A McKenzie Christmas (McKenzie Brothers, #5.5)

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his chest where she’d settled.

They laughed when, the next minute, Buttons jumped up onto the sofa, or rather tried. She fell back to the floor so Carla moved to pick the mewling animal up before she settled back down again. The cat started to purr and settled on his chest, but in the curve of Carla’s neck. Buttons looked so damn cute curled up asleep that it was hard not to pet the thing.

“Isn’t she sweet?” Carla wanted him to agree, and chuckled when he grunted. “Don’t listen to him, Buttons, he’s a big softy.”

He listened to his wife as she continued to talk to the cat, and smiled. She was nuts, but he loved her, and yeah, he liked the cat. It was damn cute, but he didn’t want his wife to know that he felt that way.

The logs crackled in the hearth, and he realized that he’d never felt more content than he did right then. He had the woman he loved in his arms and a baby on the way. He tried to keep his overactive libido in check because it was Christmas Eve and he wanted to sit quietly and just think. He didn’t know what he really wanted to think about, but the coziness of it all was nice.

And then his wife stroked, back and forth, across his belly and his good intentions started to go out the window as his dick swelled with arousal behind his zipper.

Carla snickered and placed her hand on top of him. “Sorry, I just wanted to see how easily I could arouse you.”

Was she serious?

“Babe, I only have to look at you and I’m hard as fuck. Tonight, I was trying to behave while we sat in front of the fire.” He removed her hand and placed it on his chest beside the kitten.

“We’ll have lots of other Christmas Eve’s where we’ll have to behave.” She purred against him. “This is our last Christmas Eve with just the two of us. Next year, we’ll be celebrating with our son or daughter.” Carla placed her hand to her stomach. “I can’t believe there is a tiny life growing inside me.”

She was right. He’d be a daddy next Christmas Eve, and Carla a mommy. Their lives would change, but for the better. He’d really have to curb his sexual appetite for his wife when the baby arrived, but he wasn’t an adolescent. He’d manage.

“I think that I need to keep you permanently naked between now and you giving birth so I can get rid of all my sexual need.”

Carla sniggered. “Constant sex for the next seven months won’t get rid of your sexual need, that I can guarantee you.”

“I think we should try.” He struggled to keep his face straight.

“Hmm,” Carla glanced away and he frowned.

One minute she was teasing him and the next, she was serious. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He brushed the hair behind her ear, and cupped her jaw.

When she didn’t answer or look at him, he tilted her head back to look at her. “Carla, you have me worried.” He met her gaze and the tears that hovered on her lashes.

He placed the kitten on the blanket beside him, and turned fully to his wife.

“What if you don’t like me when I have a big belly? You might not want to make love to me then.”

His eyes popped wide. “Oh God, Carla. I love you. There is no way on this earth that I won’t ever want to make love to you. You keep me constantly horny.” He cupped her face. “I’m impatient to see you swollen with our child, knowing that it’s me who got you that way.” He grinned. “Don’t for one minute think that I won’t want you.” He kissed her then.

Every single word he spoke was the truth. He loved her and couldn’t wait to see their child growing inside her belly. And then he remembered reading something, “Besides,” he added, “apparently pregnancy hormones can make you horny. More so than usual.” He wiggled his brows, wanting to lighten the mood.


Carla chuckled at her husband. She knew he loved her and couldn’t keep his hands off her, and deep down she knew that would never change. She’d just been thrown for a loop being told that she was pregnant when it hadn’t been planned. She was happy and looked forward to being a mommy to the little bean she had in her belly; she just hadn’t expected it for a few more years. She was surprised really that she hadn’t gotten pregnant before then with how her husband couldn’t leave her alone. She couldn’t complain because she was just as bad, and, quite often, she’d dress to tease him knowing that he wouldn’t be able to ignore her.

“Sebastian, I think you should give me one of those Victoria’s Secret packages early so you can see what it looks like. I mean, we won’t have time tomorrow morning for a fashion show.”

Her husband groaned. “I’m not sure seeing you in hardly anything is going to work with my quiet night by the fire.”

She grinned and rolled her eyes. “It will still be a quiet night by the fire, and it will be slow,” she breathed against his mouth, “long and slow.” She placed her hand in his lap, and smiled while she kissed him at the feel of his arousal as he hardened against her.