Picture Me Dead

Ashley kissed Lucy goodbye, then headed down a floor and over. She reflected that she was getting to know the hospital far too well.


When she got to Stuart’s floor, the waiting room was empty. She walked tentatively down the hall to his room, hoping the curtains would be open and Nathan would see her, even come out to talk to her.


But as she approached the room, she came to a dead halt. There was a chair in front of the room, with an off-duty police officer in it, just as there should have been.


She was stunned to see that the officer was Len Green.




“Hey, sweetheart.” He stood, a slow smile on his face as he walked over to give her a kiss on the cheek.


She pulled back, looking at him. “Aren’t you supposed to be on duty?”


He shook his head. “I’ve only been here a few minutes.”




“I heard Marty put out a call, and when I heard what he wanted, I volunteered right away.” He lowered his voice. “I didn’t know the money situation with…well, with these people, but since I assumed that you were the one to get the whole thing started, I figured I could put in a few hours for free.”


“That’s great of you, Len.”


“Not a problem.”


“But the Fresias can afford to pay, and unless you’ve won the lottery lately, I’m sure you could use the money.”


Before he could respond, the door opened. Nathan—thinning hair sticking straight up, clothing sadly rumpled—had apparently seen her. She braced herself, not knowing what her welcome would be.


“How’s he doing?” she asked softly.


“No better, but no worse,” he said, and seemed relieved by that small wonder. “Ashley, I didn’t mean to be rude before, but the doctors…well, they were convinced we were letting too many people in, and that someone must have tripped over the cord without knowing it. Of course, the good news is that the machine was off and he was making it on his own. That’s an encouraging sign.”


“That’s great, Nathan,” Ashley said. “And by the way, I’ve just received instructions from your wife. She wants to see you. If you trust me, I’ll stay with Stuart.”


He took her by the shoulders. He didn’t speak but kissed her on the forehead.


“I’m off, then,” he said. He grinned ruefully, proving he was keeping something of a sense of humor. “Maybe I can meet some new friends along the way. I’m starting to think of this place as home.”


She and Len watched him walk down the hall. “Len, bless you for coming. I’m going to go in with him.”


“I’ll be here.”


Ashley went into Stuart’s room. She glanced at her phone quickly to make sure she hadn’t missed a call, then set it for vibrate so it wouldn’t make a shattering noise in the quiet room.


Sitting by Stuart, she listened to the drone, wheeze and hiss of his machines. She took his hand, and, as had become her custom, she began to talk to him, telling him all about her day, and that she and David Wharton were on the trail, though she really didn’t know just what trail they were on yet.


She glanced up. Len was standing outside, arms crossed over his chest, watching her, watching the room.


She felt somehow uneasy and wondered if Len had been able to hear any of her conversation. She hadn’t been speaking loudly, but neither had she whispered.


Len looked grim, but when he caught her eyes on him, he smiled and waved, then brought his hand above his eyes and looked off in each direction, as if he were a lookout on a sailing ship. She smiled and gave him a thumbs-up sign.


Nathan was gone a long time. Ashley didn’t mind—she was more than willing to sit vigil—she was just surprised.


When he returned at last, she realized the reason for the delay. Lucy had apparently talked him into driving home for a shower. His hair was combed, and he was wearing clean clothing. He motioned her to come out, and when she did so, he immediately apologized for taking so long.


“I should have come to tell you, but Lucy said you wouldn’t mind.”


“Nathan, I’d sit here all night if you needed,” she assured him.


“Well, I’m here now. And you’re free.” He kissed her forehead. “Thank you, Ashley. And you, young man,” he told Len, “Thank you, too.”


“Sir, it’s my pleasure,” Len assured him.


Nathan went into Stuart’s room, closing the door behind him.


“Think he’s really going to pull through?” Len asked Ashley softly.


“I know he’s going to pull through,” she responded, perhaps too vehemently.


“Hey, it’s going to be all right.”


“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bite.”


“It’s all right. By the way, congratulations. I heard your drawing brought results. We’ll have a lot to celebrate tomorrow night.”


“Tomorrow night?”


“We’re going out to celebrate your promotion, remember?”


“Yes, I guess I’d forgotten. Oh, by the way, was everything all right when you dropped Karen off last night?”


She thought for a moment that his eyes turned guarded. “What do you mean?” he asked, and it seemed to be his turn to sound sharp.