The Night Is Forever

“Yeah, that’s right, Brent.”



“He is watching us. I saw him. I saw him—he was on the other side of the stream. I saw him with Livia when we were washing the plates,” Brent said.


Sandra shook her head. “I’m not so sure we should’ve brought him,” she whispered.


“He’s fine,” Olivia said. “Half the world sees the general.”


“He thinks he really saw him,” Sandra snapped.


“Come on, buddy, back to bed,” Aaron said.


“Yeah, come on, we’re all going in,” Joey added kindly.


“Good night, all,” Aaron said, and, ducking through the entrance, escorted Brent back into the tent. Joey followed.


“I’m going to sit by the fire awhile,” Dustin said. “You all go back to sleep. Sorry. I’m just restless. I like to watch the dying embers—helps me sleep.”


Sandra went back in. Mariah waited for Olivia, then returned to the tent. Olivia fell into a deep sleep.


She awoke to early daylight—and the sound of a high-pitched scream. Bolting out of bed, she collided with Sandra as they both tried to get out at the same time.


Drew was already outside, looking around wildly, trying to ascertain where the scream had originated.


“Stay here!” Olivia ordered Sandra. “Watch the boys. Drew, come with me!”


It wasn’t really her place to give instructions, but Olivia hadn’t thought it out. She started running into the bushes, assuming the scream had come from the women’s side of the “bathroom” area. But when she saw a glimmer of light through the trees, she realized it must have come from farther back. Olivia kept running, with Drew on her heels. They burst into a little clearing. The gray skies of dawn made it hard to see clearly.


To her astonishment, Olivia found Dustin there—bending over Mariah, who was crouched on the ground. His small flashlight didn’t reveal much detail but did show her horrified expression.


“What’s going on?” Olivia shouted.


Drew barely managed to stop himself before colliding with her; she felt his hands on her shoulders.


Mariah rose, shaking, clinging to Dustin. “Oh, Lord, I am sorry...again!”


Olivia frowned at Dustin.


He shrugged. “I wake easily and run fast,” he said.


“What’s going on?” Olivia demanded a second time.


“I—I thought I saw...oh, this is so stupid!” Mariah apologized. “I thought I saw the general when I went to use the, uh, bathroom, and I tried to follow him and I got here and...” She stepped aside, displaying what she’d stumbled on.


The torn remnants of cow’s hindquarters lay there, blood trailing off into the bushes.


“A coyote got a cow,” Olivia said calmly. “Unfortunately, it happens.”


“I know, I know. I just wasn’t expecting it!” Mariah groaned.


“Let’s get the hell back now,” Drew suggested. Olivia could feel him close behind her—and she could tell that he was shaking. “The others are going to be worried.”


“Yes, let’s go!” Mariah said. “Oh, Lord, I’m going to have to apologize to the kids and tell them what an idiot I am!”


They walked back. By then, the others were milling around by the fire, waiting wide-eyed.


“What happened?” Sandra asked anxiously.


“Freakiest camping trip ever!” Mason said.


“Cool,” Nick murmured.


Sean jabbed him with an elbow. Mariah went into her explanation, but before she’d finished Dustin interrupted.


“Where’s Aaron?”


They looked around; Aaron wasn’t among them.


“He must be...I don’t know, in the bushes, too?” Mason asked.


“With this much commotion going on?” Dustin demanded.


“We’ll all go look for him,” Joey said.


“No, you boys stay here. Drew, you, Sandra and Mariah stay. Mason, check out the bushes. I’ll try the stream. Liv...” His eyes were on hers.


He didn’t want her alone with any of them, she realized.


“I’ll go with you,” she said. “We can cover most of the stream that way.”


They headed off together.


When they reached the stream he stood dead still for a few seconds. Then he swore and ran straight in.


Olivia saw why.


They’d found Aaron.


He was floating facedown in the water.








Dustin was afraid that Deputy Sheriff Frank Vine simply didn’t like him. Vine arrived with Jimmy Callahan, but Vine did most of the talking. Callahan was younger, more sympathetic, more concerned about those who’d witnessed the event, especially the boys.


Dustin knew damned well that he’d done everything right, performing artificial respiration competently and with determination.


And he’d gotten Aaron Bentley breathing again, although not conscious, before the rescue crew made it to the campsite via helicopter.


Heather Graham's books