Accidentally Married

“He was the smartest person I’ve ever known,” he says. “I still miss him every damn day.”

A small knot in my belly constricts painfully as I hear the genuine emotion in his voice when talking about his father. I honestly don't know if I'm going to feel anything close to the way Brayden does when my father passes. I don't wish for his death or anything, but given how he treated me growing up – how he still treats me – although I love him, I can't say that I'm super emotionally invested in him. I checked out of our relationship a long time ago and I don't know that, after he dies, I'm going to say that I miss him with the same conviction I can hear in Brayden's voice.

“Of course, the downside to the way he split up the company,” Brayden goes on, “is that I don't get to see my brothers very often anymore. We're all busy and tied up with our lives in our regions. We're all so focused on making our piece of the pie the biggest that we don't really take the time to check in with each other. I mean - I'm close to my brother Liam, who lives up in the Pacific Northwest, but I don't talk to the other two as often.”

“That's kind of sad.”

“Tell me about it,” he replies. “I miss those assholes.”

I laugh. Only a brother could refer to another brother as an asshole with as much genuine affection and warmth.

“What about you?” he asks. “Any siblings?”

“Just one older brother,” I say. “Ian. We’re not that close.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.”

I shrug. “It is what it is,” I say. “My father puts a higher value on boys than girls.”

“Are you kidding me?”

I shake my head. “Wish I was,” I say. “Since we were kids, my dad’s been grooming Ian to take over the construction company when he retires. I was always an afterthought. Never given serious consideration to inheriting a piece of the company.”

“Well, that's stupid and short-sighted,” he says. “I'm sorry to hear that.”

I shrug. “No big deal. It probably worked out for the best anyway. It's not like I have a passion for construction or anything,” I say. “I love what I do. I'm passionate about it. I just hate to be overlooked, or thought less of, based on my gender.”

He nods. “And that's understandable,” he says and chuckles. “My brothers and I are all convinced that if my father ever had a daughter, he would have given the entire company to her and forced all of us to work under her. He always told us that girls are smarter and more logical than boys, who are hypercompetitive meatheads. And that's a direct quote from the old man.”

I laugh and find myself wishing I could have met his father. He sounds like an extraordinary man. I don't think he did too badly in raising his sons. Well, son. I'm only assuming the rest turned out as well as Brayden.

“So, are your brothers single?” I ask.

“Are you asking for Gabby or for yourself?” Brayden shoots back and smiles.

I shrug. “Well, Gabs for now,” I say. “We'll see how the rest of the night goes before I answer the other part of that question.”

“You are such a smartass,” he says and laughs.

The car pulls into New York, New York, and I cock my head. It's not exactly the kind of place I would picture someone like Brayden frequenting. He's more of a Bellagio or a Wynn man. He looks at me, clearly sensing that I'm trying to figure it out and laughs.

“You really do suck with surprises,” he says.

“It's my inquisitive mind.”

He leans over and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. “And that's just one of the many things about you that I adore.”

I feel a rush of warmth spreading through my body. Brayden is so good to me. He treats me like a princess. I know the cold, hard reality of the situation I'm in – that this is going to end. Sooner, rather than later. Midnight is going to strike, the limo we're in will turn back into a pumpkin and the fairy tale will be over. I'm going to return home to Denver and Brayden will go home to Austin. It's just the way it's going to be.

But somewhere deep inside of me, I don't want it to. I want to live in this fantasy world as long as I can. In the real world, in my real life, I've never felt more treasured and cared for. Never felt more wanted or appreciated. And I sure as hell have never felt sexier or more desired.

And that's all because of Brayden. It might have been unexpected, but this thing between us – whatever it is – feels so real to me. And even though I know the reality of the situation and what is facing me once I go back to my real life – there is something inside of me that doesn't want to let this thing go. Doesn't want to give this up.

I let Brayden lead me through the loud, smoke-filled casino, curious about where he's taking me. When we round the corner though, and I see the theater before us, I finally piece it all together. Of course, the signs out front helped a lot.

“Zumanity, huh?” I ask.

“I heard that it's a beautiful show,” he says. “And incredibly erotic.”

“I guess we're going to find out,” I say, leaning my head on his shoulder.

He gives me a smile. “It would appear so.”

Chapter Fifteen


The show was somehow even more amazing than I thought it was going to be. I've wanted to check out one of the Cirque shows for a long time. It's one of those things I just never got around to doing. Always too busy with work, with socializing, with – whatever – and never made the time for it.

But, having the opportunity to see Holly for another evening made it seem like it was time to finally go see it. And I'm glad we did.

“That was incredible,” she beams as we make our way out of the theater.

I nod. “It really was,” I say. “I enjoyed the hell out of that.”

“How did you manage to get such amazing seats?”

I arch an eyebrow at her and smile. “How many times do I have to tell you that I always find a way to get what I want?”

“Oh, right,” she says and laughs. “How could I forget?”

We head back through the casino and out onto the street. The night air is a tiny bit chilly and I feel Holly shudder beside me. Quickly taking off my suit jacket, I drape it over her shoulders. She looks up at me with a grateful smile.

“Thank you,” she says. “A gentleman to the end.”

“I have my moments.”

The car is waiting for us at the curb and I escort her to it, helping her into the back before sliding in behind her. When we're settled in, I take her hand and lean over, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you,” I say.

She looks at me, her expression perplexed. “What are you thanking me for?”

“Well, among other things, for reminding me how to go out and have fun again,” I say. “For helping me feel like an actual human being. It’s been a while.”

“Well, then, you're welcome,” she says.

The car pulls out into traffic and I look over at Holly, feeling arousal growing within me. Growing quickly and strong. I'm half debating whether I should take her in the limo or wait to get back to the hotel. That show was definitely sensual and erotic, and I am most certainly in the mood.

Of course, we could have simply taken a ride in an elevator and I'd probably be in the mood. Something about Holly just fires up the desire inside of me. When I look at her, I can't help but want her. Right then. Right there. She flips the switch in me almost effortlessly, without even trying.

She looks at me and I can see her eyes glittering in the light filtering in through the tinted windows. Not even the obnoxiously loud, garish neon lights of the Strip can diminish the beauty of that face. And when her eyes meet mine, I see her own desire and lust reflected at me.

“Is it me or was that show really sexy?” she asks.

“It was,” I say. “But, not nearly as sexy as you.”

“Always the silver-tongued devil,” Holly moans.

“Let me show you just how good I am with my tongue.”

R.R. Banks's books