Accidentally Married

“That's not so,” I say. “That's not so, at all. That connection, it still –”

I stop myself from saying anymore, fearful that I've already said to much. That I've given him hope I can't follow through on. As much as I'd like that to happen.

Brayden pushes himself off the door, and with a cocky grin on his handsome face, closes the distance between us. He stands close to me and I inhale his musky cologne and feel a shudder pass through my body. I close my eyes and feel like I've been transported back to Vegas.

As my eyes are closed, and because the man apparently elicits a way more than normal carnal reaction from me, I start to think about the Velvet and Leather club again. Think about the feel of his body pressed to mine. The heat in his kiss. The taste of his seed.

“Do you remember that show –” he says, his voice low and husky.

“With the sexy teacher and student? Yes,” I finish for him.

“That was so hot.”

“It was.”

“Do you remember what we did while we watched them?”

“I think about it every night when I touch myself,” I gasp.

“So do I,” he says, his voice thick with desire.

“This room here, and us in it,” he says softly, “it kind of reminds me of that.”

“The thought has crossed my mind a time or two.”

Before I know what hits me, Brayden's lips are pressed against mine. I feel him pushing me backward, moving us towards my desk, his hands swiftly moving beneath my shirt. Our tongues dance together, and I can't breathe. My heart is racing, my skin is on fire, and I know I shouldn't be doing this. But, everything is upside down in my head and nothing makes sense anymore.

Brayden lifts me up like I weigh nothing at all and sets me on top of the desk. Something from the desk falls to the floor, spilling with a loud clatter. It sounds like my pencil holder, filled with pens and highlighters for grading, scattering all across the linoleum tile, but I don’t care. It doesn’t stop me as our kiss grows in intensity, the air between us growing hotter, and our hands roaming one another's bodies once more.

“Brayden, please –”

I start to ask him to stop what he's doing, to let me go, but I don’t get a chance finish my sentence. Brayden takes my pleading to mean something else entirely. And when he makes his move, I start to wonder if maybe that's what I meant as well. Kissing down the length of my neck, his fingers teasing my stiff nipples through my blouse. I'm breathless as I lean against him. I suddenly find that I don't know what is going on anymore. Not that I really care.

But then Brayden drops to his knees before me. I stare at him wide-eyed as he gives me a sultry grin and licks his lips. I feel a nervous energy coursing through my veins. The rational part of my brain speaks up, tells me that I shouldn't do this, but my need for him easily overpowers it.

His blue eyes stare up at me as he kisses my thighs, moving up higher and higher. Running the tip of his tongue along my skin, he spreads my legs open as he goes. His hand slips underneath my skirt and pushes it up around my waist, touching me through my panties, and drawing a sharp breath from me.

My wetness had soaked through.

Slipping them aside, Brayden slides a finger underneath the silky material of my panties and rubs at my clit. I bite my lip to suppress the moan building inside of me. Placing my hands on the desk, on either side of me, I brace myself as Brayden slides my panties down my legs and tosses them onto the desk beside me.

He doesn't say a word. He just lowers himself to my wetness, breathing me in and letting out a contented sigh before flicking his tongue against my clit. Arching my back, my hands find their way to his hair. I tangle my fingers in the softness of his hair, pulling it hard as he goes to town on me, kissing and licking and sucking my sweet spot. I throw my head back and push his face deeper into me, trying to control myself as I cry out.

“Yes, yes,” I mutter.

I'm desperately trying to remain as quiet as I can, given how many people are still in the hallways on the other side of that door. I know if I'm too loud, we’re going to be overheard and I can't have that.

School is out for the day, but administrators and other teachers are still around, preparing for the conferences later this evening. But Brayden's tongue feels so good, I'm not sure I can contain the screams building up inside of me. And when he slips a finger inside of me while he sucks on my clit, a low groan spills out of my mouth. Then he slips another finger in, drawing another groan from me, louder this time.

He fucks me with his fingers, moving in-and-out of my tight little hole with precision and dedication, never once taking his mouth off me. The combination of his fingers and mouth is electrifying and brings me to the edge of orgasm before I can even register what's happening.

My entire body from head-to-toe tenses as my heart speeds up and my breathing grows ragged, the fire between my thighs burning brighter and hotter than ever. As if he can tell I'm close, Brayden holds my hips tightly with one hand, keeping me from moving too much as he drives his other fingers deeper inside of me while sucking even harder on my clit.

There's a burst of warmth between my thighs and a flood of wetness a moment before my body explodes with pleasure. I bite my lip to keep from crying out, everything in me shuddering and shaking as I whisper Brayden's name.

He never takes his mouth of me, not for one second, until I stop moving. Once I've experienced every possible bit of pleasure, he stands up and looks me dead in the eyes. My juices coat his face, which he wipes off with his hand. He licks his lips and smiles before leaning in and kissing me once more.

I shudder as I taste myself on his lips. He pulls back and stares at me again.

“Dinner. Tonight,” he says. “I'll text you the place.”

I know I should say no. That I should decline the invitation, sign the annulment papers and be done with him. I can't keep doing this – not to him and not to myself. This has to end because logically it can't go anywhere else. Steeling myself for what I must say, I open my mouth to speak, shocked by the words that fall from my lips.

“I have parent meetings until six,” I say. “I'm free after that.”

“We'll meet at seven then,” he says, a statement, not a question.

He leans in and kisses me again.

“What about the –”

“I'll bring them with me,” he says.

He stands up, helps me back on my feet and gives me a sly wink before he leaves.

“I'll bring them with me,” he says. “And we can sign the papers then – if you still want to go through it, that is.”

He turns and unlocks the door, opening it and disappearing into the hallway without another word. And I stand there watching him go, unable to say a word. He leaves me there in my classroom, dazed and wobbly from the orgasm he'd given to me, awash in fond memories, and a deep craving for more.

And as I stand there, watching the door swing shut again, I try to get myself together. But then, a thought occurs to me. I can hear Brayden’s voice echoing in my head. If you still want to go through with it?

He doesn't mean –

I shake my head and a nervous laugh escapes me. Surely, that had just been a joke. He can't seriously believe that I'm going to not sign the papers to annul our ill-thought out marriage. He seriously has to want to sign it himself. I mean, all other issues with my father aside, there's no way it can work between us. Not from a logistical standpoint. He is based out of Austin, I'm in Denver. We're geographically unsuitable for each other.

But, we are oh so suited in other ways, another part of my mind whispers to me. I quickly shut that thought down, though I find it hard to suppress the smile on my lips as I feel how wet I am because of him. Yeah, we're well-suited sexually. And in a lot of other important ways too.

R.R. Banks's books