A McKenzie Christmas (McKenzie Brothers, #5.5)

She chuckled to herself when she thought of Michael with his children. He had three under the age of three, which kept him and his lovely wife, Lily on their toes. They’d had a rough month, but the spark was back between them, which made her glad that she’d kept the young ones overnight to give them time to themselves. Lily also looked as though she’d found a new lease of life. She’d needed a break, although Pippa didn’t think she’d had much of one with Michael while they were away.

And then Lucien had never looked happier. Her troubled son finally looked free of his past, which made Pippa’s heart feel lighter. She’d worried about him since the moment she’d received the call from the hospital about the fire. Pippa had no illusion that it had been Sabrina who’d pulled him into the light and his newfound happiness, along with their baby Alexander.

One of her favorite Christmas presents had been from Lucien with his announcement that they were planning to build a home on the family land. And that it was a permanent home. She’d actually burst into tears because it was at that point that she knew he was living again.

While she’d been in tears she received her other favorite present from Sebastian and Carla—she was going to become a grandmother for the fifth time. They hadn’t told her but had, instead, given her their present and asked her to open it quickly. She had and found two large balls of lemon wool, knitting needles, and a baby-knitting pattern. She’d had trouble putting two and two together, until she’d looked at the glowing couple, and noticed that Sebastian’s hands cradled his wife’s belly. She really hadn’t seen that coming.

It also made her wonder how long it would be before Ruben and Rosie announced that they were expecting. Those two hadn’t left each other’s side all day, much the same as the other couples really.

As she dabbed at her face, she turned to the door when she heard the handle turn.

Her handsome husband walked in and stopped short when he spotted the tears on her face.


Elias knew she had been upset and he knew the reason why as well; his beautiful wife had been overwhelmed with the love under their roof.

Pippa had always filled their home with love, and he’d had an amazing forty-three years with her. He looked forward to the next forty-three. There had only been the one woman for him, and from the minute they’d met, he’d never looked at another. Why would he when Pippa held his heart and happiness in the palm of her hand?

He walked over and sat beside her, his arm around her shoulder as he pulled her into his chest. “I have you, Pip.” He kissed her on the top of her head.

Elias was tall to his wife’s five-foot-four frame, and it seemed to be a trait that his son’s followed, because all their wives were shorter than they were. Noah was around the same height as Ramon, but the girls, they were small. The best things in life came in small packages, which he knew first hand.

“I’m bursting with happiness. All our sons looked so happy with their partners and children. I couldn’t be any happier if I tried.”

“I know. It feels good to look at them now, knowing that we had something to do with making them the men they are today. It’s our love that made them that way. You know that, right?” Elias smiled at Pippa, and his heart beat wildly in his chest.

“I know, honey.” Pippa dipped her head back to her husband’s chest. “It’s a wonderful feeling and I’m afraid my emotions got the better of me. It hit me all of a sudden just how perfect our family is. I mean everyone has their ups and downs, some more than others, but everyone under our roof today was really happy.”

“Yes, they were. Speaking about happy, did you notice George? He looks to have a new bounce to his step since he married Janet.”

He felt Pippa as she chuckled against him. “I did. I’m glad he’s finally made an honest woman out of her.”

Elias laughed. “I think it might have been the other way around to hear Michael tell it. Apparently, she gave him a choice—marriage or separation.”

“That would work. The poor man is besotted with her and has been since he worked as Michael’s driver.”

“He is that.”

Pippa moved out of his arms, and when her tears had been dried, she said, “Do you remember, all those years ago, saying that when we had the money and time that we’d go to Europe?”

He smiled. “I remember as though it was yesterday. You were lying under me in a field of daises. I’d never seen a more beautiful sight than I did that day.”

She sighed, a soft look on her face.

“I think,” he started, “that it’s time we had the vacation that we used to talk about before we married and had children.”

Pippa smiled and cupped his cheek with her hand. “Thank you for giving me five beautiful sons. I love you, Mr. McKenzie.”

“I love you, too, Mrs. McKenzie.”

Chapter 7

Ramon & Noah

WARNING - M/M Sexual Explicit Chapter