In the Dark

“You’d be the first one I’d go to,” Jay assured him solemnly.


“Interesting that you’d say so—with Seth Granger here and ready to pay.” And in the Tiki Hut at that moment, David realized. Granger was a big man and in excellent shape for his sixty-odd years. He was speaking with Ally Conroy, mother of Zach, at the bar. She was at least twenty years his junior, but he’d gathered from their bits of conversation before the swim that she was a widow, worried about rearing her son alone. Seth wasn’t all that well-liked by many people, yet Ally seemed to be giving him the admiration he craved. Maybe they were a perfect fit.


“Seth…well, you know. He’s always looking for something to bug his way into. Hell, why not? He’s rich, and he loves the sea, and he’d like to make a name for himself in his retirement years. Don’t you love it? Tons of money, no real knowledge, yet he wants to be right in the thick of things. Executive turned explorer.”


“Why not?” David said with a shrug. “Most expeditions need financial backing.”


“Yeah, why not? It’s what I’d love to do myself. I’ve got a great job here, mind you—but I sure wish I had his resources. Or your reputation. Every major corporation out there with a water-related product to sell is willing to finance you—even on a total wild-goose chase.”


“You know me—game for anything that has to do with the water,” David murmured absently.


Alex was leaning very close to John Seymore now. In a moment she’d be spilling out of her dress.


“Excuse me,” he said to Jay, rising, then went up to the couple on the floor. Alex wouldn’t be happy, but if John Seymore was really such an all-right kind of guy—or even pretending to be one—he would show him the courtesy of allowing him to cut in.


A tap on Seymore’s shoulder assured him that he had correctly assessed the situation. The other man, his eyes full of confident good humor, stepped back.


Alex gave David a look of sheer venom. But she wasn’t going to cause a scene in the Tiki Hut. She slipped into his arms.


“What are you doing?” she asked him.




“You know I don’t want to dance with you.”


He ignored her and said, “I guess you haven’t had a chance to talk with Seymore yet.”


“John and I have done lots of talking.”


“Well, I happened to mention to him one of the reasons I’m here.”


“And it has something to do with me?”




She arched a delicate eyebrow. “I guess you’re going to tell me—whether I want to know or not.”


“We’re not divorced.”


“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said sharply. “I filed papers, you signed them.”


“I don’t quite get it myself, but apparently there was some little legal flaw. I must not have signed on all the dotted lines. The documents were never properly filed, and therefore the decision was declared null and void. I know what a busy woman you are, but I need to ask you when would be a good time to get together with my lawyer and rectify the situation.”


She wasn’t even pretending to dance anymore. She just stood on the floor, staring at him. His arms were still around her, tendrils of silky soft, newly washed blond hair slipping over his hands, teasing in their sensuality. He knew he needed to move away, but he didn’t.


“That’s impossible!” she exclaimed.




She stared at him, still amazed. “I don’t…I…can’t…”


“Look, Alex, I know how eager you are to be completely rid of me. I’m sorry. But as of this moment, we are still married.”


He wondered if lightning would come out of the sky to strike him dead.


It didn’t.


God must have understood his situation.


“It’s…it’s impossible,” she repeated.


He shrugged, as if in complete understanding of her dismay. “I’m sorry.”


Something hardened in the depths of her ever-changing, sea-green eyes. “I’ll make time to see your attorney.”


“Great. We’ll set it up. Well, lover boy is waiting, so I’ll let you go in a sec. But first I need you to listen to me. Alex, I’m begging you, listen to me. You’ve got to be careful.”


She pulled back, searching his eyes, then shaking her head. “David, I understand why you’re here, and frankly, I’m surprised you took the time to actually ask what would be convenient for me. But I don’t quite get this sudden interest. Where’s Bebe whats-her-name? Or the thin-but-oh-so-stacked Alicia Farr, the Harvard scholar?”


Her question sent an eerie chill up his spine. I think she’s your disappearing body.


“Alex, I’m afraid you’re in danger.” His words, he realized, sounded stiff and cold.


She shook her head. “No one else believes I discovered a corpse. Why should you?”


Heather Graham's books