out and gently touched my arm. “You’re not staying for the race? We usually hang out in here and watch it.”

I looked between both girls. As much as I wanted to pretend like I didn’t want anything serious with Malcolm, the idea of sitting next to the girl he had been recently fucking didn’t seem like a good time to me.

“Thanks, but I don’t think so.”

Both girls stepped out of my way as I made my way to the door; opening it, I ran into Malcolm. “Hey. Where are you going?”

I felt like an idiot for how I was acting, but I couldn’t help it. For once in my life I felt something stronger than just a sexual attraction for a man, and I wasn’t sure I could do this. At least not right now. “I’m going to take off.”

Malcolm’s eyes immediately went to his sister and Ashley. “What happened?”

I placed my hands on his chest and quickly pulled them back when I felt the jolt of energy. He turned back to me and gave me a confused look. “Good luck on the race, Malcolm.”

Pushing my way past him, I quickly walked to where I had parked my car.

Ugh! I can’t believe I’m letting this bother me! What, am I sixteen again?

I picked up my pace, angry that I was letting something like this get to me. I didn’t even know Malcolm when he and Ashley were together. And what did it matter?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.


The sound of Malcolm’s voice caused me to stop on a dime.

I plastered on my famously-practiced smile and turned to face him. He was jogging up and stopped right in front of me. “I’m sorry about Ashley. I have no idea what in the hell she said to you, but I can see it made you feel uneasy.”

“It’s okay. Honestly. Deuce and I will just have to hang out another time. I’ll talk to you later?”

His eyes filled with hurt as I tried to take a step away, but was frozen in place by his words. “Please don’t go. I won’t be able to stop thinking about you if you leave.”

My mind was racing as I tried to come up with a single reason why I didn’t want to stay. Only for the fact that I was letting petty jealousy in the way, I really was interested in what Malcolm was doing.

It was then I noticed all the people around us and I became completely aware that almost all of them were drivers. And they were all staring at us.

I took a step closer to him, trying to make light of the situation. “I’m not upset, I promise.”

“Then stay and watch the race. You’ll have a front row seat to the whole show.”

I was touched Malcolm asked me to watch the race. I’d never had a man treat me the way Malcolm did and it was refreshing. Lifting my eyebrows I asked, “Will it be loud?”


“Will I have to wear those ear things that go over my hair?”

“Headphones? Yes.”

I contemplated for a few seconds and looked around. “I’m not sure. I don’t like loud places.”

Malcolm reached for my hands. “I’d love to know you were sitting there watching me. It would mean a lot.”

I pressed my lips together as I took in his beautiful blue eyes. “I’m still not sure I’m looking for anything serious, Malcolm.”

His hand came up to the side of my face as I found myself leaning into it. “I’m not asking you to date me. I’m asking you stay and watch me race.”

Oh lord. There went my heart.

Before my brain could catch up with my heart, I replied, “Okay.”

The smile that spread over his face caused me to giggle like a little girl.

“You’re going to love it!” he said enthusiastically as he practically pulled my arm out while leading me back toward the track.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sarcastic groan. “Don’t get your hopes up.”

“Hope you’re not afraid of heights,” Malcolm said as he pointed up to scaffolding holding a few chairs and a bunch of equipment.

With a stunned and somewhat frightened expression, I asked, “That’s where you want me to sit?”

The evil sexy grin on his face had me searching for my next breath. “Yep,” he replied.

He was now dressed in his racing gear and I had to admit he looked hot as hell.

The amount of activity going on had my head spinning. The cars were all lined up with Malcolm’s being in the second row. He qualified third, which I thought was good, but according to him he could have done better.

Malcolm’s arm was wrapped around my waist while he talked to two of the guys on his pit crew. People walked by snapping pictures, but pretty much left him and the other drivers alone. Every now and then someone would ask for a picture or for something signed, and Malcolm would comply with that southern charm he had.

Of course, I’d seen the cocky side of him earlier when he was talking shit with another driver.

Kelly Elliott's books