Accidentally Married

She leans forward and presses her mouth to mine. Our lips part and our tongues begin a slow, sensual dance of their own. I slide my hand up her smooth, soft leg, tracing my fingertips along her thigh. I feel her body shudder as our kiss intensifies and the passion between us begins to grow.

Holly slides her hand up my leg and grips my cock through my pants, which is already rigid, ready for her. I moan softly as she rubs and strokes me through my pants, my hunger for her becoming powerful and overwhelming.

That settles it. I can't wait to get back to the hotel. I need to be inside of her now. I lean forward, pressing my body to hers, moving my hand up beneath her skirt, relishing the softness of her inner thighs. I touch her through her panties and I feel the heat radiating from her-how damp her panties already are.

But then she pulls away from me, looking into my eyes with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Wait,” she says.

“What is it?”

My cock is straining against my pants, so hard that it's nearly painful. I don't want to wait. I want her. Now.

“We're in Vegas,” she says. “I want to do something wild. Something crazy. Something I've never even thought about doing before.”

I give her a devilish grin. “And fucking in a limo while cruising down the Strip doesn't make that list?”

“It's on the list,” she says and smiles. “But, it's not at the top of it.”

I sit back in my seat and chuckle. “Okay, well, what's on your list then?”

“Give me your phone.”

“What's wrong with your phone?”

“I'm not using it right now.”

I laugh again. “Why not?”

I see a shadow cross her face and can sense her starting to shut down. That's the last thing I want to happen right now - so I dig out my phone from my pocket and hand it to her. The smile returns to her face and the shadow vanishes just as quickly as it appeared. She pulls up the Internet search engine and taps in a few keys. I watch as she scrolls through the page, the glow of the phone making her already fair skin glow even whiter.

She's gorgeous. Sexy. And I want, more than anything else in this world, to be inside of her right now. But, she seems to be very eager and excited about something, so I decide to let it play out. If she's up for something wild and crazy - I'm all for it.

She hands me the phone. “Can you have the driver take us here?”

I look at what's on the screen and then back up at her. “Seriously?”

“Serious as the proverbial heart attack,” she says.

A slow smile spreads across my face. This is going to be a very interesting evening.


I pay the cover charge and we walk into Velvet and Leather, one of Las Vegas' many swinger's clubs. I've never been in a sex club before, so I don't know what to expect. My first impression, though, is that it's not actually as seedy as I anticipated. For some reason, I expected to walk into a place that's dirty, filthy, covered in cum, and filled with drug-addled degenerates. But, this place is actually tastefully furnished, at least appears to be clean, and is filled with well-dressed, professional looking people.

I'm still in shock that Holly would choose to come to a place like this. She definitely doesn’t come across like the sex club kind of girl to me. But hey, if this is what's going to get her off tonight, I'm not going to stand in the way of a good time.

We walk through a lounge done up in red velvet. It's gaudy and has a French bordello theme going on. There's an elaborate chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, antique-looking sconces on the wall with simulated flames inside, and plush booths everywhere. A long oak bar runs the length of one wall and the two bartenders manning it are busy.

The lounge is packed with people. The buzz of conversation in the room drowns out the soft piano music being supplied by a man in a tuxedo playing in a corner of the room. It all looks very sophisticated, very classy. But, like everything else in Vegas, I'm sure it's a facade. I have a feeling that once we go through the double doors on the far side of the room, things will be very different. Things will become rawer and far less refined.

For her part, Holly seems to be bouncing on her heels, giddy with excitement and anticipation.

“What made you want to come here?” I ask.

She shrugs. “Like I said, I wanted to do something a little crazy,” she says. “Something totally outside the realm of normal for me.”

“Well, you happened to pick something well outside the norm for me too,” I say and chuckle.

She cocks her head. “If you're uncomfortable, we can –”

I put my finger to her lips and smile. “I'm intrigued,” I say and press my body close to hers, so she can feel the erection she's given me. “And very aroused.”

She smiles and gives me a quick peck on the lips. “I should thank you,” she says. “You've helped me remember a lot of things – like how to enjoy my life and be a real human again too.”

I smile and lean down, giving her a passionate kiss, trying to convey everything I feel for her through my lips and tongue. A moment later, I step back and smile.

“I'll go get us a drink,” I say. “Cosmo?”

She nods her head. “That would be great.”

I make my way over to the bar and flag down one of the bartenders, placing my order. I turn around and lean against the wood, watching Holly wander around the lounge, looking at the paintings and absorbing the atmosphere. I have to wonder, as I’m observing her, why she's avoiding looking at her phone. I wonder what's going on in her life. And I find that not only do I want to know whatever is troubling her, I want to help her fix it and make it right. More than anything, I want Holly to be happy.

It's a strange thought and one I've never had about a woman I've only known for a couple of days, but something about Holly is different. She makes me feel emotions that I've never experienced before. See things in an entirely new way. I know our time in Vegas is coming to an end – probably sooner, rather than later – but I don't want it to. I want us to stay in this bubble. Together.

“She's a gorgeous woman,” says a guy standing next to me. “You're a lucky man.”

I turn and look at him, immediately feeling my hackles rise. I feel oddly protective and possessive of Holly and don't like the thought of other guys checking her out. But, I fight it back. I rein in my temper and all the other feelings of jealousy. I tell myself that if I'm going to fight every man who looks at her in a way I don't like, I’ll be fighting all day, every day.

The fact of the matter is that Holly is a beautiful woman and she's going to draw attention wherever she goes. It's just how it is. And as I clear my head of irrational, emotional thoughts, I can tell that the guy isn't being creepy or perverse about it at all. He's simply paying her a compliment.

“She is,” I say.

“Married?” the guy asks.

I shake my head. “No,” I chuckle. “We only met a couple of days ago.”

“Huh,” he says. “Interesting. Because the way she looks at you, I would have sworn you two had been together for a while.”

“What makes you say that?”

He shrugs. “You can practically see the cartoon hearts floating above her head when she looks at you,” he says and chuckles.

“Think so?”

He nods and takes a pull from his bottle of beer. “I'm a relationship psychologist,” he says. “I'm pretty well versed in the tell-tale signs of love – or lack of love.”

“Really?” I say, taken a bit aback.

I know how I feel about Holly. Well, sort of. My feelings for her are – complicated. Complex. Partly because I know that what we have going on has an impending expiration date, but mostly because I don't know how she feels about the situation. There's a part of me thinking that she's here to cut loose and step outside of her comfort zone. To have some fun with no strings attached. To simply do something wild and crazy before going back to her real life.

“Oh yeah,” he says. “I'd say that woman has some very deep feelings for you. Like I said, you're a lucky man.”

I give him a smile. “I suppose I am.”

“What brings you two here?” he asks.

R.R. Banks's books