Picture Me Dead

“I…I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment,” she said.


“We don’t expect you to make a decision right now. But you are needed. If you like, you can meet with Commander Allen in the morning and then decide.”


She nodded slowly. “I would like to do that,” she said.


“Great.” He told her where to be, eight o’clock sharp. “Commander Allen or one of his staff can give you a great deal more information about the particulars of the job than I can. I showed him your work, and he was impressed, told me he’d love to have you work with him. It’s very important work. You should know that. And I wouldn’t be speaking with you if I didn’t think you’d be perfect for it.”


“Thank you.”


“Or that you have an enormous talent,” Brennan said. “And it’s not that easy for me to suggest you leave the academy. I enjoy having you in my class.”


She thanked Brennan as well. Though they were both still watching her, reading her reaction to their proposition, she knew she had been dismissed.


“Eight o’clock,” she said.


Brennan grinned. “No matter what you decide, you get to sleep an extra hour tomorrow morning.”


“There you go, a plus already,” she said. She thanked them again and said goodbye. Both men watched her leave the room.


Arne and Gwyn were waiting for her in the parking lot. “My God, what happened? They couldn’t have kicked you out—they couldn’t have!” Gwyn said vehemently.


She shook her head. “They—they do want me to leave the academy.”


“What?” Arne said indignantly.


She explained. Both stared at her dumbfounded.


“Wow,” Gwyn said after a moment. Then she laughed. “Heck, if they’d caught me drawing in class, they’d have fired my ass.”


“Yeah, me too,” Arne agreed. “Cool. That’s a major coup.”


“But I wouldn’t be a cop.”


“They said you could always go back and finish up, right? Don’t be silly, girl. Ashley, it’s your dream job—art plus law enforcement. Take it. We lowly peons will all be looking at you with envy,” Gwyn teased.


“I guess….”


“Hell! Gwyn’s right—jump on it.”


“I have tonight to think about it.”


“What’s to think about?” Gwyn said. She gave Ashley a quick hug. “Congratulations. That’s all I can think of to say.”


“I’ve got to get out of here. It’s my mom’s birthday,” Arne said. “Don’t forget us while you’re busy dealing with the brass, okay?”


“Don’t be silly, she won’t forget us,” Gwyn said. “Once she realizes what she’s been offered and officially takes the position, we’ll celebrate.”


“Of course—if I decide to take the position,” Ashley said. But it was beginning to dawn on her just how much had been offered to her. She would be a fool if she didn’t accept. “I’ve got to get out of here, too. I’ve got to get home and change, and go back to the hospital.”


“Your friend’s still hanging in?”


She nodded. They waved goodbye and headed for their respective cars.


When Ashley reached Nick’s, she was glad to see that the place was quiet. There were a few diners, both inside and out, but there were plenty of staff to take care of them. Nick, Sharon and Sandy were seated at a table together. Ashley didn’t change right away but went straight over to them, anxious to tell her uncle what had happened.


She got the same reaction from all three.


“Wow,” Nick said.


“Incredible,” Sharon told her.


“Great news,” Sandy said with a grin.


“So should I take it?” she asked anxiously, looking at Nick.


“Honey, I don’t see what you’ve got to lose,” he told her. “The captain of personnel said you could pick up where you left off at any time.”


“But I could also finish with my class.”


“And the position might not still be open by then,” Nick countered. “Ashley, a chance to really use a God-given talent to help other people? Think about it!”


“I guess you’re right. Absolutely,” she said, returning Sandy’s grin. She hopped up. “Nick, what’s on special? I want to take a couple of plates to Stuart’s folks at the hospital.”


“Mahimahi Francese.”


“Great. Can I get a couple of orders packed up? I want to change.”


“Sure,” Nick said.


“You change, and we’ll get three orders packed up,” Sharon said. “You’ve got to have some dinner yourself, especially since you get your lunch from that thing you call the ‘roach coach.’”


“I can’t eat with the Fresias,” she said. “I want to sit with Stuart and let them eat together.”


“Then there will be a plate right here before you leave,” Sharon said firmly.


“Okay, okay,” she said with a laugh. She kissed her uncle on the cheek, then Sharon and, because he was there, Sandy.


“Hell, I know lots of cops,” Sandy said. “Now I know a forensic artist.”


She grinned and started from the table, then paused. “Have you seen Detective Dilessio this evening?” she asked.