No One Knows

“Ma’am, why don’t you let us come on in, we can sit down and talk further.”

She let them in, her mind spinning. All of the interaction she’d had with the TBI had been peripheral; she knew they were helping in the search for Josh, but she’d been at the mercy of Metro homicide instead. They were still cops, and because of that, she had no love for them, but they hadn’t done anything to her, either.

She felt stronger now, more in control. She stood straight and looked the taller man in the eye. Saw concern, but nothing else. She led them into the living room. She was glad that she’d cleaned up after Tyler’s big brother act and Chase’s confession.

The three of them sat. She didn’t bother to offer drinks, knowing they probably wouldn’t accept anyway and wanting to get on with it.

“Mrs. Hamilton, are you familiar with a man named Chase Boden?”

There didn’t seem to be any sense in lying. Too many people had seen her with him, at Sam’s, the hospital, the coffee shop. Not to mention snoopy neighbors who might have seen them together on the porch, or walking Winston. And the cops, the day of Daisy’s accident. It would all be very easily checked out.

“He’s a friend of mine. From Chicago.”

“Do you have any idea where Mr. Boden went this afternoon?”

“I’m sorry. I’m confused. What’s going on? How does Mr. Boden relate to my husband?”

Tartt glanced at his partner, then sighed ever so gently and met Aubrey’s eyes.

“Ma’am, this is going to come as quite a shock. There was a sighting of your husband this afternoon.”

“What? Where?”

“He was seen talking to Mr. Boden at the Sheraton downtown.”

Her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest. Had Chase known all along? Had he found Josh during his investigation?

“But . . . how can that be? Josh is dead.”

Tartt said, “I understand this is sudden and confusing, Mrs. Hamilton. But your neighbor said she saw Mr. Boden here this afternoon. Was your husband here as well?”

She was thrust back five years, to the night the detectives had interviewed her. As far as we can tell, Mrs. Hamilton, you were the last one to see your husband alive.

Breathe, Aubrey. Breathe.

Tartt continued in his low, soothing voice. “Ma’am, can you tell us what happened this afternoon?”

The words blurted from her mouth before she had a chance to stop them. “Am I under arrest?”

Shit, Aubrey. Shut up.

The TBI agent leaned back in his seat and eyed her thoughtfully.

“Should you be?”

She waved her hand in front of her face. “Of course not. You’ll understand that given my history, I may be inclined toward concern about false accusations.”

Well said, girl. Give them some attitude. They didn’t get that from you last time around. You don’t let them force you into saying anything you don’t want to say.

“As it happens, Mrs. Hamilton, yes, I completely understand. And in this case, no, you are not a suspect. Not at this time.”

She inclined her head. The caveat was noted.

“Chase and I were seeing each other. We broke up. Who claims they saw him with my husband?”

“I’m not free to release that information to you right now, Mrs. Hamilton.”

She tried to gather herself, tried to breathe. Was it Arlo? Had he put someone on Chase, and on Derek Allen, just to see what was happening?

They were watching her curiously. She pulled herself together, cleared her throat. “I just don’t see how this could be possible.”

“So your husband hasn’t been in touch? No contact?”

“Nothing since he kissed me good-bye at the Opryland Hotel five years ago.”

Tartt nodded. Clearly he was the spokesman of the two.

“Well, ma’am, I’m not sure how to tell you this, so I’m just going to come out and say it. Your husband’s fingerprints were found in Mr. Boden’s hotel room.”

He sat back and watched her try to process the information.

Josh. It wasn’t anyone’s imagination, not anymore. He was alive.

Joy and fear and something else, indefinable, began. No time, Aubrey. You can’t fall apart now. She took a deep breath.

“That’s impossible. Let me assure you, Agent. My husband is dead. He’s been gone for five years. The state declared him dead last Friday. I believe you’ve made a mistake.”

“You’re sure your husband hasn’t been in touch with you?”

“I’m sure. Where is Chase?”

“We were hoping you could tell us that.”

“I have no idea where he is. And I’ll say this one more time, so we’re clear. This is the last I’m going to say it before I make a call and get my lawyer here. My husband is dead. And I think it’s time for you to leave.”

Tartt said, “Of course, Mrs. Hamilton. We understand. All of this has been quite overwhelming for you, I’m sure. We will see ourselves out. But I’m afraid we will have to talk to you again.”


She shut the door behind them and had to force her legs to keep her upright.