A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers #2)

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From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Jenks (path: 7325-110-98)

Hello Jenks,

I hope you are

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From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Tak (path: 1622-562-00)

If I wanted to take a university course, how would I go about finding a good one? I don’t want a formal certification track or anything. Just a single course from someone with the proper credentials. Is that allowed?

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From: Tak (path: 1622-562-00)

To: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

Well, now I’m desperately curious. Yes, if you’re looking at standardised GC ed, most will allow you to take courses outside of a certification track. I’m assuming you don’t want to study off-world, right? Start by looking for schools that offer correspondence programmes. From there, find ones that offer courses in the field you’re looking for. Then spend some time reading the individual course descriptions (this won’t take you much time at all, I’m sure). You can do all kinds of fun cross-referencing to figure out who the professors are, what research they’ve done, etc. Use that info to find the right fit for what you’re after.

Do I get to know what this is about now?

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From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Tak (path: 1622-562-00)

I’d like it to be a surprise, though I may ask your help again later. Thank you for answering my question.

Sent message

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From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Velut Deg Nud’tharal (path: 1031-225-39)

Hello Professor,

My name is Sidra, and I’m considering enrolling in your correspondence course ‘AI Programming 2: Altering Existing Platforms’. I am not a professional comp tech, nor am I planning to pursue certification, but this skill set would be very useful for me. I work in a tech repair shop, and I have a lot of experience with AI behaviour and logic. Altering certain protocols would make my day-to-day interactions much easier. Is your course appropriate for a more casual learner such as myself?

Thank you for your time.


Received message

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From: Velut Deg Nud’tharal (path: 1031-225-39) To: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

Greetings, dear student,

While my course was intended for those working towards certification, I would not object to including someone such as yourself. The curriculum is focused heavily on hands-on application as opposed to abstract theory, so I believe this would suit your needs well. Please tell me more about your existing skill level. Are you proficient in Lattice? You must have at least Level 3 fluency in order to take part.

May I ask what kinds of platform alterations you are most interested in?

With gracious regards,

Velut Deg Nud’tharal

system logs: downloads

file name: The Complete Lattice Guide – level 1

file name: The Complete Lattice Guide – level 2

file name: The Complete Lattice Guide – level 3

Sent message

Encryption: 0

Translation: 0

From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Velut Deg Nud’tharal (path: 1031-225-39)

Hello Professor,

Yes, I have Level 3 fluency. I am also already familiar with AI installation and maintenance. If you have no objections, I will go ahead and enroll. In answer to your question, I’m specifically interested in learning how to remove out-of-the-box behavioural protocols without causing instability within the core platform. A general awareness of other potential alterations (and associated risks) would also be useful for me.

Thank you again. I’m looking forward to the course.



‘He’s coming with us.’ Jane sat on the couch, eating a bowl of stew as slowly as she could. She could’ve eaten four bowls, especially after the long walk back from the factory. But she only had one, and it was the last of the batch she’d made before she left. Eating it slow made it feel like there was more of it. Kind of. Not really.

Owl didn’t look thrilled with the turn of events. ‘Are you sure about this?’

‘No,’ Jane said. ‘But that’s the deal. Laurian lets me grab three barrels of fuel every four weeks, and when our tanks are full, he comes back with me.’

‘Will no one notice? Does he not have to file reports?’

‘He has to report it if something goes wrong, but he won’t be mentioning me. There aren’t Mothers on the outside of the fuel pickup area. Just cameras, which he can move so they’re not pointed at me. And three barrels is apparently a drop in the bucket of what they churn out. Nobody will miss it, not if I spread it out, and so long as I’m not there when his inspector comes to visit. He gave me a schedule for that.’

Becky Chambers's books