No One Knows

His phone rang, interrupting their argument. Once. Then silence.

That meant only one thing. He did have friends on this island, friends who were keeping a close watch on the house today while he let his guard down and reconciled with his wife. A quick phone call was the warning sign that someone unwanted had managed to follow them.

Adrenaline shot through his system. He ran to the closet, grabbed the bag, rushed to Aubrey’s side. He pressed a silver handgun into her hands. Her fingers closed around it like she held guns all the time, natural, comfortable.

“What the hell is this?”

“We have to go.”

“What do you mean? Go where?”

“We have to leave. Now.”

“Why don’t you just answer your phone?”

“Aubrey. I don’t have time to explain. If we don’t leave now, we’re dead.”

A voice sounded behind them.

“It’s too late for that.”




Aubrey jerked at the familiar voice. She put her hand behind her, tucked the gun into her waistband.

Derek Allen advanced into the room. He had a wicked black gun in his right hand.

Josh immediately stood between Aubrey and Allen. He’d drawn so smoothly Aubrey hadn’t even seen his arm move. He trained the weapon on Allen. The lethal twin eyes pointed at each other.

“Aubrey, I want you to go down the stairs and out onto the beach. There is a dock there, and a boat. Get in it, get down, and wait for me.” Josh’s voice was calm, collected, and dripping with menace. A stranger’s voice.

Allen shook his head. “Don’t you know I’d never come here alone? The boat’s covered. You aren’t going anywhere.”


Aubrey’s voice was small, frightened. She hated how weak she sounded. Again, and again, someone was taking the choices away from her. Her whole fucking precious little life, other people had made the decisions for her. This time, it was her turn.

She could only hope Allen wouldn’t shoot her on sight, just to get her out of the way. She stepped next to Josh, a show of solidarity.

“Both of you need to put the guns away. We will discuss this like civilized people.”

Josh growled at her without taking his eyes off Allen. “Go in my bedroom and lock the door. Do it now, Aubrey.”

“No. I’m sick of you telling me what to do. You two work it out. I’m no longer involved in this situation. I’m going home.”

She stepped away, turning her back on them both, and went for the stairs.

The shot rang out before she made it four feet, the wood above her head splintering.

“Stop. Right. There.” Allen wasn’t fooling around. Aubrey whirled to face him.

“You bastard. You selfish, horrible bastard. How dare you shoot at me?”

“I didn’t shoot at you, Aubrey, or else you’d be dead. I just -wanted your attention.”

“Well, you have my attention now.” Aubrey stepped back to Josh’s side.

“Where’s the money?” Allen demanded. “Give me the money, and I’ll consider killing you quickly.”

Josh laughed, a hollow sound that gave Aubrey chills. “Not here. Do you think I’m an idiot? I’d never keep the cash on me.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true. Besides, it’s all gone. Why do you think I risked coming back? I need the money from the insurance settlement to keep living.”

“You’re a liar, Joshua Hamilton.”

Aubrey watched them, trying to figure how to get out of there. Allen’s creepy voice, his blank, feral smile. It didn’t take a genius to see the man was incredibly dangerous.

If Josh had been so careful, taken every precaution, managed to elude not only Allen but the authorities, too, for five years, how in the world had they been found so quickly?

Which led her to a moment of sanity. She’d disappeared. Wouldn’t people be looking for her? Well, of course. People must be looking for her. She had no idea how long she’d actually been gone.

People like who, though?

Tyler? He’d rushed off to God knew where, clearing out to give her space to be with Chase. He wouldn’t come around until after the weekend, she was sure.

Arlo? He’d come to pick up her, planning to take her to the police. Too late.

Daisy? Clinging to life in the hospital.

Tom? Worshipping at Daisy’s shrine.

Linda wasn’t expecting her back to work until next week.

Meghan would be worried, absolutely. Not right away, but if a day had passed, then yes, there was a chance she’d get concerned.

Her mind touched on Chase, and her heart constricted. Her breath came short, and she shut her eyes.

A wave of regret flowed through her. Her whole life had become the sum of its parts, and she was alone, surrounded by insanity, on a beach in North Carolina. But the police were supposedly watching. The TBI, too. If they were lucky, maybe they’d find her before she ended up dead on the beautiful white sand.

Josh shot her a look. Distract him.

It might be their only chance.