Picture Me Dead

He smiled, lifting his chin. He didn’t mind so much. He’d determined from the beginning not to plan any stupid escape attempts, just to do his time. And now he was glad.


After all, he’d found God.


He just wished he’d found a little more courage, as well. Dilessio was still out there. And he was like a damned terrier with a bone. The others didn’t quite get it yet. He would never let go.


Unless he was dead.




Outside the building, Ashley called Karen to tell her about Stuart and about her own change in direction. Karen insisted that she wanted to go to the hospital that night herself, and said she would call Jan. At the very least, they could give more moral support to the Fresias. Ashley agreed. After that, Karen allowed her happiness for Ashley to burst through.


“It’s perfect. You’re with the police—”


“I’ll be a civilian employee, until I go back and finish up at the academy.”


“You’ll still be with the police. But you’ll be using your artistic talent, learning so much, and getting paid. Well paid.”


“That’s a definite plus. I intend to go back and finish the academy, though.” She hesitated. “Homicide detectives and some of the other specialists can do even better.”


“But that could well be ten years or so down the road. And if you decide at some point that you want to apply for homicide or whatever, you’ll have this incredible body of experience behind you.”


Ashley had to agree. She ended the call, telling Karen she would be by for her around six.


Just as she hit the “end” button, she felt a whoosh of air coming from behind her. Startled, she gave a little cry and spun around. Arne and Gwyn had come up behind her. Arne threw her into the air as if she weighed no more than ten pounds, then caught her on the way down. Gwyn caught her face and kissed her on both cheeks.


“Hey, promotion girl!” Arne said.


“We heard it was official, that you’ve put in the paperwork and you’re going to become a forensic artist,” Gwyn told her.


Ashley nodded. “It did seem like an offer I couldn’t refuse.”


“Refuse? Do you know many people apply for a position like that?” Arne said, shaking his head. “We want to take you out to celebrate.”


“That’s great of you guys. I’d love it.”


“Tonight?” Gwyn asked her.


“Not tonight, I just promised to go to the hospital with a couple of friends.”


“Has there been any change in your friend’s condition?” Arne asked.


Ashley shook her head. “No, but I feel so much better, getting to see his folks.”


As she spoke, she felt arms curl around her waist. She turned, surprised to see Len Green.


“Hey, boy!” she teased. “Did you give up your patrol car?”


“No, young lady, not at all. I’m just in one of those paperwork hell places that come along now and then. And, actually, I’m glad of that for once. I just heard about your promotion.”


“Well, it’s not exactly a promotion—” Ashley began.


“Like hell!” He waved a hand in the air. “It’s incredible. You still going to talk to a lowly patrolman now that you’ve soared past me?”


She laughed. “I didn’t soar past anyone,” she protested. “I changed course.”


“However you want to look at it, it’s wonderful,” he told her sincerely.


“More training than ever,” she heard herself say hastily.


“We’re going to get the class squad together and take her out to celebrate,” Arne told Len. “You want to join us?”


“Sure, of course, if I can. When?” Len asked.


“We’re working on that right now,” Gwyn said.


“How about Friday, Ash?” Arne said.


“Friday sounds good. Unless…well, unless, you know, something happens with Stuart.”


“Hey,” Gwyn said. “You can’t move in there, you know. You said his parents are there around the clock. But they’re his parents. You can’t let yourself get obsessed with this.”


“I know that. But I do feel I’m doing some good. But, yes, Friday night celebration. That sounds wonderful,” Ashley said. “I think I’ll bring a few friends. You remember Karen and Jan.”


“He knows Karen and Jan?” Arne said.


“Len was up in Orlando when we were there,” Ashley explained. She shrugged, watching Len’s reaction. She wished so badly that he would focus on Karen. “He met them then.”


Arne made a teasing, disgruntled sound.


“They cute?”


“Well, hell, yes, my friends are cute,” she told him.


“Then I’m glad I’ll get to meet them Friday night. The more the merrier.”


“Great,” she said, and looked at Len.


She couldn’t read anything in his expression, but he told her, “Good. I’ll look forward to it—and of course to seeing the girls again. Do we know where we’re going?”


“Bennigans, out on US1. It’s good, it’s fun, and it’s affordable—since we’re not all getting raises,” Gwyn said.


“I’ll treat you guys,” Ashley told her.