In the Dark

The woman with the guns had said she wanted everything. What did that mean?


Had David failed to follow through with all the names of the agents she’d given new faces? That was the only marketable asset Elizabeth possessed in this lethal scenario. But why would David be tray his country—and her—and then fall down on the job?


Maybe he’d been killed before he could provide the full list. Why then had it taken these goons three months to come looking for the rest?


It didn’t make sense.


Did criminal activities ever make sense?


She scrubbed her hands over her face and exhaled loudly. Would Dr. New man miss her this morning and call her house to see where she was? When he didn’t get her would he contact the police?


She didn’t think so. He could well assume that she’d had a personal emergency come up. She was an adult after all, one who had recently rebuffed his advances at that. He might not care to pursue the question of where she was this morning.


So what did she do?


Could she just stand here waiting for one of her captors to decide it was time to kill her? Did she dare assume that she was some sort of bargaining chip who would be kept alive for trading purposes?


She just didn’t have any experience in this sort of situation. But the one thing she did know was that being a victim, to some extent, was a choice. She could stand here feeling helpless until they came for her or she could devise a way to fight back.


She’d always struggled to reach her goals, never once giving up. She had to do that now, had to find a way to help her self. She might not escape, but she would die trying.


She had nothing to lose by tackling the boards over the window again. That appeared to be her only viable means of possible escape.


After swiping her damp palms against her pants she grabbed hold of a board and pulled with all her might. It didn’t budge much, but it did give a little.


Even that little bit gave her hope.


She worked harder, struggled with all her might.


The first board came loose, sending her staggering back ward. She barely managed to stay on her feet.


Her heart pounding with anticipation, she laid the board aside and reached for the next one.


She could do this.


She had to do this.


Her life depended upon it.


The door suddenly flew open and Elizabeth pivoted to face what would no doubt be one of her captors.


Her heart surged into her throat.




She rushed across the room and into his arms. Tears streamed down her cheeks but she didn’t care. She was just so damned glad to see him. How had he found her?


She hadn’t heard a scuffle. Had he killed those two awful people holding her here?


“Thank God you found me,” she murmured against the welcoming feel of his wide shoulders. “I’m so sorry I made you leave last night. We should have made love again.”


Last night felt like a life time ago now, but she had to tell him the truth now, right this second. She wouldn’t leave him hanging another moment.


“You were right, Joe, it’s too late for me, too. I love you.” She drew back and looked into his eyes. “I should have—”


Her stomach bottomed out and every ounce of relief she’d felt drained away as surely as Agent Dawson’s blood had.


She knew those eyes…not contacts…recognized those lips… This wasn’t Hennessey…this was… “David.” But he was dead…wasn’t he?






Chapter 12





Joe’s flight landed in New ark, New Jersey, twenty minutes earlier than scheduled. He grabbed his carry-on bag, the only one he’d brought with him, and waited for an opportunity to merge into the line of passengers heading for the exit at the front of the plane.


After disembarking he made his way to the terminal exits and hailed a cab. He gave the ware house address and relaxed into the seat. It was five twenty-two. Thirty minutes from now he would arrive at his rendezvous point and the game would begin.


One call to the man on the ground here in Jersey and his contact had agreed to meet with him at six o’clock.


Ginger was her name.


She’d been expecting to hear from him weeks ago. Lowering his voice and summoning that gravelly tone Maddox used, Joe had explained that his assignment had kept him under deep cover far longer than he’d anticipated, but he was back now. He needed to touch base and get a status on how the operation was proceeding. He’d considered demanding to know why only three agents had been taken out so far but since he didn’t know the ultimate reasoning behind that move, he didn’t risk it. For all he knew Maddox could have dictated the dates each hit would go down.


Heather Graham's books