Bad Move (Zack Walker Series, Book One)

"Yes, that was it."


"That fucker. He's turning up everywhere tonight. You know what he did?" He was asking Greenway.


"What did he do?"


"He fucking hit me right in the head with a robot."


Greenway appeared to be considering whether this was something he wanted to follow up on, then decided against it. But Rick wasn't through: "And I was really prepared to like the guy, you know? He wrote this book I got from the prison library, about these Earthlings who go to another planet, and they try to get everyone to stop believing in God, but when they do, there's all this shit." He paused. "I don't read all that many books, you know."


"Really," said Greenway.


"But I really liked that one. He told me he's writing a sequel, although I got a feeling he may not get a chance to finish it." He smiled to himself. "I'm gonna have to drop in on him again. He's got some of the coolest toys. Check this out." He pulled my Batmobile from his jacket pocket.


"That's very nice, Rick."


"You press this little button here on the hood, and this chain cutter pops out of the front bumper. It used to have an antenna, but I guess that snapped off."


That son of a bitch. Mint condition since I was seven years old, and now this.


Greenway waited a second to see whether Rick was done, concluded that he was, and said to Carpington, "Roger, why did this Walker guy come to see you?"


"Like I said, he wanted to know about Stefanie. What happened to her?"


"From what I understand," Greenway said, "someone broke into her house and killed her. She'd been hit in the head."


"Oh my God."


"I know. It's been a terrible blow for all of us. She was a very special lady. I still can't believe it's happened." He said this all very evenly, as though he'd rehearsed it. Calmly, he asked, "It wasn't you, was it, Roger? Did you have a bit of a tiff with Stefanie?"


He recoiled in horror. "What? Of course not! It's not my style to go around hitting people in the head. Or leaving them dead in creeks, for that matter." Carpington was looking at Rick when he said this. "You said that was going to look like an accident."


Rick shrugged.


"You said it would look like he'd tripped and hit his head and drowned. But the police say he was murdered, that his head was bashed in before he hit the water. You're an amateur, you know that?"


Rick said, "Maybe you need a bit more time in the trunk."


Carpington thought about that. "No. That won't be necessary. All I'm saying is, it was supposed to be an accident."


"Water under the bridge, as they say," said Greenway. "We have to deal with things as they are now, not as we wish they were. The police have been to see me about Mr. Spender, but I can assure you that they don't think we have anything to do with this. We are businessmen. We don't handle things that way."


Carpington swung his head back and forth briefly, as though trying to make the madness go away. He stopped, glared at Greenway accusingly. "Is it standard business practice to take pictures of people when they're making love?"


"I'm sorry, Roger, what's that?"


The councilman pulled the folded print out of his inside jacket pocket and thrust it before the developer. Greenway opened the Caddy door so the dome light would come on and examined the picture. Rick leaned in for a look.


"I always said Stef had nice tits," Rick said. "Do you have more of these?"


"Well, Roger, how did you happen to come into possession of this?" Greenway asked.


"Walker. He gave it to me. Said he's got the negatives. How would he have these? Is he working for you? Did you have these taken? Walker said there was a camera in the ceiling."


"That is interesting," Greenway said, thinking. To Rick: "Does any of this make any sense to you?"


"I haven't really had a chance to update you, Mr. Greenway. But you know how you sent me out earlier, to try to find Stefanie and see if she'd run off with the ledger -"




"- I went by her mom's house, and she said this guy had been by looking for her, said he had something of hers, which kind of sounded like bullshit, but I also thought it sounded kind of suspicious, so I tracked this guy down through his e-mail address, and it turned out to be this asshole who wanted his shower fixed? Remember you sent me out there to have a look at it?"


Greenway's head went up and down slowly. "The obnoxious man who came by the office, when Mr. Spender dropped by."


Obnoxious? I was the one who was obnoxious?


"Yeah, same guy, I guess. So I go see him, and he hands me Stefanie's purse."


"What was he doing with Stefanie's purse?"


Stretched out on the plywood floor, my head tucked low, I thought, Man, this is confusing.


"Said he'd found it, was trying to give it back. So I dumped it out, right, but there's no ledger there. It's too big to fit in it, I think. But you know what was in there?"


Linwood Barclay's books