Last Kiss

‘I’d charge people to visit, but I doubt the landlord would like me turning his place into a tourist attraction.’

‘I guess not.’ She smiled again. She needed to talk about the case, but first she had to deal with unfinished business. ‘I meant what I said – that I was sorry for not being in touch. I know I was the one who encouraged you to come clean, before the suspension.’

‘I came clean, as you call it, because it was the right thing to do, not because of anyone else.’

‘I know that, but still.’

He slammed the cups on the table. ‘It’s been six months, Kate. A phone call wouldn’t have taken a lot.’

‘That works both ways.’

‘You’re right there, but then again, you’re always right.’

He didn’t sound in a forgiving mood, she thought, as he placed a stainless-steel teapot, a carton of milk and a bowl of sugar on the table. Best to move the conversation to safer ground.

‘You know the initial autopsy report confirmed Rick Shevlin was administered sedatives prior to his death, enough to knock out a horse. They would have rendered him defenceless within minutes.’

‘So I heard from my enthusiastic replacement. I also heard that you believe the killer is female, and the connection to the Tarot cards is some kind of signature.’

‘Our killer likes to play with mirrors, duplicating the crime scene, and the image of the Hangman card.’ She took the card out of her bag and handed it to O’Connor.

‘It’s the number twelve. Is that of any consequence?’

‘It could be. Some of this is in my report, which no doubt you’ll get to see tomorrow. The card represents acceptance, renunciation and the forming of a new point of view, although a clear interpretation can only be made when it’s seen with the other cards in the spread.’

‘How many cards are in a spread?’

‘Minimum of three, but it could be more.’

He looked at the card again. ‘And we’re not talking about a novice here?’

‘Unlikely. And she is getting more out of the scene than the killing itself. The level of attack suggests heightened anger, determination and detachment.’

‘Not a pleasant cocktail, Kate.’

‘No, it isn’t.’

‘You sound like this case is getting under your skin.’

His tone was mellowing. Maybe this wouldn’t be as difficult as she’d initially thought. ‘There must have been an enormous level of hurt and emotional damage to drive someone to this, especially a woman.’

‘Are you still seeing the good in the bad guys?’

‘Some people are more mad than bad.’

‘Maybe so, but pardon me for feeling more sympathy for the corpse than the killer.’ He stood up from the table and went to the window. ‘Christ, I’m looking forward to getting back to work.’

‘How do you feel about working under Mark Lynch?’

‘Probably as happy as he feels about working with me.’

‘Will he look on you as a threat, do you think?’

‘The force is full of egos, Kate. Now, tell me more about this killer.’

‘Whoever she is, she’s particular. The way she sets the scene is almost as if she is creating a piece of artwork. It tells us she takes pride in what she does. She has an ego. All of this is important to her. She is precise in her goal and her disposition of it, but the attack and the aftermath must be viewed as two separate components. There was a stressor of some kind, but she has an ability to detach. Once she’d slit the victim’s throat, and released her rage, there was no remorse shown. Most likely she enjoyed the aftermath. Rick Shevlin was no longer a person to her. He became part of the image she desired.’

‘Not someone you’d want to get friendly with, then?’

‘As I said in my report, with that level of detachment, whoever did this is capable of giving the illusion that they live a normal life, meaning they will be able to integrate socially. We’re looking at someone with intelligence in the higher percentile, ninety-five per cent or more, who has the presence of mind to calculate, to prepare, to keep her head level and be emotionally controlled when required. She is patient in completing her tasks, no matter how long that takes. As I said to Mark at the start of all this, the killer won’t be easy to find.’ She paused.

‘And he’s got nothing from any of the ex-girlfriends either?’ His response sounded like a judgement.

‘No, but now we have a new development. He thinks he’s found another victim, an old case.’

‘When did you hear that?’

‘About an hour ago, before I phoned you.’

‘Go on.’

‘The case is outside the jurisdiction.’


‘Paris, nine years ago.’