Night moves

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She shut up, reflexively and incredulously doing as she had been told. No wonder the dark hair had looked so ridiculous. It was a wig. She started to smile. Lee had made Andrew dress up in costume to be near her. She reached for themustache . It ripped away with more resistance than she had expected.


"Ouch!" Andrew gasped, falling to the embankment with her, his eyes reproachful. "I didn't tell you to rip the bloodymustache off!"


She laughed, but the sound was distant and far away.As distant as the sound of sirens. The world was fading in and out once more, and her eyelids were too heavy to hold open.


She knew she was in a hospital the second time she opened her eyes. She saw the neat sterility of her sheets, the white purity of the wall. She felt the soft, fresh embrace of a comfortable bed.


Adam! Adam was all right. He was home with Lee. It hurt a little bit to move her eyes, but she did so.


She was definitely in a hospital. There was a small yellow chest beside the bed, a TV suspended on the far wall and a rolling tray parked near the bed. And there was a chair at her side. A young woman was sitting init, a blonde who had her head dipped low over a magazine.


Bryn frowned. The woman wasn't a nurse; she was dressed in a light mauve sweater and an attractive plaid skirt. As Bryn stared at her dazedly, the woman looked up and offered her a warm smile. She was very pretty with that smile, Bryn thought vaguely. She seemed full ofvibrance and natural warmth.


"How wonderful to see you with us again!" the woman exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "I've got to run out and get the doctor--"


"Wait!" Bryn pleaded, discovering belatedly that when she shouted, her head began to pound. The woman paused, and Bryn said quickly, "Who are you?"


The woman laughed."Oh, Bryn! I'm so sorry. I'm Gayle Spencer."


"Gayle Spencer?" Bryn repeated. "Lee asked me to sit with you."


Great.Her head was breaking, she must look like death warmed over and Lee had sent a lovely blonde to watch her. As if reading her thoughts, the blonde smiled. "I'm Lee's sister." Bryn's eyes must have widened with amazement, and the pretty girl continued with a grimace, as if she were accustomed to a startled reaction.' 'No , neither of us was adopted! Lee looks like my dad, and I resemble mother. And I'm married; that's why our names are different."


Bryn laughed. Gayle Spencer had spoken with such a nice sense of humor. Then she found that laughing hurt, and she sobered. "Where's Lee?" she asked softly.


Gayle grimaced again."Flirting with a nurse, but for a good cause. They keep telling him that your nephews can't come in, and Lee is determined that you'll get to see Adam!"


"Adam!" Bryn cried out, forgetting about her head. "I have to see him!"


"Oh, don't worry. Lee usually gets his way! Now let me get that doctor, before I get myself fired!"


Bryn closed her eyes again when Gayle smiled reassuringly,then ducked outside the room. What had happened, she asked herself. She could remember the horrible jolt and the crunching sound, and then Andrew... Andrew with that ridiculous wig.... She'd had an accident with the van, but apparently it wasn't Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


that bad. Her head hurt because she had cracked it against the steering wheel. She'd had an accident....


Because a dark sedan had purposely run into her...."Ah, Miss Keller!" A doctor walked into the room.


He was a gray-haired man with warm blue eyes that instantly inspired trust. He walked with the quick efficiency that belonged to a doctor, too, Bryn thought with a slight smile.


"Good, good," he said, reaching for her hand and patting it feeling for her pulse. "Let me just take a look deep into your eyes now__"


She flinched reflexively as he sent the ray from a pencil-thin flashlight beaming first into her right eye, and then into her left. "Good!" he said again, switching off the light. "I'm DoctorKelten ," he informed her, sliding a chilly stethoscope against her chest and smiling once more, satisfied with the results. "How do you feel?"


"Not terrible," Bryn told him. "It only hurts when I laugh or look around too quickly."


"That's to be expected. You're a lucky young lady. You've got a bit of a concussion, but a very minor one. We want to keep you overnight for observation, but we'll let you go home tomorrow. How's that sound?"


"I could probably go home now--" "But it wouldn't be wise." He tucked the sheets back around her and began to make atsking sound of irritation. "These hit and run things! How anyone could cause an accident and then drive off-- Well, it's just beyond me! The police are going to want to talk to you, but I've fended them off for the day. You justlie quietly, young lady and tomorrow, everything will look a whole lot better!"