Picture Me Dead

“Ashley, have we seen enough of the sunrise?”



She smiled. “You bet. You look good in a business suit, in your cutoffs…but man, when you’re wearing my pink robe…”


He let out a laugh, stood and pulled her to her feet.


The sun had risen fully by the time they fell asleep.




Late Sunday afternoon, they awoke. Ashley, opening her eyes, saw that he was already awake and staring up at the ceiling.


“What’s wrong?” she murmured.


He laced his fingers behind his head. “I keep thinking about who Marty’s partner was. I keep trying to do the Sherlock Holmes thing. You know—eliminate the impossible, and what’s left, no matter how implausible, has to be the answer. I can’t seem to eliminate anyone.”




“Being on the Gwendolyn. Being the money—and power—behind the murders and the drugs.”


Ashley hesitated. “Sharon has been acting very strangely.”


“Sharon?” he said skeptically.


“You don’t think it could be her? She’s got money—don’t know how much, but her wardrobe is probably worth more than what a cop makes in a year. She was the one who sold those properties, and she was the first one to recognize Cassie Sewell from my drawing. Are you doubting she could be guilty because she’s a woman?”


“No, I’ve known too many brutal and cunning acts perpetrated by women for that. And you could be right,” he said. Suddenly, he rose, heading for the shower. He spun to face her. “Don’t you dare join me. We’ve got to get started.”


“Started doing what?”


“Eliminating the impossible.”




Ashley was grateful that Katie was working, because she was able to get both Nick and Sharon to join Jake and her in the living room. Sharon was all maternal, asking if she was all right, telling her how she’d hardly been able to sleep after hearing what had happened.


Ashley thanked her for her concern, then plunged right in. “What’s been going on with you?”


Sharon stared at her, going pink, then turned to Nick.


“Sharon, why were you really in my room?” Ashley demanded with exasperation. “What were you planning to talk to me about? And what was your appointment yesterday morning?”


“Oh, Ashley, I—I went to the doctor’s office yesterday morning. I couldn’t believe it at first, and I was so afraid of how Nick and you would feel, but…I’m pregnant.”


Ashley blinked. “Pregnant?”


“Nick and I are going to have a baby.” She paused to meet Nick’s eyes, basking in his smile. “I know I shouldn’t have been in your room, but I thought if I could get to know you better, get a sense of the private you, I could get closer to you, and then maybe you wouldn’t mind so much that…”


She was definitely still overtired, Ashley realized. And so relieved. She burst into laughter. She laughed so hard that tears stung her eyes.


“Oh, no, Nick! She is upset. Ashley, I know Nick’s been like a father to you since you were a little girl, and you’ve been like an only child…”


“I’m not upset,” Ashley managed to say at last. “I’m relie—” Jake stared at her sternly. She caught herself and started over. No need to let Sharon know she had been a suspect, however briefly. “I’m elated. I’m thrilled for you both. I can’t wait to have a little cousin.” She rose quickly, hurried over to Sharon and hugged her tightly. “I couldn’t be happier.”


Nick, looking slightly embarrassed, rose to accept her hug. “It’s scary,” he said huskily. “I’ll be bald and on arthritis medicine by the time the kid graduates from high school. But…I’m thrilled. And I’m thrilled that you’re thrilled.”


“We’re all thrilled,” Jake said, rising as well. “Sharon, Nick, congratulations. Is there any decent champagne in that bar of yours, Nick? My treat.” He slid an arm around Ashley, who was still shaking with relieved laughter.


Sharon begged them both not to say anything yet. She was nervous about carrying the baby and didn’t want to make any announcement until she had passed the first trimester of her pregnancy. One way or the other, though, she and Nick had decided to get married. They were planning the wedding, which would be very small, on a Sunday morning, right there on the docks, in three weeks.


Jake and Ashley promised to keep their secret, then agreed to stand up for them at the wedding.


“What now?” Ashley whispered to Jake.


“Let’s go fishing.”


“Is that a Sherlock Holmes thing, too?”


“No, it’s when you throw a baited hook in the water, and try to catch fish.” He grinned. “I need to clear some cobwebs. Fishing always helps.”




That night, when they’d come in with a nice supply of snapper and a few kingfish, Jake returned to his place, showered and put a call through to Ethan Franklin.


“I need your help. You’re a computer whiz. I need you to find out everything you can about a couple of guys.”


“You got it. And on this one, I’ll even work nights and Sundays.”


“Thanks, Franklin,” Jake said, and gave him a list of four names.