Night moves

"I'll pick you up and the kids for a picnic or something on Sunday, if that's okay," Lee said.


Sunday?No, it was days away! She cleared her throat. Her voice was still husky.Very husky. As sensual as,..a practiced whore's. "You asked me over for a glass of wine. If that invitation still stands, I'd like to drive over tonight."


His brows rose again; she could sense his skepticism. But then he shrugged. "You're welcome anytime.


We're not having a band practice tonight, so I'll be free."


Bryn swallowed and nodded. Now her voice seemed thin, as if someone else were talking. "I have to Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


see if Barb can stay with the kids, but she promised that she would this week.Eight-thirty."


"Whenever you can come."


He released her,then dug in his pockets for a pencil. He turned back to the piano bench and found an old scrap of paper, scratched out an address and handed it to her.


"See you later then," he murmured. Andrew was calling to him. He stepped by her and Bryn realized that she was shaking again.


Ateight o'clockthat night Lee sat on his living-room sofa with his feet propped up on the coffee table, brooding as he stared at the glass of Scotch in his hand.


His eyes scanned the handsomely appointed room, and he scowled.


He knew someone had been in the house again. He had locked it securely when he had suddenly been called in to sign a contract amendment, but he was certain that someone had been in. He felt it. But there had been no way to get one of the others to house sit for all those hours, not when he wanted them to keep an eye on Bryn. He might still be going on something entirely crazy.


He sighed and glanced at his wristwatch.Eight-fifteen. She was due any minute.Which led to another dilemma. Why the sudden change in Bryn? He had wanted her since he had first seen her; his fascination had soon grown into something much greater. He should be enthusiastic and glad to know that she would shortly be here....


The pity was,he didn't trust her, or the situation, or something. Yet, he thought, smiling slowly, there had been no way for him not to accept the invitation she had given. She might be up to something, but he was enough the male savage to let her have her way until he discovered just what it was....


"Not a savage, just a fool!" he mocked himself aloud, raising his glass to the arrow collection that decked the wall."A fool who is definitely falling more than a little in love."


The doorbell rang, and he laughed at himself dryly as he rose. She was here.Early. He knew for a fact that she wanted something, but as he had promised himself, he was going to let her try to get it.


He wasn't quite as hardened and prepared as he would have liked to have been when he opened the door. Not when he saw her.


She had dressed the part.


Her hair was loose and flowing, curling and waving over sleek shoulders bared by the halter top of the backless sun dress she wore. It was perfect. Not overly dressy; casual, but completely feminine. The skirt was blue; it swayed about her knees while the tight waistline emphasized the beauty of her dancer's figure.


Her eyes were dazzling as she greeted him with a brilliant, smile. "Hi. I...uh...made it."


He stepped back and offered her a deep welcoming bow. "Then step into the wolf's den, Miss Keller."


He chuckled softly as he saw her ivory skinblanche .' 'Just teasing, Bryn. But do come on in."


She stepped inside, and he closed the door behind her. She carried a soft gauze wrap, and he took it Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


from her and hung it in the entry closet. She was gazing about the room when he turned back to her.


"It's a beautiful place," she said softly.


"Thanks.It's home."


She laughed a little nervously.' 'I think I expected something different. Iron gates and a crowd of servants."


"I don't like a lot of people around," he said briefly. "I have a housekeeper who comes in daily, but that's it. Would you like a tour?"




He smiled. "Over there you will see the piano where I do most of my work in its initial stages. Over there you will see my desk. Over there you will see a small bar. What can I get you?"


"Gin and tonic?"


"With lime?"




She was still standing in the exact same spot after he had mixed her drink. He carried it over to her, took her clutch purse and tossed it on the couch, and took her elbow.


"I thought you came willingly," he told her with one brow lifted sardonically high. She flushed, but he still sensed her unease. She took a quick sip of her drink and pointed to the arrows on the wall.


"Can you really shoot those things?"


"Yes, I can really shoot them."