Night moves

"At the moment.Because we don't know what we're up against.And I don't think the police will know, either. We have to find out what's in the pictures."


"Oh," Brynmurmured, a chill rippling along her spine. But he was right. Adam hadn't been able to tell them anything.


"I'll start as soon as I get out of here," she said, keeping her eyes downcast so that he wouldn't know what the words had cost her.


"Good. And I think I know where you should start."


"The Sweet Dreams motel?"




"I really can't believe thatHammerfield could...could--"


Lee interrupted her with a sigh. "Bryn, there are a lot of things in life that aren't easy to believe. A lot of ugliness we'd rather not see. I don't want to condemn the man without a trial, but he's our most likely suspect."


Bryn grimaced. She didn't feel much like arguing. She smiled at him, determined to change the subject since she couldn't do a thing from her hospital bed. "I didn't know that you had a sister."


"Two of them, actually.Sally is a few years older than I am; she's the earth mother of the brood. She moved back to theBlack Hillsright after she got out of law school, and she spends half her life defending the underdog, half of it raising apassel of kids." Bryn laughed. It was easy now. Adam was back. "How many are apassel ?''




"That is apassel ." Bryn hesitated for a moment, wondering why she was getting strange feelings about the pretty blonde she had met earlier. "Does your sister Gayle live here in Tahoe?" "No," Lee replied a little uneasily, and Bryn was sure that she was right; Gayle was there for a reason--a reason that she might not like.


"Gayle lives inNew York," Lee said. He bit his lower lip with an idle shrug,then gripped Bryn's hand Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


warmly in his as he met her eyes again with a serious intent. "Bryn, I called Gayle last week, the morning after you broke into my place. I asked her if she and Phil could come out here, then go for a little vacation up to my grandfather's place."


Brynfrowned her confusion. "I don't understand...."' 'Bryn , I want you to let me talk, and I want you to listen to what I'm saying. Having to protect someone else is like having an Achilles' heel. I didn't want to talk to you about this until tomorrow, but...Bryn, I asked Gayle and Phil to come here because I wanted you to meet them and feel comfortable with them. And I want you to let them take the boys up to my grandfather's place in the Hills." "What!" Bryn cried out.


"Would youhush! " Lee demanded, smiling crookedly. "I had to fight all the red tape in the hospital to get to stay here; if you scream like that a second time, they'll come up here and kick me out for sure."


Bryn lowered her voice. She was unaware that she clutched his arm and spoke beseechingly. "Lee, I can't send the kids away! They've only just become secure with me. Adam won't go! He'll think he's being taken away again!"


"No, he won't, Bryn. Not if you convince him it's all right."


"But, Lee, I can't let him go. Not now."


"Bryn, I know that the thought is painful to you. But I've thought this over until it's given me headaches.


No one gets near my grandfather's land undetected. And I have a lot of friends nearby. Blackfoot and half-breeds likemyself who are deeply into their heritage. I'm telling you, nothing could move against those kids in the Hills. And it would be great for them." He shrugged, trying to take a humorous approach to the situation. "Who knows? Maybe Grandfather can convince Adam that throwing food is poor etiquette."




"Come on, Bryn! I'm serious. You're a great parent, but you're a girl. Playing Indian will be great for the boys. They can fish, ride, swim and have a wonderful time. And we can search through those pictures without having the terrible worry about what might be happening to them. We act normal--finish our video during the day and comb the pictures at night. And I promise you that as soon as we finish the video, whether we've discovered anything or not, we'll head on up toSouth Dakotaourselves and meet them there."


Bryn stared at him, both fear and a thrilling curiosity taking hold of her. He kept using the words "we"


and "our." He wanted her with him. For more than a night, more than a brief affair...


"Brief could be defined in many ways, she warned herself sagely. And he wanted her to let the children go away....


She bit her lip, lowering her lashes. He placed a finger beneath her chin, lifting it. There was tenderness gleaming in his golden eyes when he spoke softly to her. "Bryn, I'm not trying to send the boys away because they might be in the way. I like kids, even ones who throw food. I'm thinking of their safety."


She could feel her lip quivering. "I believe you," she said softly.


He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Good," he whispered huskily. "You don't have to decide right now. Tomorrow, when you get to know Gayle a little better, you can make up your mind."