The Night Is Forever

“Wait!” Matt broke in. “Is that legal? Don’t you need a search warrant? I mean, what if you catch a killer, but your evidence turns out to be tainted?” He looked around worriedly. “My, uh, dad’s an attorney,” he added. “Fruit of the poisonous tree, and all that.”



“You have my permission to search all Horse Farm property,” Olivia said. “There. That handles the tents.”


“You can search all our personal property, as well. Does anyone have any objections?” Drew asked. “Matt, I’m pretty sure that if you say it’s fine, it’s fine. There are a lot of witnesses who’ll hear you give your permission.”


“You can search anything of mine. Hell, we have our blood and urine tested all the time. What do I care about a backpack?” Matt said. “Guys?” he turned to the others.


They all murmured that they had no objections.


“Then, Olivia, if you’d please get everyone mounted up? We’ll return everyone’s property later,” Vine said. “Deputy Callahan’s going to ride with you.”


“Wow. I finally got to use my iPod again,” Matt moaned. “And you’re taking it away.”


“We’ll get it back to you by tonight,” Dustin promised.


Olivia helped Mariah to her feet. “We just leave everything?” she asked Dustin.


He nodded, speaking to her privately as the others went to get the horses saddled and ready for the ride back. It was decided that Callahan would be riding Aaron’s horse.


“And stay with the deputy,” Dustin emphasized. “Get the kids back where they belong, and you stay with Callahan. I don’t like you being without me. I’d thought the answer might be here, one reacted when I brought it up.” He shrugged. “So, I just don’t know.”


“You didn’t tell me anything about a dart gun,” she accused him.


“It’s a long shot.” He grimaced. “If you’ll pardon the bad pun.”


She nodded distractedly. “But who could have struck him? We were all at the campsite together.”


“None of us was at the stream when he went down there,” he said. “We didn’t realize Aaron was missing, there was so much commotion over Mariah.”


“You suspected Aaron,” she said. “You thought he killed Marcus.”


“I never put that into words.”


She took a deep breath. “Do you think he’ll make it?”


“He’s breathing, and they can keep him breathing. How long he was out, I don’t know.”


Drew had the kids saddling the horses. All the saddlebags—everything else—was left behind.


A dart could easily be hidden. And even though a dart gun was small, Dustin hoped he could see if anyone was carrying anything that looked suspect. He surveyed the riders and saw cell phones pressed against pockets, but nothing in the shape of a dart gun.


But, he figured, the dart gun could’ve been tossed in the forest somewhere.


When the riders were all mounted and ready to head back, he stood close to Olivia for a moment. She appeared to be calm and in control. She also looked drained and weary.


He wanted to rebuff the whole concept of searching for the dart gun—which he didn’t think he was going to find, anyway. He wanted to head back with Olivia, take a steaming shower and fall into bed with her. He’d never in his life regretted trying to be noble as much as he did now. And he hated the idea that she was riding away while he stayed.


When they were gone, Vine turned to him. “Listen, we’re not idiots or incompetent. Nor are we close-minded. We are a small department, though, and we don’t get a lot of murders out here. When something bad happens, I’m afraid it’s usually a domestic situation. So, G-man, what’s your plan?”


“Methodical and boring,” Dustin told him. “We search everything. And, to be honest, I don’t think we’re going to find what we’re looking for.”


“So why are we doing this?”


“In case we do find something.”


He remained surprised—and impressed—by the turnabout in Frank Vine. But he figured the man was good at his job. He could probably maintain order, find the missing, collar rabble-rousers, and he no doubt ran a tight ship.


As he’d said, he wasn’t accustomed to murder—or attempted murder. Especially when it appeared that no one had been in the vicinity to cause an “accident” that might lead to death.


“First, can you use your radio and get hold of someone to see that Aaron Bentley’s kept under surveillance at the hospital?” Dustin asked.


“I can.” He studied Dustin, then shook his head. “You really think someone might have murdered Marcus Danby—and attempted to kill Aaron Bentley?”


“I do,” Dustin said.


“Okay, then. You call the shots.”


“I’m not trying to take over.”


“I’m not letting you take over. I’m giving you an order to call the shots.”


Heather Graham's books