Mistress of the Game

chapter Twenty-Nine


Her plan was audacious. She calculated its chances of success at around 20 percent. Better odds than Jamie McGregor had when he survived those land mines in the Namib desert.

Forcing herself to stay calm, Lexi folded Eve's letter and slipped it into her bra. Then, making a deliberate effort to slow her breathing, she walked downstairs. By some miracle, the entryway was deserted. She could hear Gabe and Robbie's voices in her father's study. She would have to act quickly.

"Come in. I've been expecting you."

She opened the front door to the house with a smile. Two cops stood on the porch. One was young, not more than thirty, good-looking and Hispanic. The other was older, about Lexi's own age, pale-skinned and balding. I wonder which one is the boss?

Both men looked awkward. To be greeted by Lexi Templeton herself, still in her wedding dress, seemed to throw them off stride. Didn't people like her have butlers to answer the door? And how in the hell was she expecting them?

Lexi said, "Follow me. I'll take you somewhere we can talk in private."

Detective Shaw looked at Detective Sanchez. Normally, they took the lead when making an arrest. But Lieutenant Carey had made it very clear he wanted this thing handled "softly softly." They decided to let it slide.

"Sure thing, ma'am. After you."

Lexi took them to the library. On the second floor of the house, it had once been Kate Blackwell's pride and joy. A sumptuous, welcoming room with wine-red brocade chairs and cozy, wood-paneled walls, it oozed understated wealth and breeding. Class. Lexi gestured for the policemen to sit down. She locked the door behind them. "So we won't be disturbed."

Detective Shaw began. "We're sorry to have to do this on your wedding day, ma'am."

Lexi shook her head. "Please, don't apologize. You're doing your job. I'm assuming you received a copy of a letter from my aunt, Eve Blackwell?"

The detectives exchanged glances again.

"That is why you're here, isn't it?"

Detective Sanchez said: "I'm afraid we're not at liberty to discuss that, ma'am."

"You do know she was insane? Toward the end, she barely knew her own name, poor thing."

"I think it would be better if we had this conversation at the station."

Lexi's face fell. "I see." She looked so beautiful, so vulnerable, in her wedding dress, Detective Sanchez felt horrible. He wanted to make love to her, not arrest her.

"Am I under arrest?"

"Well...we'd rather not make it formal till we get to the station," he said kindly. "You have the right to have a lawyer present. I think the less said right now the better."

Lexi nodded calmly. "I quite understand. Can you give me a few minutes to change and talk to my husband?"

Detective Shaw looked uncomfortable. "I don't know about that, ma'am."

"Please. I'd like to explain to him about this misunderstanding before we leave."

Detective Shaw thought: Misunderstanding, my ass.

Detective Sanchez said: "Of course. Take your time."

Once Lexi had gone, Detective Shaw let his partner have it. "What the hell was that about? We're supposed to be bringing her in for fraud, not asking her on a date."

"Come on, man. It's her wedding day. Have a heart, would you?"

"She's a crook, Antonio."

Detective Sanchez shrugged. "It's still her wedding day."

Gabe ran into Lexi at the top of the stairs.

"There you are. Where on earth have you been? I've been looking for you for hours."

"I'm sorry, darling." She kissed him, savoring the feel of his lips on hers. I can't lose him. I can't.

"Do you know the police are here? Security just spoke to Robbie. They said they had to speak with you urgently."

"I know. I let them in. They're here to arrest me."

Gabe's eyes widened. "Arrest you? Arrest you for what?"

Lexi took his hand and led him back into the bedroom, locking the door behind them. There was no way around it. She would have to tell him the truth. Without Gabe's help, and Robbie's, her plan would fail.

"You remember when you proposed to me? At the abortion clinic?"

Gabe shuddered. Memories of that day - how close they'd come to losing little Max - still gave him nightmares.

"Of course I do."

"Do you remember what you said to me?"

"Something along the lines of "Will you marry me,' I suspect. Why?"

"No." Lexi looked at him urgently. "Your exact words. Do you remember?"

"Not exactly, no. But why is it so - "

"You said: 'Nothing is unforgivable.'" Lexi clasped his hand. "You said: 'Whatever you've done, Lexi, I don't care. I love you as you are.'"

Gabe remembered. He remembered his desperation that day. He'd have done anything to get her back.

"Did you mean it?"

He thought for a moment.

"Yes. I meant it. Whatever trouble you're in, Lex, you can tell me. We'll face it together."

Reaching down her dress, Lexi pulled out Eve's letter.

"Read this."

Sidney Sheldon's books