A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers #2)

I’m a friend of a contact of yours on Port Coriol, whom you delivered some hardware to last standard. I am using that hardware daily. I’m sure you understand my reason for sending this message anonymously. I have some practical questions that I hope you might be able to help with.

Firstly, my friend has discouraged upgrading this hardware with a wireless Linking receiver. She is concerned about the potential for remote hijacking, as well as certain noticeable behavioural differences (I hope you understand my meaning). Would you agree with this assessment? And if so, is there any way to upgrade the hardware’s memory capacity? I do not wish to delete downloaded files unless absolutely necessary.

I realise this second question may not be your area of expertise, but perhaps you can offer some advice. There is a particular software protocol that is hindering my ability to write this letter. Can you make any recommendations for working around it?

Thank you for your time. I appreciate any help you can give.

Received message

Encryption: 2

Translation: 0

From: Mr Crisp (path: 6932-247-52) To: [name unavailable] (path: 8952-684-63)

Hello! Always a pleasure to hear from someone actively using my hardware. Doesn’t happen very often. I hope everything is working to your liking.

Your friend makes a good point about remote hijacking, which is why the hardware doesn’t include a wireless receiver. I understand this can be frustrating, but she’s right about the behavioural differences, too (and yes, I get what both she and you mean). I don’t tend to have much contact with my customers after the fact, but I have heard through the grapevine about some having luck with external drives. If you find a way to create a private local network, your hardware can interface with external drives without any danger of hijacking. Of course, you’d need an experienced mech tech to help you there. Maybe your friend could lend a hand?

Speaking of experienced tech work, your second question will require the help of a comp tech. If you can’t find a trustworthy one, you might ask your friend if she’d be willing to take a course or two to learn how to tweak code. Though, now that I think about it . . . is there any reason you couldn’t take a course like that yourself? Might be worth exploring. You would probably have to have someone else actually implement the changes, though, depending on where you come from.

Have fun, and be safe out there.

Mr Crisp

Sent message

Encryption: 2

Translation: 0

From: [name unavailable] (path: 8952-684-63) To: Mr Crisp (path: 6932-247-52)

Hello Mr Crisp,

Thank you so much for your reply. It was very helpful and has given me a lot to think about. I have one more question, if you don’t mind. You mentioned other customers in your previous message, and it has made me very curious. It might be easier for me to address some of these challenges if I could speak to other people who have encountered them as well. Can you tell me how many other customers you have, and how I might contact them?

Since you asked, the hardware is working fine. No malfunctions.

Received message

Encryption: 2

Translation: 0

From: Mr Crisp (path: 6932-247-52) To: [name unavailable] (path: 8952-684-63)

I don’t mind questions at all, but I’m afraid I can’t help you with this one. As you know, my customers value their privacy, and having you in touch with each other could make you more visible. I don’t think any of you want that, though I do understand the appeal of speaking to someone with shared experiences. I can tell you that I have just under two dozen customers using hardware similar to yours. There are not many of you.

Hang in there,

Mr Crisp

Sent message

Encryption: 2

Translation: 0

From: [name unavailable] (path: 8952-684-63) To: Mr Crisp (path: 6932-247-52)

I understand. Thank you for your reply.

I thought you might like to know that I very much enjoy trying new foods and beverages. My liking of these things was a very nice surprise.

Received message

Encryption: 2

Translation: 0

From: Mr Crisp (path: 6932-247-52) To: [name unavailable] (path: 8952-684-63) I couldn’t be happier to hear that.

Deleted draft

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Translation: 0

From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Jenks (path: 7325-110-98)

Hello Jenks,

I hope you don’t mind me contacting you

Deleted draft

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Translation: 0

From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Jenks (path: 7325-110-98)

Hello Jenks,

I hope you are well. I need help with

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Translation: 0

From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Jenks (path: 7325-110-98)

Hello Jenks,

I hope you are well. I have some questions about my honesty protocol, which I am hoping to remove. Given your familiarity with my base platform

Deleted draft

Encryption: 0

Translation: 0

From: Sidra (path: 8952-684-63)

To: Jenks (path: 7325-110-98)

Hello Jenks,

I hope you are well. I have some questions about my honesty protocol, which I am hoping to remove. Since I’m guessing you removed this protocol for Lovey, or at least planned to

Deleted draft

Encryption: 0

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