Night moves

"It's really..."


Her voice trailed away as she felt his hands on her shoulders. The caress was gentle, and yet the roughness of his palms seemed to emphasize the complete maleness of him. She felt that he watched the movement of his hands over her flesh, and that his eyes caressed her. His body was solid and hard behind hers; she could feel his breathing and his being.


And then he was turning her around. One arm slipped around her back; his free hand cupped her chin, tilting her head so that their eyes met.


Slowly he lowered his lips to hers. They touched down gently, persuasively, and yet with full, consuming purpose. Her lips parted to his, and his leisurely exploration continued. His tongue was rough velvet as it delved to find hers and gently duel. She found herself moving closer to him, feeling all of him with that kiss, the male power and security of his embrace, the pressure of his hips, the potency of his manhood. It frightened her; it fascinated her. It made her breathless as the night spun around her. The scent and taste of him, the wonder...


She could so easily be lost. So easily forget pain, forget the future. Forget that it would be easy to fall in love with him, love him deeply if she gave herself half a chance, and then knowa heartache as deep as her love, regret as bitter as his touch was sweet. Forget... Forget...the pictures!


Bryn placed her hands against his chest and at length broke the embrace, lowering her head against his shoulder,' then trying to smile enticingly as she met his eyes again. She needed to seduce; not to be seduced. If he had any more of her, he would have the power; he would have control of her senses, and his strength, if she played too far, was far greater than hers. You couldn't tease a man like this one....


"Go slowly, please, Lee?" she whispered shakily, but at least it sounded real. Her lips were moist and trembling; her head was spinning.


He smiled, releasing her, and at last she felt steady--and annoyed to realize that the kiss had played far more havoc with her senses than his.


"As slow as you like," he told her. She smiled again, moving away a bit. "Let's go back downstairs," he said. She nodded, collected her drink from him, took his hand and followed him out.


Lee showed her the large, modern kitchen, the handsomely appointed dining room, then led her back to the modular sofa. "Want your drink freshened?"




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A moment later he was sitting beside her again.Watching her. A little shiver rippled through her as she gazed back into his eyes. The gold seemed extremely sharp and alert. Did he know that she had come in pursuit of something?


"Tell me about yourself, Lee," she said hurriedly, taking a long sip of her gin and tonic. "Where were you born?"


"In theBlack Hills."


"You grew up there?"


"Some. But we spent a lot of time inNew York.You?"


"Born and raised inLake Tahoe." Bryn hesitated, wondering why she was asking the question.' 'Barbara said that you had been married...for five years. That you're a widower."




Just yes, nothing more.She didn't seem to be wedging her way into his confidence very well.


Lee was surprised when she turned to him slightly and touched his face, gently running her knuckles over the contours of his cheeks. Her eyes followed her movements; her lips were slightly parted, and though she had claimed she wanted to go slowly, she was very seductively poised.


Too seductively.He wasn't sure how far he could trust his control if she moved against him again, sleek, coming to him like an elegant kitten. She closed her eyes and came even closer, seeming to melt into his arms. He could feel the contours of her body, so gracefully sliding against him. And she was a very beautiful woman, especially in the physical sense. The breasts that taunted him were high and provocatively full. His hand moved to her invitingly trim waistline; the flare of her hip was an irresistible temptation...


She kissed him.Lightly. She had meant to move away quickly, he was certain, but he caught her and swept her long legs over his lap, imprisoning her in his embrace. He deepened the kiss and allowed his palm to move leisurely down her cheek to her throat, to cover and caress the swell of her breast....


He took his lips from hers, but kissed her cheek. His fingers tangled in the silk of her hair, and he kissed that ivory length, drawing lazy patterns with the tip of his tongue.






"We...uh...we still haven't talked much."


He stopped kissing her and stared into her eyes. There was a gentle, amused gleam in them as he cradled her close.


"Talk," he said softly. She didn't detect the note of suspicion and danger in his tone.




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